Bakery ovens "Sunrise" - types, characteristics

Among Russian manufacturers of industrial equipment for bakery production, a brand from Saratov stands out apart. Sunrise bakery ovens are great, especially if you focus on the price / quality ratio.

baking ovens sunrise
The assortment of the plant is wide enough to contain something for a small bakery of the “homework” level and for large-scale production. We will devote this article to the thermal equipment of the Saratov producer.

Bakery oven. General requirements

Thermal equipment for baking bread should:

  • be able to vary the temperature range in the working chamber from 50 to 300 C;
  • be able to provide steam humidification if necessary;
  • have a high chamber for comfortable baking bread in the form of L7 (the well-known high "brick");
  • be able to adjust the operation of the upper and lower ten.

Common Types of Bakery Ovens

So, the following types of ovens for bread are distinguished in production:

  • Longline. The easiest option is the oven. It looks like an ordinary oven. It happens on 1, 2 and 3 tiers. Each tier is autonomous. Connection type - 380 V.
  • Rotational. Used for baking bakery products in larger industries. They represent a chamber into which a hairpin cart is mounted, on which trays with flour preparations are installed.
    baking ovens Price
    The hairpin is rolled into a rotary kiln, where the products are baked evenly.
  • Tunneling. Element of production scale "plant". The tunnel baking oven works on the principle of a conveyor - at its beginning, dough pieces are laid out on the line, which subsequently go through a complete heat treatment cycle and reach the stage of cooling and packaging at the end of the "path". Such furnaces have autonomous heat zones, which can be adjusted in accordance with the technological map. In other words, the temperature inside the furnace can be even or vary over a certain period of time.
  • The cradles. From the name itself, the principle of operation of such furnaces is understandable. It combines a high level of performance and modest performance in energy consumption.

Sunrise Longline Baking Ovens

The most popular items from the assortment of the company. They are good in that their performance characteristics make it possible to use them not only in bread production - they buy a lot of general food outlets for themselves, using confectionery and second courses for baking.

tunnel baking oven
Why, thanks to a temperature of 350 C, this oven even bakes pizza! The only "but" - the baking ovens "Sunrise" can not cope where capricious dishes. For example, the meringue in it is unlikely to succeed. Popular models are as follows:

  • Khpe-500. It happens with a different coating - galvanized, painted, stainless. The first is the most budgetary, and practice shows that coverage does not affect work at all. The average price of such a furnace is 44,000 rubles. Integral, but consists of three autonomous horizontal tiers. It has the possibility of vaporization (a special connector for water opposite each tier). Power - 19.2 kW. Connection type - 380 V. The temperature regime varies from 50 to 350 C. The internal size of the chamber is 96.5 * 76 * 25 cm. It is equipped with six baking sheets of 70 * 46 cm in size (2 for each level);
  • KhPE-750 / 500.11. A complete analog of KhPE-500, the main difference is one level, not three. Unfortunately, there are no 2-level baking ovens "Voskhod" in the size line of the plant, but, if desired, you can put two of these ovens on top of each other in one working module. The average price is 28,000 rubles.

All furnaces of the plant exist both with blind doors and with glass doors. The latter are more fragile, but good in that they allow you to control the cooking process without opening the camera and without violating the temperature regime.

Rotary oven "Sunrise" for baking bread

The rotational equipment at the plant from Saratov is represented by the following Monsoon-Rotor models:

types of baking ovens

  • Model 350. Execution - gas. In one load, it is able to bake 360 ​​pieces of molded bread in the form of L7.
  • Model 250 MP. Execution - gas. The amount of bread with a one-time loading is 270 pieces in the form of L7.
  • Model 99 / 11-01. Execution - gas. In one load it is able to bake 180 pieces of molded bread in the form of L7.

These are quite expensive baking ovens, the price for them is on average 700,000 rubles. Also, about 20% of the total cost of the equipment will need to be paid for the initial start-up by the plant's specialists - otherwise it does not bear any warranty obligations.


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