Human temperament and its types

Human temperament - these are individual characteristics that determine the characteristics of mental processes, emotional reactions and the form of behavior. It depends on him such qualities as mobility, speed of reaction or activity. Studies of human temperament began a few centuries ago, as indicated by the works of ancient Greek philosophers.

To begin with, it is worth noting that the temperament and character of a person are completely different things. Character - these are the qualities that are formed, starting from the moment of birth. They completely depend on the influence of the environment - the behavior of parents and loved ones, the way of life, some important events, work, etc.

Human temperament is an innate quality that is inherent in nature. It demonstrates the dynamism of personality and affects the formation of character. But it should be understood that the views, interests, beliefs and other indicators of personality cannot be attributed to the characteristics of temperament.

Human temperament and its main characteristics

The modern doctrine of temperament was laid down by the works of the famous researcher I. Pavlov, who believed that the dynamics of mental processes depends on two main processes in the nervous system - inhibition and excitement. These processes depend on three of the following factors:

  • strength - the ability of neurons to tolerate concentrated or prolonged nervous excitement;
  • balance, which characterizes the harmonious correlation of the processes of excitation and inhibition;
  • motility - is responsible for the rapid occurrence of a response to an external stimulus, the rate of development and attenuation of nervous processes.

Temperament and its types

So, modern psychologists distinguish four main types of human temperament:

  • choleric;
  • sanguine person;
  • melancholic;
  • phlegmatic person;

Each of these types has its own characteristics, on which the behavior and dynamism of a person depends.


The features of such a nervous system are strong, balanced and mobile processes of excitation - inhibition. All emotions and feelings in such a person arise quickly and manifest strongly, but also fade. A person with this type of temperament is an optimist with a good mood. He easily adapts to the new environment and quickly becomes the "soul of the company." Always ready to make new friends and come to their aid.

On the other hand, his feelings are very unstable. The fiery interest in any person or job quickly fades away. A person can quickly change anger to mercy and vice versa. But mental or physical labor, especially if it is associated with stress, quickly tires a sanguine person and he loses interest in him.


People with a similar temperament can be called overly emotional, hot-tempered, unbalanced. If we talk about the qualitative characteristics, then here the processes of excitation prevail over the inhibition of the reaction. That is why choleric people are so unrestrained, irritable and impulsive.

The speech of such people is quick and hasty, accompanied by sharp gestures and very expressive facial expressions. As for adaptation in society, such a person sometimes seems very harsh, intolerant and unrestrained, and his judgments are subjective.

In their work, choleric people are energetic and purposeful, with pleasure they give all of themselves to the cause. But the nervous system, which is constantly in tension, can be depleted. In this case, the person weakens, feels overwhelmed and unhappy.

Phlegmatic person

A person with such a temperament is always calm and balanced, almost never lose his temper. But along with this, he is a little slow, and sometimes inert to others. In such people, emotions do not manifest themselves in any way - they are restrained and cold-blooded.


All mental processes in such a person proceed slowly, the reaction to events takes a long time to form. And although the emotions and feelings of such people do not form immediately, they are very deep and strong. Melancholics are very vulnerable, any resentment is difficult to tolerate, and sometimes even leads a person to deep depression.

The temperament of a person plays a huge role in his life. But it should be understood that the above forms of temperament in their pure form are extremely rare. More often than not, human temperament is a mixture of two or even three varieties.


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