Sheep of Edilbayev breed: description, breeding

Sheep breeding in our country, and especially in the steppe regions, has recently gained increasing popularity. This is due primarily to state policy aimed at the development of agriculture. Also, one of the main prerequisites for the development of this industry has been repeated outbreaks of a disease such as swine flu. Farmers and large agricultural enterprises were encouraged to try out alternative livestock farming methods. One of the most promising sheep breeds is currently considered to be the Edilbaevskaya fat tail. Its main advantages are endurance, unpretentiousness and high productivity.

Breed history

The Edilbayev sheep were bred even before the revolution, shepherds in the interfluve of the Urals and Volga in Kazakhstan. During the selection process, maximum attention was paid to increasing the endurance of animals. Indeed, then in Kazakhstan nomadic cattle breeding was highly developed. The bred sheep should easily endure long transitions, if necessary for a long time without food, be insensitive to heat and cold. The Astrakhan large coarse-haired and Kazakh fat tail became the parent for the Edilbayev breed.

sheep of edilbaevsky breed

To date, this sheep is bred almost throughout Russia. This breed is especially popular in Tatarstan and Bashkiria. There is a rather large herd in the Orenburg region. Of course, this is one of the planned breeds in many regions of Kazakhstan. These sheep are bred and farmers of some other foreign countries.

general description

Sheep of the Edilbayev breed belong to the group of meat and sebaceous directions of productivity. The main distinguishing features of these animals are a very strong physique and kolost. Sheeps of this breed do not have horns. The color of the Edilbayev sheep can be brown, red or black. Animals of different colors differ slightly in terms of productivity. Black and brown sheep give the most wool and meat. Among other things, the characteristics of the breed include:

  • proper physique;

  • well-developed kurdyuk;

  • heterogeneity of the coat (fluff, spine, transitional hair).

The body length of the sheep of this breed is 77-82 cm, chest circumference - 90-106 cm.

edilbaevskie sheep

Productivity indicators

An adult Edilbayev sheep weighs about 110-120 kg. The best individuals can gain 150-160 kg. This breed is also valued for its precocity. At birth, the mass of rams is only about 6 kg, and by 4 months of age this figure reaches 20-24 kg (including fat tail 3-4 kg). By one and a half years, young growth already weighs about 80 kg. The slaughter yield of meat in these sheep is 50-53%. Its advantages include not only low cholesterol, but also the complete absence of a specific smell.

Characteristic for this breed are high productivity indicators. On this basis, the Edilbaevsk sheep are superior to many other varieties. The average shear for sheep is 3-3.5 kg, for queens 2.3 kg. Maximum values ​​are 5 and 2.6 kg.

Milkiness of these sheep is also quite high. From one uterus during the period of a lactation it is possible to receive 150-155 liters. Edilbayev sheep’s marketed milk is used mainly for the preparation of various kinds of traditional Kazakh drinks: Ayran (kefir), kurt (hard cheese), Irimchik (cottage cheese) and butter. All of these foods are very healthy. The average fat content of milk is 5.8%. The weight of the sheep of the Edilbayev breed is about 65-70 kg. The best individuals can gain 90-100 kg.

sheep weight

Unfortunately, the Edilbayev breed sheep are not particularly fertile. Uterus usually brings one lamb. Occasionally in a litter there are two or three cubs.

Sheep Breeding: Breeding Work

Nowadays, scientists and livestock farmers continue to improve this breed. Among its pluses, among other things, include the ability to transmit to the offspring all useful economic attributes. Selection work is carried out mainly along the lines, with the laying of two or three in the herd. Of course, not only the best male producers, but also elite uterus are selected to replenish the livestock. Lines from rams are created with some outstanding qualities - in terms of early maturity, weight, size of fat tail, quality of wool. Such animals become the ancestors of several generations of Edilbayev sheep. Work with the line itself consists mainly in mating animals with distant degrees of kinship.

fat tail sheep

Separate flocks are gathered from the very valuable Edilbayev sheep. Improved conditions of keeping and feeding are created for them. The selected sheep, depending on certain qualities, can be used as producers from 18 months to 4-5 years.

Feeding Features

One of the undoubted advantages of this breed is its unpretentiousness in relation to feed. After all, the Edilbaev sheep were hatched precisely with the expectation of not particularly legible food. The ancestors of modern animals of this breed were able to eat miserable weed, extracted from under the stones with the help of hooves, dead wood, branches, etc.

Of course, today these lambs are fed much better. Despite the fact that Edilbaevskie rams and uterus eat literally everything that the owners will offer them, both high-quality concentrated and green fodder, and juicy, are usually introduced into their diet. Indeed, on a well-balanced diet, these animals gain weight much faster. So, for example, when using feed with a high protein content by 4 months, rams gain weight not in 24 kg, but in as much as 50 kg.

The content of sheep using corn as the main feed can significantly increase the yield of fat and fat. The basis of the ration of animals bred for meat is made up of concentrates such as wheat and oats. Also, such sheep are given bran, straw and oilcake. Of course, in both cases, animals should receive a large amount of hay or fresh grass. You can also feed the sheep with branches with foliage or dried brooms. From succulent feeds they are given technical beets, carrots and other vegetables and root crops. Without fail, animals must receive various kinds of vitamin and mineral supplements.

sheep keeping

In the summertime, Edilbayev sheep are flocked to pastures. Moreover, they are almost completely transferred to pasture. Thus, the advantages of these animals, among other things, include the relative economy of the content.

Breeding Features

Keeping sheep of this breed is a relatively simple procedure. For example, animals do not present any special requirements for the premises. The main thing is that the shepherd is warm and dry. Although the representatives of this breed tolerate cold well, it is advisable to ensure that the air temperature in the barn in autumn and winter does not fall below 9 grams. In addition, the shepherd must arrange ventilation. These animals do not like stale air, like drafts.

A particular difficulty in keeping fat breed is in summer grazing. The fact is that these animals are very shy. At the slightest sharp sound, the herd can simply run away. In no case should this be allowed. The fact is that the sheep’s sheep’s breed doesn’t differ with a special mind and simply cannot find the way to the stall on their own. Shepherds have to search for them on the steppes and mountains. But, being calm, the sheep in all obey the owners and even dogs or horses. One of the distinguishing features of the Edilbayev breed is some aggressiveness. However, it is usually aimed not at people or other livestock, but at representatives of its own herd. Even without horns, the Edilbayev sheep sometimes manage to “pile on” each other. If these animals are not followed, in some cases, the matter may even end in serious injuries.

edilbaevsky breed of sheep Price

Disease prevention

Of course, when breeding these animals, all necessary measures should be taken to prevent infection. All sheep-tail sheep, including the Edilbayev sheep, need periodic vaccination. This procedure should be carried out under the supervision of a veterinarian.

Pregnancy and childbirth

Lambing in the queens of this breed usually goes without complications. Delivery in most cases lasts no more than half an hour. The farm owners do not need to take any special actions during lambing. All that needs to be done is to clean the nose of the newborn lamb and put it on the mother. In the pasture, young animals are allowed to be released already on the second day after birth.

Edilbaevskaya breed of sheep: price in Russia

Breeding these animals is beneficial not only because of their productivity and unpretentiousness in food. Many farmers receive a good income and selling young animals. The price for it may be different in different regions. In the Orenburg region, for example, one thoroughbred lamb costs about 7,500 thousand rubles (for 2016). In Bashkiria, youngsters can be bought from private traders and cheaper - for 6000 rubles.

edilbaevsky ram

But of course, it is still worth buying Edilbaevsk sheep in breeding farms. In this case, it is more likely to buy lambs from a good trusted producer. Of course, these animals will subsequently have the best and performance indicators.


As you can see, the Edilbaevskaya fat tail breed is really notable for its good productivity and does not cause any trouble to its owners. Processing wool of sheep of this variety allows to obtain high-quality felted and felt products. Meat, milk and lard are widely used in the food industry. To date, this breed, of course, is one of the most promising in our country. It is especially recommended to breed Edilbayevsky fat tail sheep in the southern arid regions.


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