Freely - is that how?

The meaning of the word “freely” is clearly revealed by synonyms. It can be attributed to aging concepts that are rarely used in everyday life. Let's get to know this rare word better.

Similar words

Those close in meaning include: easily, freely, freely, naturally, without embarrassment, etc. As you can see, “freely” is a word with a very broad meaning, and its use can enrich the vocabulary of any person. Consider several areas of its use.

Free of charge is

Examples of using the word "free"

In his poem "To Whom It Is Good to Live in Russia" Nekrasov uses the word "freely" in combination with the word "fun", as if clarifying its meaning. In combination with it, we can say that freely - it is carefree .

The phrases “like a fish in water” and “like a bird in flight” will be close in meaning. The analogy allows us to understand that “ freely” is the way it should be ideally.

meaning of the word freely

When a person is in a well-known, familiar and comfortable environment for him, where there is nothing dangerous or creating difficulties, where you can relax and have fun, you can say that he is comfortable.

Similar in sound and partially included in the composition of this word are the words “will” and “privilege”. These words create a parallel with the release from obligations, for example, in the tax sphere.

In some countries, entrepreneurs are encouraged to provide tax incentives for the first few years of activity, or if the entrepreneur engages in activities that the state has a priority. This allows a novice businessman to feel more confident and faster to settle in his chosen field of activity. Applying the concept to this area, we can say that it is free - using benefits and exemptions, accepting help, having patronage and guarantees in case of failure.


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