Alexander G. Gorshkov, Soviet figure skater: biography, personal life, sports career

Then, in 1966, few believed that anything would come of these two. However, four years passed, and Lyudmila Alekseevna Pakhomova and Alexander Georgievich Gorshkov became one of the best world pairs in figure skating. Since 1976, the discipline of ice dance has been included in the program of the Olympic Games in figure skating. Lyudmila Pakhomova and Alexander Gorshkov became the first Olympic champions in the Austrian figure skating Innsbruck in this sports category.

Alexander Georgievich Potkov

The first sports steps of the future champion

Alexander Georgievich Gorshkov was born in Moscow on October 8, 1946. In the family of George and Maria Gorshkovs, a baby was born - the future Olympic champion, multiple champion of world and European championships, Honored Master of Sports of the Soviet Union. The sports biography of Alexander Gorshkov begins in 1956, when he first set foot on the ice arena of the Moscow Children and Youth Sports School at the Young Pioneers Stadium.

Like all boys, the young man dreamed of conquering hockey ice rinks with beautiful goals. However, the coach did not see the makings of a hockey player in the guy, and Gorshkov's parents were advised to change the sport. So, by the will of fate, Sasha Gorshkov became a skater. By 1966, speaking at various competitions, Alexander Georgievich Gorshkov was fulfilling the norm of the first adult figure skating sports category.

Star duet

In 1964, after a triumphant performance at the USSR Championship in Kirov, Lyudmila Pakhomova and Viktor Ryzhin, where the couple won, it seemed that a new star duet in figure skating was emerging. However, after double repetition of success at the USSR Championships in Kiev in 1965 and 1966, the couple broke up. On the nose is the USSR Championship in Kuibyshev, and the coaching staff is concerned about the selection of a partner for Lyudmila Pakhomova. It was then that, on the recommendation of Elena Tchaikovsky , a new dance couple was created, which she undertook to prepare for the national championship.

figure skating world championship

The beginning of a long journey

Nobody believed in the success of this newly formed pair. Alexander Gorshkov was a lone skater; at that time he was just a promising first-class sportsman. However, the young coach Elena Anatolyevna Tchaikovsky instilled faith in the success, who proposed to master a completely new style in figure skating - the style of sports dance on ice, which is gaining more and more popularity in world ice sports.

A non-standard approach to the original dance theme in the Russian style was based on the traditions of the Soviet ballet school, which used classical works by Russian composers and folk music. Over three years of hard training, the couple achieved certain successes in domestic championships and international championships:

  • 1967 year. USSR Championship in Kuibyshev - silver;
  • 1967 year. World Championship in Vienna (Austria) - 13th place;
  • 1967 year. European Championship in Ljubljana (Yugoslavia) - 10th place;
  • 1968 year. USSR Championship in Voskresensk - silver medals;
  • 1968 year. World Championship in Geneva (Switzerland) - 6th place;
  • 1968 year. European Championship in Vasteras (Sweden) - 5th place;
  • 1969 year. USSR Championship In Leningrad - gold;
  • 1969 year. World Championship in Colorado Springs (USA) - silver;
  • 1969 year. European Championship in Garmisch-Partenkirchen (Germany) - bronze medals.

The young skaters continued to train hard under the guidance of their coach.

World Figure Skating Championships in Ljubljana

1970 was a landmark event in the life of a sports couple. Leningrad hosted the European Figure Skating Championship. Having brilliantly skated the mandatory program, Alexander Georgievich Gorshkov and Lyudmila Alekseevna Pakhomova become the winners of the European Championship.

It was the first grandiose success of future Olympic champions who proved the viability of their stellar duo. And soon they won the World Figure Skating Championships in Ljubljana (Yugoslavia). Thus, A. Gorshkov and L. Pakhomova become the first of the athletes of the Soviet school of figure skating to win international titles of the World and European Championships. In addition to sporting achievements, in 1970 another important event took place in the life of Alexander Gorshkov and Pakhomova - they became husband and wife.

lyudmila pakhomova and alexander pots

Further success

The victory in the World Cup and the gold of the European championship were not an isolated case in the life of skaters. The collection of gold medals was replenished every year, confirming that they are indeed the strongest couple in the world of figure skating:

  • 1971 year. World Championship in Lyon (France) - gold;
  • 1971 year. European Championship in Zurich, Switzerland - gold;
  • 1972 year. First place at the World Championships in Calgary (Canada);
  • 1972 year. Silver medals at the European Championship in Gothenburg (Sweden). In this championship, during the performance of a sporting dance, the partner stumbled, and A. Gorshkov and L. Pakhomov gave the palm to the German figure skaters Angelika and Erich Buk, sister and brother.

This annoying mistake did not make them weaker, but only became an occasion to prove again that they are indeed the best in the world:

  • 1973 year. European Championship in Cologne (Germany) - gold;
  • 1973 year. World Championship in Bratislava (Czechoslovakia) - gold;
  • 1974 year. European Championship in Zagreb (Yugoslavia) - gold;
  • 1974 year. World Figure Skating Championships in Germany, Munich - gold;
  • 1975 year. European Championship in the capital of Denmark - gold medals.

For three years - not a single loss!

Olympic character

Returning from the European tournament in Copenhagen, Alexander felt a sharp pain in his back. Upon arrival in Moscow, doctors diagnosed a serious disease of the pulmonary system. An urgent operation was needed, which threatened not only the participation of the couple in the Olympic Games in Innsbruck, but also A. Gorshkov's further sports career. The strength, will and character of the athlete made him overcome all difficulties and once again emerge victorious.

The very next year, the couple worked perfectly on the mandatory program and received the highest scores of the sports jury of the European Championship 76 in Switzerland. Gold medals once again replenished the collection of the star duo.

The European Championship in Geneva was the starting point and launching pad before the first Olympic test for Lyudmila and Alexander, which they passed with flying colors.

alexander pots skater

Olympic Gold Innsbruck

Sports "well-wishers" watched with interest the titled pair from Moscow, betting on the success or failure of the skaters from the Soviet Union. However, once again A. Gorshkov and L. Pakhomova proved that they have no equal. A convincing break from the closest rivals made this duet unattainable, and they rightfully became the owners of gold medals in the Olympic Innsbruck (Austria).

The gold medals of the World Championships in Sweden, which A. Gorshkov and L. Pakhomova won in Gothenburg in March 1976, were the last awards in their sports career. The couple decided to leave the big sport and do coaching.

Sports career results

For nine years, from 1967 to 1976, the sports duet became the owner of gold medals of six World Championships, six European Championships and six Championships of the Soviet Union. Such a success to this day in ice dancing has not been repeated by any athlete. This achievement of the skaters was noted as a record in the Guinness Book.

Public and personal life of Alexander Gorshkov

After graduating from a career in sports, A. Gorshkov becomes a sports functionary. State figure skating coach of the USSR State Committee for Sports - Alexander Georgievich held this position for fifteen years, from 1977 to 1992.

The result of great love between the athletes is Julia - the daughter of Lyudmila Pakhomova and Alexander Gorshkov, who was born in 1977. However, family happiness did not last long.

personal life of alexander potkov
In 1979, Lyudmila Alekseevna discovered a malignant tumor disease of the endocrine system. At first, when the disease could be stopped, L. Pakhomova did not pay enough attention to her person. Coaching required full dedication on ice, and there was no talk of any treatment.

Until the last day, the wife of A. G. Gorshkov was devoted to sports and her students. Being under a dropper, she constantly asked about the successes of her wards.

On May 17, 1986, at the age of 39, Lyudmila Pakhomova died. Lymphogranulomatosis is an officially confirmed cause of death of a great athlete. Alexander Gorshkov lost not only his wife, but also his faithful, trusted friend, life partner.

biography of alexander potkov

The second marriage of Alexander Gorshkov was framed with Irina, a longtime girlfriend of the athlete, with whom he was familiar during the life of L.A. Pakhomova. The second wife at that time worked as a translator at the Italian Embassy in Russia. The wife of Alexander Gorshkov from his first marriage has a son who got along well with his stepfather. However, this event slightly alienated daughter Julia from her father. All this time, after the death of L. Pakhomova, her grandmother, Lyudmila's mother, was engaged in the upbringing of the girl. Only after her death, Julia first met her stepmother. It was on New Year's Eve 1994. Today, Julia Alexandrovna lives and works in Paris, she is a successful fashion designer and clothing designer.

daughter of lyudmila pakhomova and alexander potkov

Further career

Since 2000, Alexander Gorshkov has been the president of the charity public foundation “Art and Sport” named after L. A. Pakhomova, initiated by Elena Anatolievna Tchaikovskaya, Tatyana Anatolyevna Tarasova and Alexander Georgievich himself. Since June 2010 A.G. Gorshkov headed the Russian Figure Skating Federation. The merits of the great athlete were highly appreciated by the state:

  • 1970 - Honored Master of Sports of the USSR;
  • 1972 - Order of the Badge of Honor;
  • 1976 - Order of the Red Banner of Labor;
  • 1988 - Honored Trainer of the USSR;
  • 1988 - Order of Friendship of Peoples;
  • 1997 - Honored Worker of Physical Culture and Sports of Russia;
  • 2007 - Order of Merit to the Fatherland, 4 degrees;
  • 2014 - Order of Honor.

Today, Alexander G. Gorshkov remains in the ranks, lives and works actively in Moscow, doing his favorite thing.


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