How to create a video

Almost every person whose occupation is closely related to working on a computer sooner or later thinks about how to create a video clip to illustrate a speech or demonstrate some material. But even people who are far from information technology, sometimes want to please relatives and friends with a selection of photos and videos from the home archive, put on music.

Before you create a video, you need to decide on the tasks that it will perform. Depending on them, the format is also selected: presentation, clip or just a selection of photos. At the same time, it is desirable that images or glued video clips are accompanied by a melody that is suitable for the theme and mood. Such a video will be the result of your development of this lesson.

Necessary software

To create the final product, you will need a special program with which it is quite simple to achieve the desired goal. Before you create a video, you need to choose from the variety of similar programs those that you will use. A short list of characteristics of the main software will help you navigate and stay on the most necessary.

Windows movie maker

This is a very popular software designed for creating videos. Simplicity and convenience of work allow you to master it even for users without experience in the shortest possible time. Of course, when all the functions have been studied and applied in practice, I want more opportunities, but for beginners, Movie Maker is the best choice.


To create a really effective short film, you will definitely need a graphics editor that will allow you to overlap images, because in Movie Maker this function is not available. Easy to learn and free is the Paint.Net photo editor.


This is a sound editor, with the help of it you can change, cut and glue sounds.

Mobile Media Converter

An important utility that converts audio and video formats.

K-Lite Codec Pack

A codec package that allows you to easily work with different file formats in Movie Maker.

How to create a video: procedure


When your hands itch to get to work, you don't want to neglect to draw up a plan, but if you take on more than just creating videos from photos from a place of rest or a family celebration, the plan will be very useful. Without preliminary preparation, do not start presentations or educational lessons. Prepare the information you need and give it a clear sequence. At the same time, compose the texts as briefly and succinctly as possible.

Material selection

Before you create a video clip from photographs, video clips and text, all elements of a future work need to be collected. Depending on your tasks, use either ready-made materials from the Internet, or take pictures yourself and record music. To edit both, use the programs described in the previous paragraph.

Build into a Windows Movie Maker project

The selected items must now be added to the Movie Maker program. To do this, open it, and then in the "Operations" panel, click "Import Video" or "Import Images." The files you have selected appear in the Collections panel. Drag them to the timeline in the order they appear. Everything is simple with the photo, but the video has its own nuances: the video is automatically storyboard when it is added to the project, and in the “Collections” already cut pieces are found. You can select all or any part necessary for work.

Adding captions

When adding text to an image, be sure to consider the time it takes for the viewer to read it. Add 2-5 seconds in the case when the words are accompanied by a picture - they will go to the perception of what is captured on it.

Effects and Transitions

An interesting change of frames is an important detail when creating a video. To see what a particular transition looks like, select “View video effects” or “View video transitions”. After evaluating the capabilities of each of them, select the one you like and drag its icon to the desired frame.

Audio processing

After the work with pictures and text is completed, and the image time of each frame is set, you can see how many minutes and seconds the finished presentation is. The musical accompaniment must correspond to it in terms of duration, so the desired audio file is created from separate passages or an entire piece using a sound editor. Place the finished sound from the computer’s memory into the project through the “Import sound or music”


Save the finished video in the traditional way, setting the parameters in the settings, and then clicking “Finish”. That's all, now you can show everyone your work.


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