How to grow a beard at home: methods, drugs, folk remedies and vitamins

Those men who are going to grow a beautiful beard, should put aside their favorite razor and trimmer. To achieve the result as quickly as possible, you need to get acquainted with all the necessary tools and features of growing. In this case, you can wear a beard that you can be proud of. On the way from perfect smoothness to bearded superiority, many make mistakes, but they can be avoided.

Now we will figure out how to grow a beard at home. The first thing to do is be patient. A beard should not be measured in centimeters. In fact, it is measured in months. Throughout each of them, a man is faced with various difficulties.

Accelerate beard growth

First Steps to a Thick Beard

From smoothness to two weeks, a man should be prepared for the fact that the beard will be very strong and annoyingly scratched. Her appearance - shaggy and heterogeneous - can be pretty annoying. During shaving, each hair is sharpened, having reached a certain length, it begins to dig into the skin and causes discomfort in the form of itching. Such a difficult period you just need to endure. At this stage, you can use a moisturizer such as special beard oil. Care products with alcohol in the composition will dry the skin and cause even more discomfort.

Now you should not still use shampoo. Hair not long enough. You need to wash your beard with some natural soap that does not contain irritating components.

After the "itchy" phase of the ford, it will look sloppy for a while. But it can be ennobled - with the help of a trimmer, make a trim on the neck, then trim the upper contour of the cheeks, as well as the line above the upper lip.

Itchy skin

Ideal for beard growth

Most beard owners make the neckline too high. Meanwhile, the line should go where the neck connects to the head. A rounded curve should be formed from one ear to the other.

If hair growth is not so large as to cut, it is recommended to use a trimmer. In order not to remove more than necessary, as well as not to open the lip contour, you need to insert a comb into the tool and thus control the cutting angle. Then it will not work to cut anything superfluous, it remains only to trim the ends a little.

Cheeks deserve special attention. Those who are looking for an answer to the question of how to grow a beard at home quickly should not rush. It is necessary to try to follow its natural line of growth, should cut off those few extra hairs that are outside this border. If the cheeks are overgrown strongly, do not trim the skin with a trimmer below the bottom of the nose. We must strive to ensure that the line is parallel to the one located behind the growth of the mustache. Thus, the overall picture will look harmonious.

Somewhere in 2 months it will be possible to observe that the beard began to live its own life. The hairiness, which once looked even and had a neat appearance, becomes wavy, curled and gives the image some wildness. It turns out that this is normal, so you need to perceive it as a natural beard.

Beard Care Features

If a man wears a beard for 3 months or longer, then you need to regularly wash it with gentle shampoo or special soap. It is necessary to massage the skin under it using various oils. This will help her look more magnificent. Blow a hairdryer from under the neck up. But if a man is the owner of a dry skin type, then it is better to do with one towel.

Beard Care

When the beard reaches the desired length, it can be given a certain shape. Different styles are suitable for each type of face. You can visually adjust the shape of the face, hide flaws or emphasize the merits. If the face is round, then a narrowed beard is ideal. She will give the face an elongated look. If the shape of the face is square, it is recommended to leave a large density on the chin and make the hairs shorter on the sides. If it is difficult to determine the type of beard, you can always consult a specialist. He will advise which form is best for a particular person.

How to grow a beard at home? Simulation tools also help. Special wax for beards and mustaches should be used on wet hair, and then dried with a hairdryer. This tool will help to give the desired shape to the beard and fix its shape for the whole day.

Combing beard

How to grow a beard at home quickly? Always use a comb in your care. It is recommended to choose an accessory made of wood or vegetable cellulose. In this case, after the procedure, the beard will fit snugly to the face.

A natural comb evenly distributes wax for modeling and oil. You should regularly comb your beard. This will help set the right direction for its growth. The oil will give the hair softness, make it pleasant to the touch, give a natural shine and a pleasant smell. The skin will be saturated with the necessary substances and will not peel off. Beard hair will remain strong.

Comb the beard

Growth factors

Those who are wondering how to grow a beard at home know that genetics is the main determinant of hairiness. It is she who largely determines the potential of the beard. Stress and malnutrition also affect growth rates and healthy appearance.

It is advisable to take special nutritional supplements. They will help compensate for any deficiencies in the daily diet. You can choose multi-vitamins, biotin and fish oil. Magnesium, zinc, and B vitamins will also be an excellent supplement.

Increasing testosterone levels will also help accelerate beard growth. For this, it is necessary to include red meat in the diet, avoid soy products and pump muscles. Meals should include spinach, various nuts, avocados, olives, broccoli and olive oil.

The most effective beard growth tool

The use of minoxidil-based products is the best way to fight for good hair growth. The substance is a powerful vasodilator. It stimulates the metabolism in the skin, normalizes the nutrition of hair follicles.

This is the only non-hormonal component that is really capable of resuming the growth of new healthy hair.

How to grow a beard at home with mnoxidil? Lotions based on this substance are characterized by a light molecular formula, which ensures the best penetration of the active ingredients into the scalp. As additional ingredients, manufacturers choose valuable plant extracts that help better nutrition, strengthen and grow new hair.

Minoxidil for hair growth

Minoxidil men are often used for poor beard growth caused by hormonal imbalances, stress, medications, and chronic and infectious diseases.

The first results can be seen after a few months of using the drug twice a day. However, even after getting what you want, you need to use a tool to prevent hair loss.

Among the manufacturers of minoxidil lotions, the following should be highlighted:

  • Minoxidil Kirkland ("Minoxidil Kirkland").
  • Minoxidil Rogaine ("Minoxidil Regein / Rogain").
  • Minoxidil Iisolutions ("Minoxidil Solutions").
  • Dualgen & Lipogaine ("Dualgen & Lipogen").
  • Revivogen ("Revivogen").
  • Spectral DNC ("Spectral DNS").

Each of these products can provide accelerated beard growth.

Lotion application

Lotion can only be used externally. Before application, shake the bottle with the product. Distribute it to the problem areas on the beard 2 times a day. The spray should be located at a distance of 1 cm from the skin. After the procedure, the beard should not be washed for 3 hours.

When the desired result is achieved, the number of applications can be reduced to once. Minoxidil will accelerate the metabolism of the hair follicle. The growth phase will be increased.

During the use of minoxidil, not only accelerated beard growth can be observed, but also side effects. It is about redness and peeling of the skin, itching is also possible.

Contraindications to the use of minoxidil

To use funds based on this substance is contraindicated for young men under 18 years of age. Also, the lotion should not be applied to irritated areas of the skin of the face - with redness, soreness, including after sunburn.

Vitamins for Beard Growth

Today you can purchase special vitamin complexes that help stimulate facial hair growth. In order to become the owner of a beautiful beard as soon as possible, it is recommended to take the following vitamins:

  • Retinol Acetate (Vitamin A). The substance promotes hair growth. It can be taken in the form of tablets in courses or included in your daily diet such foods as carrots, seaweed, cheese, butter.
  • Ascorbic acid (vitamin C). Helps strengthen immunity, provides nutrition to the skin from the inside. It is sold in every pharmacy; it is found in abundance in oranges, kiwi, blackcurrant, cabbage, pepper.
  • Tocopherol (Vitamin E). Improves subcutaneous blood circulation. With its use, you can awaken the sleeping hair follicles. This vitamin for beard growth is found in such affordable foods as oatmeal, prunes, nuts.
  • Biotin (Vitamin B7). One of the most important substances that affect hair growth. You can buy it at the pharmacy. How to increase beard hair growth by changing nutrition? Replenish biotin deficiency in the body by consuming legumes, nuts, and eggs in sufficient quantities.
  • Folic Acid (Vitamin B9). Promotes the full development of beard hairs.

You can buy such funds for the growth of a beard in a pharmacy.

Castor and burdock oils

You can use not only vitamins and minoxidil for beard growth. Castor and burdock oil have proven themselves excellently. These products have always been famous for their firming effect on the bulbs and have been effectively used to stimulate hair growth in women. But they can also be used by men who dream of growing a beard faster.

Burr oil

How to grow a beard at home with oils? It is necessary to combine both means in equal parts and heat in a water bath to a comfortable temperature. Moisten a piece of gauze in the oil mixture and apply to pre-steamed face skin. Cover the gauze with a film, and cover with a warm towel on top. You need to keep such a compress for as long as possible, but at least one hour. Wash off the mask with warm water and soap.

According to numerous reviews, a mixture of castor and burdock oils is the most effective folk remedy for the growth of a beard.

"Alerana" for hair growth

The manufacturer of medical cosmetics, popular among hair maniacs, VERTEX JSC, produces the Alerana remedy for a beard. The drug in its composition contains a complex of active elements that awaken sleeping follicles.

The cosmetic product formula contains the following components:

  • minoxidil;
  • burdock extract;
  • tea tree oil;
  • extract from the leaves of nettle dioica.

Depending on the form of release of the drug, the combination of natural substances in the composition may change. The most common options are:

  • Spray "Alerana" is used twice a day - in the morning and in the evening. According to the instructions, 7-8 clicks are enough. If the man’s face is smooth, the product is left for one hour, if there is bristle, then the exposure time will be two hours. Then the drug must be washed off so that there is no sticky film on the face.
  • The preparation for the growth of a beard in the form of serum and ointment is rubbed with neat massaging movements until completely absorbed. Discomfort in the form of tightness is possible.
  • Future bearded men should use the lotion twice a day. The penetration time of the active components is 30 minutes. Unpleasant sensations after applying the product, as a rule, do not occur.
  • Alerana tablets for beard growth are taken after consultation with a doctor. They contain 18 elements and a specially developed vitamin-mineral complex. They favorably affect the hair follicles, do not violate the natural processes in the human body.
Alerana Spray

The most convenient form is a spray. It is recommended to use it to men, if after 30 years a beard does not grow. When used, the product does not come into contact with the skin of the hands. However, you need to be careful so that when applied, the liquid does not get into the eyes.

The result of using the drug to grow a beard men notice after 2-4 weeks. The duration of the course depends on the specific case. The drug perfectly strengthens hairs, stops hair loss and stimulates the appearance of new vegetation. This tool for growing beards in a pharmacy is not difficult to purchase.

The main role in the growth process is played by the molecules of minoxidil. For beard growth, this substance is indispensable. It will improve blood circulation in the epidermis, provide nutrition to the follicles and enhance hair growth. The remaining ingredients help strengthen the result, gradually turning a soft fluff into a powerful beard.


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