The most favorable days for a haircut in August

People who monitor their appearance, maintain their natural beauty, look after their body, never ignore the already proven fact that cutting hair on certain days of the month, year as a whole, can be really successful. What are you talking about? This applies to those who want their haircut to keep their appearance for as long as possible (so that their hair grows slowly), and those who, on the contrary, dream of growing a long hair. To assist in this matter, this article was written with a detailed description of such an aspect as favorable days for a haircut in August.

favorable days for haircuts in August

Where did the belief about the influence of natural processes on hair growth come from?

Since ancient times, people sincerely believed in the magical or simply special power of hair, in their meaning. The biblical hero Samson was defeated by enemies who cut his strands. He lost his strength (but the enemies did not take into account that they would grow back, and then Samson took revenge on them). Frankish kings, their heirs could not cut their hair. Such an act meant abdication. In ancient times, warriors in Germany did not cut their hair and shave their beards until their first enemy was defeated.

As for the various teachings, there are also various nuances in this area. So, in astrology, cutting hair on certain days can radically change the turns of life of their owner: for the better, and vice versa. The monks of Tibet have developed a specific calendar for haircuts on the phases of the moon. It indicates the days that can significantly affect various aspects of a person’s life: his financial situation, spiritual condition, love lines and general well-being.

In addition to all of the above, there are still a large number of different beliefs that are more or less related to the modern stage of human existence. But to reveal the secret of these nuances and explain the influence of natural processes on hair growth is possible only by following the real laws.

auspicious days for cutting hair in August

How do natural processes affect hair growth?

The influence of natural processes is an external factor. There are many different theories about this. The first opinion is magnetic factors. They through special fluctuations affect the vital activity of the whole organism as a whole, including hair growth. If we consider a different point of view, it determines the relationship between climate and the appearance of hair (which, by the way, is one of the most justified and realistic hypotheses). Well, the third speaks of the mysterious moon. Such a connection is still not fully explained. However, this opinion is the most popular, common. He is trusted by a large part of the population of our planet.

Lunar calendar - the main landmark of haircuts

As already mentioned above, it is the Moon (more precisely, the lunar calendar) that is the lighthouse that serves to select a suitable day for a haircut. Since ancient times in the East, great importance was attached to the influence of the phases of the Earth's satellite on human life. This concerned his longevity, health, success and other important aspects. And all this spilled over to the haircut process: then that interweaving of mysticism of the Moon and human hair began.

How does phase change affect the growth of curls? Scientists attribute this to the fact that at certain times the process of photosynthesis intensifies, all living things are more intensively subject to development. But in other periods, the opposite is true. Earth's gravity is increasing, and the growth of all living things is slowing down. Some skeptic scholars deny this relationship. Nevertheless, a huge number of people will agree with the fact that there is a certain dependence.

lunar haircut calendar for august auspicious days

We go to the hairdresser

Favorable days for a haircut in August, familiarization with them will determine the most suitable moment for your needs. Before you sign up to the hairdresser, it is worth considering all the nuances. So, a properly selected day will not only allow you to grow your hair, but also recharge with positive energy, let go of all the negative, improve your overall health, and provide just a good mood.

Indeed, favorable days for cutting hair in August, as a general rule, depend on the phases of the moon, the most suitable of which are the 1st and 2nd (for the active growth of curls). But in order to preserve the hairstyle or strengthen the effect of any procedures to strengthen the hair, prevent loss, the procedure should be moved to the 3rd and 4th quarter.

So, favorable days for a haircut in August will be presented in the following list:

  • 4th number. The day is especially good for all types of haircuts, the moon (growing) favorably affects the growth of curls.
  • 5th of August. The day retains all the positive positions of the previous day.
  • August 6th. You can safely go to the hairdresser.
  • August 9th. This day is considered one of the most favorable moments.
  • 12th of August. All favorable positions of the 4th, 5th, 6th numbers are preserved.
  • August 14th. The day repeats the energy of the 4th, 5th, 6th, 12th numbers.
  • August 15 is also considered a good moment for a haircut.
  • August 22nd. Despite the fact that the moon is waning, astrologers recommend this day for a haircut, so the phase is in a favorable sign - Taurus.
  • August 23 - by analogy with the 22nd day.
  • 24th day of the month. He repeats the energy of the 22nd and 23rd numbers.
  • August 31. Despite the waning moon, astrologers recommend this day for a haircut. The phase of the Earth satellite is in the auspicious sign - Virgo.
    auspicious haircut calendar for august

Bad days for haircuts in August

They are also important to know. As for the period under review, these are, of course, those numbers that did not fall into the previous list of “Auspicious Days for Hair Cutting in August”. They can not be found in the list of the neutral period. So, we list them. These are the 7th, 8th, 10th numbers. They also include August 11, 13, 16, 17, 18. Do not cut the curls of the 19th, 20th and 21st.

Neutral period

Favorable days for a haircut in August and vice versa are two extremes. If we talk about some neutral points for carrying out procedures with hair (in particular, haircuts), then they have passive power. The Earth satellite is in a phase when it has no effect on these processes. The lunar haircut calendar for August, the auspicious days of which have already been indicated, also indicates neutral points. These include the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 25th, 26th, 27th, 28th, 29th and 30th numbers.

auspicious days for haircuts in August for men

Should I get a new moon haircut?

This is the last day of the waning moon. In this regard, there are different opinions that are radically different. The calendar of favorable days for haircuts for August sometimes includes such a special phase as the new moon. According to the first opinion, this period is the most mysterious. It means true birth, renewal. If a man cuts his hair exactly on such a day, then his hair will grow quickly. They will be thick, beautiful and healthy.

What does the second opinion say? Cutting hair at the new moon is considered a bad decision. At this moment, the forces of man leave. Hair will grow poorly in the future. Nevertheless, the followers of the first version are much more.

favorable days for a haircut in August lions

Does the zodiac sign affect the haircuts according to the lunar calendar?

There are no divisions according to the lunar calendar by gender. Therefore, favorable days for haircuts in August for men also have their own strength. But the zodiac sign, according to astrologers, is of great importance, since the moon is not only in the phase of growth or decrease. Consider which days are considered favorable:

1. Cancer - August 1, 27, 28.

2. Leo - 2, 3, 29, 30th numbers.

3. Virgo - 4, 5, 31st.

4. Scales - 6, 7, 8th.

5. Scorpio - 9th, 10th.

6. Sagittarius - 11, 12, 13th.

7. Capricorn - 14th, 15th.

8. Aquarius - 16, 17, 18th.

9. Pisces - 19th.

10. Aries - 20th, 21st.

11. Taurus - 22, 23, 24th.

12. Twins - 25th, 26th.

As you can see from the list, favorable days for haircuts in August Lviv are presented in greater numbers. But Pisces have to be content only on August 19.


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