Moscow clubs: review, description, addresses

The modern world offers a huge number of establishments where you can not only relax well, but also learn something new, chat with interesting people and express your preferences. Regular meetings of people with a common goal in a particular place have long been called clubs. We are talking not only about nightclubs, where you can have a good time, having fun dancing and trying various cocktails, but also about societies that are united by the same interests and hobbies, for example, like football or golf clubs. Communication is a gift to humanity, and it must be used to the maximum. That is why you need to constantly make contact with other people, share information and get a positive result. Moscow clubs provide such an opportunity and create all conditions so that communication is not only beneficial, but also a pleasant, fascinating process.

Football club "Solaris"

Moscow football clubs are in the process of constant movement: some become famous due to the results achieved, others do everything to become better and more successful, others weaken and disband. In March 2014, the Solaris football club was created, the president of which was Vladimir Ovchinnikov. In the early stages, he received significant support. The basis for the creation of Solaris was the sports association Youth of Moscow and the Spartakovets stadium. The first success for this team was a victory in the match against Spartak-2 with a score of 6: 0.

Moscow clubs

Further events developed in different directions: there were victories, defeats, a change in the composition, but this did not affect the team’s desire to conquer new heights. Now, under the wing of the former CSKA coach Sergei Shustikov, the team is actively working on improving their skills and regularly enters the field to prove that there are no limits to development. The shelter for the football club "Solaris" was the street z-ya Grazhdanskaya, 47.

Moscow City Golf Club

Moscow clubs are a whole system of different branches and directions that offer their participants and visitors special services. Such is the Moscow City Golf Club, which holds the highest bar in the areas of entertainment and communication. This place has its own incredible atmosphere and history. Near the main building is the temple of the Holy Trinity, which, according to the guests, is a kind of club amulet. He is chosen for his high level of service and ability to cope with any task.

Moscow football clubs

Moscow City Club provides the opportunity to have a great time in a cozy atmosphere and with quality services. On the territory there is a large parking lot for more than two hundred cars. An elegant banquet hall is suitable even for the most unusual celebration, and halls for negotiations, conferences and private meetings will be an excellent option for implementing your ideas. Club service is provided by experienced and qualified staff who will help with the solution of any problem. Also in the Moscow city golf club there is a Village Kitchen restaurant where you can taste dishes of European, German, Caucasian, French cuisine. You can find this place at 1 Dovzhenko Street.

Club-cafe "Weather Forecast"

The opportunity to find friends, learn something new and just relax is what many institutions in Russia offer, especially Moscow. Clubs in Moscow is a place where everyone will find himself and others like him. Among their large number, it is worth highlighting the Weather Forecast cafe-club on 2 Yamskoye Poly Street, which has been gathering amateurs for a lot of time under the same roof to tickle nerves and stir up blood. The cozy establishment has become a haven for climbers, skydivers, surfers and other lovers of extreme sports.

Moscow night clubs

A visit to Cafe Weather Forecast is a great opportunity to find teammates or like-minded people, share experiences and be inspired by the achievements of others. Within the walls of this institution you can enjoy not only a pleasant company, but also delicious food, strong drinks and beer. Also in the "Weather Forecast" regularly held movie nights.

Night Club The Dome

Moscow clubs, night dancing establishments - all this creates for many vivid memories of youth and the best years of life. Nowadays, young people increasingly prefer noisy parties, and this is correct, because when in life you can really enjoy it?

Moscow clubs in Moscow

One of the most beautiful places in Moscow is The Dome night club, which combines quality service, incredible atmosphere and affordable prices. As soon as you go to the dance floor and start moving to explosive music, the evening immediately becomes rich and unforgettable. Energy can be released at Malaya Ordynka, 37.

Dance Club "Hustle School and WCS YouDance"

For those who have long wanted to practice dancing or who have found themselves in this, but have not decided on the dance environment, the club “Hustle School and WCS YouDance” opens their doors. Few Moscow dance clubs can boast such a warm and friendly atmosphere that prevails in the team of this place. Those who wish to learn how to control their body are offered two directions: hustle and West Coast Swing. The approach of teachers, the curriculum itself, the techniques used in the process of acquiring skills are all built in order to teach a person who has never been engaged in something like this to move beautifully. You can sign up for classes without a couple and special preparation. The main thing is not to forget the change of shoes, a good mood and the desire to become better. It is important to remember that not every result can be achieved instantly: you need to constantly work, to cultivate discipline and regularity in yourself, not to give up and constantly set new goals. Many people come to the dance club "Hustle School and WCS YouDance" without knowing anything, and each time they leave the hall with new skills in the body. One of the halls is located at 3 Dobroslobodskaya Street.

Art Club Mezzo Forte

Studying all the Moscow clubs, you can not only choose something for yourself, but also find out many interesting facts about the institutions in the capital. Very unusual is the place called Mezzo Forte, which harmoniously combines a club restaurant and an art club. This institution was created not only to provide visitors with an opportunity to have a good time, but also to become the first step in the development of young performers.

Moscow city club

An evening at Mezzo Forte is a separate world where a wide variety of musical compositions reign, famous Russian musicians and performers perform along with completely “green” ones, DJs light up and guests conquer the dance floor. The creative atmosphere pleasantly complements the meal at Mezzo Forte, which can be represented by dishes of Russian and European cuisine, drinks from the beer menu and wine list. The doors of this institution are open on the street 1st Ostankino, 53.


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