Belarusian banks: addresses, phone numbers, rating and reviews

The Republic of Belarus is an excellent springboard for a variety of financial organizations. They are found on almost every corner. But which Belarusian banks are the most reliable? To help you deal with this issue, we offer our selection of the most famous credit institutions.

Belarusian banks

Selection of organizations by rating

One of the most common methods for choosing a suitable financial institution is to study its rating. Moreover, the top commercial organizations can be compiled according to various criteria, for example, by the size of assets, the amount of profit, the level of public trust, etc. Let us consider the most common of them.

Rating by income (for the II quarter of this year)

According to the data received, many Belarusian banks suffered losses in the II quarter of this year. According to analysts, their profit margin decreased by about 22.8% (excluding tax expenses). And only 2/3 of financial institutions received additional income, several times higher than the previous quarter. Based on these data, a rating was compiled of commercial and government institutions acting as flagships in the domestic banking market.

banks of Belarus

For example, the notorious Belarusbank became one of the leaders in this rating. The size of his profit increased by 3.3 times and amounted to 467.7 billion Belarusian rubles (BYR). The central office of this organization, founded as a result of the merger of several small companies in 1995, is located in Minsk, on Dzerzhinsky Avenue, 18.

Other banks of Belarus also fought to get into the top three. However, in terms of profit, they lost to the “Development Bank of the Republic of Belarus”. The size of its profit for the II quarter amounted to 414.4 billion BYR, which is 11.7% more than the previous reporting period. This organization began operations in mid-June 2011. Its head office is located on Masherova Avenue, 35, in Minsk.

Priorbank was in third place with its income of 237.2 billion Belarusian rubles. However, if we compare these figures with the size of profit for the I quarter, then his income significantly decreased - by 42.2%. But this did not stop him from entering the top three. Recall that Priorbank was founded in early 1989. Its central office is located on the street Vera Khoruzhey, 31-A, in Minsk.

bsb bank

Such banks of Belarus as Belgazprombank and TK Bank actively competed for fourth place. But in this unequal struggle, the first credit institution won, having received profit in the range of 156.8 billion bel. rubles. And this is despite the fact that the income of Belgazprombank, founded in 1990, also halved (if we compare it with the previous reporting period). The office of this institution is located on Pritytskogo Street, 60/2.

Unlike its rival, TK Bank did not show the best results, therefore it did not even reach the fifth, but the twelfth place. As it turned out, this financial institution, which was created in 2008, earned only 57.6 billion BYR during the reporting period. The company office can be found on Timiryazev Street, 65 / A.

Among the other participating organizations were the following Belarusian banks:

  • BPS-Sberbank.
  • Home Credit Bank.
  • "Delta Bank".
  • "Idea Bank" and others.

Asset Rating

Another important rating that you should pay attention to is the top 20. It lists the most popular Belarusian banks with the largest assets. For example, Belarusbank was on the first rung. The size of its assets amounted to 262 million bel. rub. The position below was placed Belagroprombank with its 98 million bel. rub.

bta bank

The third step in this rating was taken by BPS-Sberbank. The amount of its assets is 59 million bel. rub. With its 38 million white. rub. Belvnesheconombank was in fourth position. Following him were the following organizations:

  • Belinvestbank (34 million Belarusian rubles).
  • Belgazprombank (32 million Belarusian rubles).
  • Priorbank (26 million Belarusian rubles).
  • “VTB Bank (Belarus)” (14 million Belarusian rubles).
  • Alfa-Bank (13 million Belarusian rubles) and others.

Among the participants of this rating was Belorussian People's Bank (BNB-Bank), beloved by many residents. Phone of his call center: +375 (17) 309-7-309. The head office of the organization is located in Minsk, on Independence Avenue, 87 / a.

rrb bank

National rating of credit organizations

Special attention should be paid to the so-called popular rating, usually compiled on the basis of customer reviews and opinions. That is why it is most valuable for those who are just planning to apply to any of the Belarusian financial institutions. So, the most trusted, according to the majority of users who voted, was “Parity Bank”. About this organization speak mostly positively.

BSB Bank may well claim the second place in terms of public confidence. The third revenge rightfully passes Belagroprombank. Fourth - Belarusbank. Fifth, Belgazprombank. Sixth - “Belarusian National Bank”. And the seventh is Francabank.

All these organizations showed their best side and deserved a high rating in the national rating.

Among other participants of the top, the following can be distinguished:

  • "Absolut Bank".
  • Zepter Bank.
  • "Alfa Bank".
  • Eurotorginvestbank.
  • "Idea Bank".
  • BTA Bank.
  • Belinvestbank.
  • Priorbank.
  • "VTB Bank (Belarus)."
  • "Bank Moscow-Minsk."
  • MTBank and others.

The largest number of voters put 4 stars. At the same time, the overall ranking of the leaders of the top was 44.2-43.8 votes.

Credit organization "BSB": brief information and reviews

The motto of the bank, established in October 2002, promises "fast and caring service." Indeed, according to most users, “BSB Bank” has a relaxed atmosphere and amazes with the benevolence of employees. So, many people like the speed of response from the managers of the organization. They always answer calls and give answers to questions as simply as possible. At the same time, the hotline telephone (306-20-40) works around the clock.

At present, there are 10 representative offices of this institution in Minsk, including the main branch on Pobediteley Avenue, 23, building 4. In addition to private clients, this bank often serves employees and heads of corporations and other organizations and departments.

BTA Bank: reference, information and reviews

BTA is a financial institution that positions itself as a bank for business development. At the moment, it successfully operates in the territory of the Republic, as it has a rather large branch network. Its representative offices are not only in Minsk, but also in Mogilev, Gomel, Brest and other cities of Belarus. Organization Contact Center: + 375 (17) 334-54-34. The head office of the bank is located on V. Khoruzhey street, 20-2, in Minsk.

According to many users, BTA is famous for its profitable deposit programs. With their help, you can save and increase invested money. Other customers like operational cash management services. According to them, they do not even have to stand in lines. Service is fast and in compliance with all decency standards. By this, BTA, according to some users, is similar to RRB-Bank. We will talk more about it later.

Short information and reviews about the bank "RRB"

"RRB" is considered one of the largest banks with tangible European capital. This closed joint-stock company was established in February 1994. Among his main goals are: financing of individuals and corporate clients, lending to businesses, as well as the organization of social programs for the population.

belveb bank

According to many customers, RRB-Bank offers reasonable rates. He has interesting loan programs and a call center works great. Calling him is easy. It is enough to dial the number: (017) 306-02-02. The head office of the bank is located in Minsk at the address: st. Red Star, 18.

Others talk about the high quality of service. They like the professionalism and friendliness of managers, as well as the ease of filing documents. Others, on the contrary, complain about the meticulousness of employees and prejudice when considering a loan application.

General information about Alfa Bank

Alfa-Bank is a Belarusian financial organization whose mission is to assist commercial firms and people in improving their everyday lives. CJSC Alfa-Bank was established in 1999. It specializes in lending to the population, as well as representatives of small and medium-sized businesses.

Belarusian People's Bank

According to some users, this is the most reliable financial institution. He always offers the most relevant deposit and credit programs, develops individual conditions of service for VIP-clients and in every way encourages his employees and users. According to other customers, Alfa-Bank is one of the leaders in the quality of customer service. He has not only a call center, which can be contacted by phone: +375 (44-29-25), but also a bunch of useful services, such as Alfa Mobile and others. The head office of the bank is located in Minsk on Surganova street, 43-47.

Useful information about BelVEB Bank

The commercial “BelVEB Bank” is considered to be a universal financial institution operating in the Republic. His registration took place in December 1991. The head office of the organization is located on Pobediteley Avenue, 29. Hot line: +375 (17) 215-61-15.

This bank provides services to corporate clients, representatives of small and medium-sized businesses, as well as individuals. Clients of this institution are not only individuals, but also large enterprises.

According to some users, BelVEB Bank fully lives up to their expectations. He fulfills his obligations. For example, a credit card, as stated in the advertisement, takes just two hours. Others confirm this fact, but lament that the money on the card itself was credited only after two days.


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