Train compiler: job description, duties, rights

Train builder is a very important and complex profession. All the intricacies and features of this work will be discussed in this article.

Who is a train builder?

How can you briefly characterize the profession? If we take the official wording, the train compiler is a person who is engaged in the disbanding and formation of rolling stock. That is, all the work of the specialist in question is to rearrange train cars, always in a certain order. Of course, this can only be done with knowledge and after the briefing.

train compiler

This profession is considered very difficult and responsible. The main task facing the specialist is to send the staff on time. At the same time, the train compiler is also responsible for the integrity of the train, its completeness, for its safety and accuracy when performing maneuvers. It is necessary to check the trains in a timely manner, to unfasten and fix the cars in time with the help of special brake shoes.

About professional duties

It is necessary to mention the responsibilities of the train compiler. This specialist really has a lot of functions: in fact, the efficiency of train movement depends on him. Here are just some of the basic responsibilities of a representative of the profession in question:

  • Arrow translation jobs that are decentralized.
  • Timely fencing of train cars with brake shoes.
  • Ensuring the safety and security of trains.
  • Disengaging and hitching wagons.
  • Work when changing the composition of trains - manual locomotive maneuvers.

Of course, the train compiler has many other duties and functions. However, their number will depend only on the place of work, namely on the station itself and the region where it is located.

Working day: acceptance and delivery of duty

A dry listing of basic professional duties, if it gives an idea of ​​the work, is the most minimal. That is why it is worth describing directly the specialist’s working day itself, how it looks, how it is planned.

So, the train compiler begins his working day with a safety briefing. This happens on a special meeting. After that, each employee takes the so-called "strict inventory" and the specific location of the wagons. Planning begins for all further work activities with the station attendant. It includes, as a rule, inspection of cars, their maintenance, coupling, uncoupling, etc.

train compiler duties

It is also worth considering that the train builder agrees on each radio with the duty officer. Indeed, there is a lot of work, and the representative of the profession in question will certainly not be bored. And in addition to servicing the wagons, it is necessary to prepare trains, correctly fill out the register, check the accepted wagons - and be sure to personally! Thus, the employee of the station has a lot to do.

The job description of the train compiler prescribes that the acceptance of duty is always established and fixed by the head of the station in accordance with all conditions and norms. Upon acceptance of the duty, the employee is obliged to check the condition of all cars, their location, the availability of equipment and special seals on the vehicles. The delivery of duty is carried out only after checking the trains, arranging the wagons in places and ensuring safety in accordance with established standards.

What qualities should a train compiler have?

Like any other employee, the train compiler must possess certain qualities and character traits. But which ones? First of all, this, of course, conscientiousness and attentiveness. Only these two qualities will be components of high professionalism. However, do not forget about sociability, stress resistance and conflict-free. The fact is that you have to work with living people. Often, it is necessary to manage employees with qualifications lower: these may be specialists with a lower rank or an assistant train compiler.

train compiler instruction

Of course, everyone can be mistaken. And you shouldn’t be very nervous because of this - this will only aggravate the situation. Just such a quality as stress resistance will help to achieve mutual understanding with colleagues. To be calm and calm in the profession in question is very important. You need to be even cold-blooded. In order for the work to be harmonious, effective and clearly organized, it is necessary to work, first of all, on yourself, on your character.

Where can I learn the profession?

The profession of train compiler requires compulsory education. And which one? This will be discussed later. In order to go to college or college, it is not necessary to graduate from all eleven classes of the school. Nine years will be the best base for admission to the railway college. In educational institutions preparing train compilers, they give the following basic knowledge:

  • traffic safety equipment;
  • the use of special sound and manual signals;
  • guidance of locomotive movement;
  • use of brake shoes;
  • the use of portable radios;
  • competent fastening of trains on rails;
  • ensuring the safety of goods, their unloading.

train compiler assistant

It is also worth indicating an approximate list of subjects on which a course of lectures will be read:

  • The course of railways.
  • Occupational Safety and Health.
  • OBZH or BZD.
  • The device of freight cars and their maintenance.

About ranks in the profession

As in many other professions, there are certain categories in the work of the train compiler. There are four of them:

  • 3 category. The representative of the lowest category conducts its business activities in small areas of traffic on railways, which are not in common use. Thus, the scope of the employee with the third rank is to some extent limited.
  • 4th category is characterized by the fact that its carriers must work with railway transport not of general use, but already in tense areas. Accordingly, because of this, the complexity of the work in comparison with the third category is significantly increased.
  • 5th category. Specialists are working with public railways. However, work is being carried out in areas of low activity, that is, where specialists with the third category work.
  • 6th category. The holders of this category, the last and most difficult, work in tense areas with public railway transport.

trainer labor safety

Thus, the responsibilities of the train compiler are very diverse. In addition, this classification by rank allows you to build a system of relations between superiors and subordinates. Representatives of a high level may be given superiors under the guidance of workers with lower qualifications. However, this again depends on the station and the region where this station is located.

On the rights of a train compiler

The instruction of representatives of the profession in question assigns certain rights to employees. Only some of the most basic rights of a train compiler will be named below. So, the employee has the right to request from the bosses the equipment necessary for work, namely:

  • special work uniform;
  • signal light;
  • yellow flag
  • walkie-talkie and wearable radio station, as well as other accessories.

profession train compiler

The employee has the right to file a complaint if he was not given accessories in the form of workwear, safety shoes, signal elements, etc. The safety of the train compiler is fully based on the rights of the latter. It is worth noting that the station employee also has such an important right as the reception and end of duty with minimal time and with the optimal rhythm of the entire station. Simply put, the beginning and end of work should be timely, and the working hours of a specialist should not exceed the norm.

Disadvantages of the profession

There are some drawbacks to the train compiler profession. Of course, there are not so many of them, but it’s worth pointing out about them:

  • High responsibility. The work of the train compiler is quite difficult, and also very important. It is worth understanding what responsibility lies with the representatives of the profession. Naturally, the higher the rank, the higher the responsibility: however, experience makes itself felt. Over time, the profession will not seem so exhausting and difficult.
  • Physical work. The profession in question is very difficult and truly masculine. That is why it is often necessary to work with hands. Do not forget about the presence of night shifts, which can be pretty exhausting.

Of course, there are many other shortcomings in the work of the train compiler. But most of them will be subjective, so you should not indicate them.

Advantages of the profession

The profession of train builder has many advantages. The main advantages of the work include:

  • Good income. The salary of the specialist in question is really worthy. However, it will not be possible to indicate the exact numbers: it all depends on the region, the station itself, as well as the current level. Many train builders claim their salaries are high enough to keep them running.
    job description of the train compiler
  • Demand. This item is not far-fetched: the profession is indeed in demand on the labor market. Often at the railway stations there are not enough quality specialists who could organize a clear and coordinated work.
  • Interaction with the team. Many employees will agree that work becomes a favorite because of the fact that it has a healthy, friendly team. And this is also a virtue of the profession.


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