Inneov: reviews, description, composition, instructions. "Inneyov Hair Thickness"

The beauty of the hair depends not only on proper care, but also on the health status of the whole organism. Also, the appearance of curls is influenced by vitamins and minerals. "Inney Hair Thickness" protects hair from dryness and damage, providing density and shine. The article will discuss the features of the use of vitamins, their benefits and contraindications.

About the drug

Vitamin complex "Inneev" is a dietary supplement. It is a joint development of such well-known brands as L'Oreal and Nestle. The drug is a unique development in the field of beauty of curls, skin and UV protection.

Price "Innes hair density"

The created Inneov preparations were appreciated by dermatologists and pharmacists. The price of the product is quite high. Despite its cost, people should not expect an instant effect from it, because the course of taking the drug is at least 3 months.

Who is the complex for?

According to reviews, Inneov is a drug containing micronutrients and vitamins in its composition that prevent hair loss. Due to its composition, the product strengthens the roots and accelerates the growth of curls.

Vitamins are intended primarily for people who cannot lead a completely healthy lifestyle. Their life is not complete without stressful situations, and their daily regimen is not regulated.

Vitamins "Innes" can be suitable not only for women, but also for men. The drug is used to treat weak and thin hair that has lost its attractiveness and beauty.

Vitamins "Innes"

The tool can be used if:

  • curls were dried with ultraviolet or a hairdryer;
  • hair growth is delayed;
  • diagnosed with focal alopecia;
  • ringlets have undergone mechanical and chemical damage;
  • split ends of hair;
  • dry skin and hair are noted;
  • curls are devoid of shine.

Experts recommend taking the drug in late autumn and spring, when a lack of vitamins in the body is especially felt. It does not have an immediate effect, it occurs 2-3 months after the start of administration.

The drug acts comprehensively and affects weaknesses. Strengthens the roots, restores elasticity, normalizes metabolic processes. The price of "Inneov Hair Thickness" is high.

Drug effectiveness

Due to the contained in the composition of Inneov, according to patients, vitamins and minerals, the drug has the following effect:

  1. Hair growth improves.
  2. The strands become elastic and shiny.
  3. The volume of hair is increasing.
  4. Bulbs are protected from the negative effects of the environment.
  5. Processes that promote cell repair are triggered.

Before starting the reception, the patient should understand that improving the condition of the hair largely depends on the health of the body itself. If the loss of curls occurs due to chronic diseases, then the effectiveness of the drug will be minimal.

If the body is deficient in trace elements and vitamins, then after taking the complex, the hair condition will significantly improve.

Reviews on "Innova Hair Thickness"

Before starting the use of vitamins, the patient must consult a trichologist. He will tell you how to optimize the current condition of the curls and what to do when they fall out and dry.

You need to understand that hair problems can be caused by internal diseases of the body, which must be detected and treated.

Vitamin Composition

"Inneov Hair Thickness" includes the following components:

  • Taurine. Prevents damage to hair follicles and restores the water balance of the skin. Strengthens hairs, prevents the development of alopecia.
  • Zinc gluconate. It has bactericidal properties and accelerates keratin synthesis. Zinc deficiency leads to thinning and brittle hairs.
  • Green tea extract. Improves blood circulation and oxygen supply to cells. Accelerates the delivery of nutrients to the root system.
  • Grape Seed Extract. Refreshes curls, maintains skin tone and normalizes blood flow in various layers of the epidermis.
The effectiveness of "Innova hair density"

In addition to the main components, Inneov includes: lactose, talc, corn starch, sugar, whey protein and others.

Male and female drug

The causes of hair loss in women and men are different. According to reviews, Inneov for the strong half of humanity has some differences. In addition to the well-known components that make up the drug, the product for men additionally contains phytosterol, which is extracted from pine bark. It inhibits the hormone dihydrotestosterone, which negatively affects the hair follicles, and promotes baldness.

To test the effectiveness of the drug, tested. It was attended by men, 70% of whom were at 3 stages of baldness. For 4 months they took vitamins 2 times a day. As a result of admission:

  1. They increased the density of hair (14%).
  2. The number of hairs that were at the stage of hair loss decreased (29%).
  3. There are more hair rods at the growth stage (11%).

As a result of the test, it was concluded that the drug does not help men whose hair falls out due to genetic baldness. It is most effective for deficiency of vitamins and minerals.

The drug for the weak half is characterized in that it does not contain phytosterol. The remaining components of the drug remained the same.

The testing was attended by more than 100 women. They took the vitamin complex for 3 months. The age of the participants is from 18 to 60 years. Every day they took 2 tablets. Most women have lost half their hair loss. The appearance of the hair has improved significantly, she has a healthy sheen. The study was conducted by independent experts.

How to take "Innes hair density"

Many women noticed that while taking the drug the hair looked healthy and thick, then after the cessation of its use, the curls began to fall out again, as before the start of treatment. Therefore, women faced a difficult choice. Either continue the further use of dietary supplements, or look for inexpensive hair vitamins.

Women should understand that the beauty of hair largely depends on the state of health of the whole organism.

How to take the drug

Before you start taking the vitamin complex for hair, you need to consult a specialist who will establish the exact cause of the loss of curls. The trichologist compares the possible benefits and risks of taking the drug. This is necessary to adjust the timing of admission and the necessary dosage.

An effective result is achieved through regular intake. Take 1 capsule daily twice a day. Drink the drug with plenty of water. The duration of the course is at least 3 months. This technique is carried out as a prophylaxis, as well as treatment of small foci of alopecia and slow hair growth.

Vitamin complex for hair

According to the instructions, Inneov is also taken for severe forms of baldness and a noticeable decrease in the number of hairs. In this case, the vitamin supplement is taken three times a day for 2 tablets. Drink at least 1/2 cup of water. Insufficient amount of liquid slows down the process of absorption of beneficial substances. Recommended intake time is 12 weeks.

Do not stop taking the drug halfway through the course. This will not lead to any effect. Positive results are not immediately noticeable, they occur in the middle of the course. After a 3-month intake, you need to take a break.

Experts recommend taking the drug in the off-season (spring, autumn), when the body especially feels a lack of nutrients.


Vitamin complex for hair has the following restrictions in admission:

  1. The period of pregnancy and lactation.
  2. Individual intolerance to dietary supplement components.
  3. Children's age up to 14 years.

In some cases, side effects occur that are not indicated in the Inneov instructions. They can manifest as headaches, nausea, rash, allergies, and abdominal pain. The negative properties of vitamins of women include increased hair growth, but not on the head, but on the arms and legs.

Drug cost

The price of "Inneov Hair Thickness" is quite high. A pack of 60 tablets costs around 1200 rubles. This amount of vitamins is enough for 1 month of intake. The course lasts 90 days.

Reviews of specialists

The opinions of trichologists about the drug are mostly positive, because thanks to the composition of Inneov, the state of health of the curls improves. It is prescribed in various situations, separately for men and women.

Patients notice a positive result if they take it for an extended period. Combining vitamins with other drugs is not recommended.

Basically, the product proved to be excellent, which allowed patients to improve their hair condition. The only drawback of "Inneov Hair Thickness" is the price, which is quite high.

Patient opinions

Reviews about Inneov are largely controversial. Most patients say that as a result of taking the drug, the hair became stronger, their growth intensified and hair loss stopped. Significantly improved their appearance.

Composition "Inneov"

Another group of patients after undergoing therapy did not feel any positive effect at all. They decided that they had spent money in vain and would rather have acquired inexpensive hair vitamins.

Some women after a course of taking the drug found increased hair growth not only on the head, but also on other parts of the body. This caused negative reactions to vitamins.

Many men, along with increased hair growth, also found an improvement in potency, which is related to the side effects of the Innes. This was due to the presence of zinc in the preparation.

Most patients are confident that a positive effect occurs only after taking the drug for 4-5 months.

Only in the third category of patients did the hair condition deteriorate so much that it continued to fall out in the same amount as before taking dietary supplements.

Among the many products that help to care for your hair, Inneov stands out for its special properties. After all, it has an absolutely natural composition and there are no hormones in it. Thanks to this, the product has a minimal amount of adverse reactions.

Vitamins create all conditions for hair to look healthy.


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