Chicago: population, area, time zone, climate. US millionaire cities

One of the most populated cities in America is Chicago. The population of this metropolis has already exceeded 2.5 million people. In the US, the city is in third place in terms of population after New York and Los Angeles. There are many representative offices of large firms and companies (in terms of financial significance, the city is in second place in the United States after New York). Chicago has the largest transport hub of the entire mainland - North America.

Chicago Population

Chicago population
At the moment, one of the largest cities in the United States of America is Chicago. The population, according to the 2010 census, is 2 million 695 thousand people.

Most residents are traditionally Americans. There are about 55% of them. The agglomeration, which is also called the "Country of Chicago" or "Greater Chicago", looks even more impressive. This cluster of predominantly urban settlements, which from time to time grow together and unite, has about 9 million inhabitants. In the ranking of world agglomerations, Chicago ranks 37th in the world.

It is one of America’s key cities in the Midwest. Chicago, whose population has always been economically active, today rightfully occupies a leading position as the industrial, transport, economic and cultural capital of the Midwest.

Millionaire city

US millionaire cities form the basis of their economic and industrial power. Chicago is one of them.

There are 8 cities in America with a population of over one million people. In terms of the number of inhabitants, Chicago is second only, as already mentioned, only to Los Angeles and the absolute leader New York, in which almost 8.5 million people live. Also on the list are Dallas, San Antonio, Philadelphia, Phoenix and Houston.

Chicago Square

Chicago city
Chicago covers over 606 square kilometers. There are 12 federal reserve banks, the largest exchange, and various commercial structures on this territory.

Huge areas are occupied by the famous business center, known worldwide as Chicago Loop. It is the second largest business center after Manhattan. Here you can meet the headquarters of world famous companies such as Boeing and United Airlines.

Chicago is also a city famous for its sights: the skyscrapers quarter, the Willis Tower (a 110-story building) - the second highest building in the USA. From the ground to the top as much as 443 meters. The observation deck, located on the 103rd floor, offers stunning views of Lake Michigan and the surrounding area.

In the center of architecture, you can trace the entire history of skyscraper construction in the United States.


Chicago usa
Chicago time zone - UTS - 6:00 in winter. This is Central American time. Throughout the year, Belize, Guatemala, Honduras, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, El Salvador, partly Canada, Chile and Ecuador fall into it.

In the summer, the time zone changes to UTS - 5:00. The time difference between Moscow and Chicago is 9 hours.

Climate in Chicago

Illinois State

This is the largest city in Illinois. However, it is not its capital, the administrative center is located in the city of Springfield with a population of only 116 thousand people.

Chicago is located right on the banks of Lake Michigan, as well as along the Chicago, Calumet, and Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canals, which connects the Chicago River with Des Plains in the east of the city. In the XIX century, the Chicago River was used for shipping, now these functions have passed to Lake Michigan.

Chicago's climate is humid continental. A very long summer, which is accompanied by frequent rains. The weather is wet and hot.

Winter is relatively cold, especially when compared with other US states. Winter is short, and the weather often changes. The average July temperature exceeds 23 degrees Celsius, in January an average of -5. Over 900 millimeters of precipitation falls annually. The average wind speed during the year is 4 and a half meters per second. Relative humidity is just over 70%.

The warmest month of the year is July, the absolute maximum reaches over 40 degrees above zero. The coldest in January, the absolute maximum this month is above 32 degrees below zero.

The largest city in the state

US millionaire cities
The state of Illinois is in 25th place in terms of floor space. Chicago is its key focus. Here are concentrated industrial enterprises, as well as companies engaged in agriculture. The south of the state is fertile and rich in natural resources. This is, first of all, timber, oil and coal.

Illinois is America's main transportation hub . By water, the port of Chicago is connected with the largest ports of the Great Lakes, and also has direct access to the Atlantic Ocean.

Here is the O'Hare International Airport. For several decades, he remains one of the busiest in the world.

According to the latest state census in 2011, almost 13 million people live in it. This is the most densely populated area in the whole Midwest. Two-thirds of the inhabitants of the state belong to the famous Chicago metropolitan area. However, it occupies no more than 8% of the state. The rest of Illinois live in rural settlements or small towns.

According to the same census, over 13% of state residents were born outside the United States of America. Of these, almost half represent the countries of Latin America, 26% - Asia, 22% - Europe, a small part came from Africa, North America and Oceania. Of these, less than half of the visitors received US citizenship.

The state has a lot of children and youth, almost 30% of the population are minors, because Chicago is a city of opportunities. It attracts many Americans with its promise. The gender composition is almost identical, there are slightly more women - 51% of them.

If we evaluate the origin of the inhabitants of Illinois and Chicago, then most of them are Germans - there are more than 20% of them. 13% of Irish, from 5 to 10% of Poles, British and Italians, about 2% of Swedes and French, also the Dutch, Norwegian and Scottish diasporas live here.

Russian in Illinois a little more than 126 thousand. This is less than 1 percent of the total population.

Air traffic

chicago square
Chicago, whose population is very mobile, is served by two large international airports. There is also a network of small ones. The main one is O'Hare International Airport, located in the west, outside the city limits. It belongs to the town of Park Ridge and is one of the largest in the world. It has 4 terminals, 3 of which are intended for local airlines and one is international. This airport takes the 4th place in the world in the number of passengers carried.

Another airport is called Midway. It is located in southwest Chicago. Its history begins in 1923, when the first runway was opened. Then its main function was the transportation of mail, after three years the city began to use it for commercial purposes. Already by 1928, four runways were working, ready for work in the dark.

History of chicago

time zone chicago
In 1674, the history of Chicago begins. The USA as a state did not exist at that time. French Jesuit Jacques Marquette founded a missionary post on the site of the future metropolis.

The village of the same name appeared on the maps only in 1833. Then it was a village in which 350 people lived. It is known where the name of the city came from. So the French immigrants changed the Indian word, which means garlic or wild onions.

The status of the city of Chicago appeared only in 1837. Three years later, its population was already 4 thousand people. Convenient and advantageous geographical location - on the border of the west and east of the USA, allowed Chicago to develop rapidly, becoming the main transport hub of the state. This led to an increase in industrial production and an influx of migrants into the agglomeration, which had already begun to take shape.

International fame came to the city in 1920, when the famous gangster Al Capone settled in it. At that time, thousands of gangs existed in the city. With a large influx of migrants, the African American culture began to develop rapidly, in particular, jazz gained unprecedented popularity.

In 1942, the world's first nuclear reaction was carried out at the University of Chicago as part of the Manhattan Project.

By the end of the 20th century, Chicago established itself as one of the centers of American architecture, specifically skyscrapers. At this time, the outflow of residents from the central part of the city to the outskirts began; many even preferred to settle in the suburbs. This trend has affected all cities with a population of over one million.

Green chicago

Chicago is an incredibly green city. There are a huge number of squares and parks. Moreover, Chicago is not limited to green areas. About 30 beaches, which are very popular in the summer, are organically woven into the landscape. This is a favorite vacation spot for tourists who come to Chicago. The USA is proud of another place of mass attraction of tourists.

Also in the park area there is a zoo, bird sanctuaries and even a museum town. In the master plan for the development of the city, these territories are exempted from development. Back in 1839 it was announced that they should be free of any buildings and structures. This decision is still being implemented.

Cultural Life Center

Chicago is not only the economic and industrial, but also the cultural center of America. A large number of festivals are held here, exhibitions regularly open, master classes are held. Especially many events occur in the summer.

Within two months - from the end of June to the very end of September, Chicago becomes the capital of jazz. Here is the Ravinia Festival. Performs at the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, ballet troupes, comedians and parodists.

The international Chicago Blues Festival kicks off in late May. The bright end of these holidays is the Chicago Jazz Festival, which opens in late September.


The main attractions of Chicago are skyscrapers, but besides them there is something to see. Firstly, it is the Old Town. Authentic district of the city, in which shops and buildings of the beginning of the XX century are almost intact. Here is the working church of St. Michael. Every year at the beginning of summer, artists and other representatives of the art world gather here from all over the world.

Another unique area of ​​Chicago is the Gold Coast. It is famous for a large number of old mansions. In the same city there is a water tower, built in the middle of the XIX century. Only she survived the terrible fire of 1871 and still provides water to 400 thousand inhabitants of northern Chicago.


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