Forms, types and types of deviant behavior. Description and characteristic

Deviant behavior is interpreted as deviating from accepted in this society norms and laws of behavior. Therefore, it affects the social sphere, therefore, the classification is made on several grounds. Based on this, the forms, types and types of deviant behavior can be different.

One of the most common is violence , which involves the use by a subject (a group of persons) of coercion against another (s). Their goals may be different:

  • preservation and acquisition of political and economic domination;
  • gaining privileges and rights;
  • achievement of psychological superiority and other goals.

The forms of deviant behavior in the form of violence are as follows:

  • physical, involving the use of force;
  • mental and emotional include constant or prolonged exposure to the victim, causing emotional breakdowns, emotional feelings and stress in the latter;
  • sexual, which is interpreted as involving the subject in actions of a sexual nature, to which consent was not given.

In addition, the following types of deviant behavior in the form of violence should be distinguished.

  1. Sadism, which is expressed in the presence of sexual perversion, when pain and suffering is caused to another person in order to get satisfaction.
  2. Masochism, when violence is directed at oneself. This is a sexual perversion, implying the achievement of sexual satisfaction when he is hurt. Another form is self-flagellation and self-infliction of suffering.
  3. Suicide is an extreme form of violence against oneself.

Types of deviant behavior also include aggression , the main objectives of which are to harm and harm another person or group in order to coerce, destroy and humiliate. It is not always planned, because it is often expressed in emotional and impulsive reactions.

In modern society, types of deviant behavior also include the use of psychoactive substances.

  1. Addiction is characterized by a painful craving, addiction to the use of substances. It leads to the presence of severe violations of physical and mental functions.
  2. Substance abuse is a disease that is caused by the use of toxic drugs (tranquilizers, caffeine, chifir, chemical vapors).
  3. Alcoholism and drunkenness , which lead to the emergence of irreversible physical and mental processes, since alcohol becomes necessary in the course of all metabolic processes in the body.

The type of deviant behavior is prostitution (male and female). It implies a reward for providing sexual services.

Offenses are becoming widespread in Russia. Such antisocial actions are directed against specific citizens or the whole society. This kind of deviant behavior takes two forms:

  • misconduct, which implies a guilty and unlawful act, not implying public danger;
  • crime is a very dangerous act committed by a person in a sane state.

Types of deviant behavior also include actions that are caused by the presence of spiritual degradation:

  • social parasitism, which includes life at the expense of the state or other persons, parasitism;
  • begging;
  • vagrancy, as walking without specific goals and occupations by persons impoverished and homeless.

Separately, it is necessary to highlight bureaucracy. It is expressed in bureaucracy, red tape, neglect of the essence of any business, and so on.

Types of anti-personal and anti-social deviant behavior in modern society are constantly updated and modified.


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