Deadlift with kettlebell: execution technique. What muscles work?

The weight of many athletes is considered a very common projectile, capable of replacing the classic barbell and dumbbells when performing deadlifts. Performing this exercise on the latissimus dorsi muscles differs from a deadlift with a barbell or dumbbells by the presence of an offset center of gravity. And, as a result, the altered load vector in amplitude. The deadlift with the kettle itself functions and acts on the muscles a little differently than the usual deadlift.

Exercise technique

Working with weights implies great variability and non-standard specificity of movements. The most common technique is considered to be a classic deadlift with a weight. The main steps in performing the exercise are as follows:

  1. Choosing the right weight for the weight.
  2. Two-handed capture of the projectile and its fixation in the lower position.
  3. The back should have a deflection, and the legs should be exactly shoulder width apart.
  4. Next, you need to start the slow lifting of the body along with the weight, while maintaining a deflection in the back. In the upper position, the blades are retracted.
  5. Throughout the approach, the head looks up and forward.
  6. The projectile is delayed for one second at the top point, and then gently lowers to its original position down.

One of the differences between the deadlift technique with a kettlebell and the standard exercise with a barbell or dumbbells is the ability to shift the load on the femoral part of the legs. To do this, the athlete needs to slightly lean the body back while doing the exercise.

Athlete lifts weights

One leg technique

The purpose of this exercise is mainly to concentrate the load on the back of the thigh. No less strongly, this option also loads the quadriceps on the leading leg, which turns the deadlift with a weight on one leg into an excellent profiling exercise not only for the back, but also for the legs.

  1. A weight suitable for weight is taken with both hands.
  2. One leg leans back slightly.
  3. A slow ascent of the projectile begins, while maintaining the back deflection.
  4. When the body rises evenly, the secondary leg should also be measured backward to maintain a right angle between it and the body.

General rules of execution are similar to the classic deadlift technique. It is always important to remember proper breathing. When moving upward, exhale is made, and at the top point one or more breaths.

Deadlift with kettlebell on one leg

How to choose the weight of shells

There are certain nuances in choosing the right weight for weights. Beginners are advised to opt for two 8 kg weights or one for 16 kg. Experienced athletes, in turn, calculate the weight of the shells based on the working weight of the bar during deadlift.

For example, exercises with 24 kg weights are best performed by those whose working weight is at least 110 kg. Theoretically, you can take one three-pound weight (49 with a small kilogram), however, such shells are rarely found in gyms. Two weights of 32 kg each will be the best choice for athletes with a working weight of 150 kg or more.

It is worth noting that exercises with weights should be postponed for a while if a stable and stable technique for performing deadlift with a barbell is not achieved with a working weight of at least 60 kg. The fact is that a muscle corset may not cope with the load, which will lead to spinal injuries.

Different weights

What muscles are involved in performing

Deadlift with a weight is one of the most universal exercises, during which almost the entire body works. The universality of the deadlift allows you to work out many muscle groups, including:

  • calf muscles (in statics);
  • femoral biceps;
  • back of the thighs;
  • muscles of the buttocks and cortex;
  • press and lower back;
  • trapezius muscles, especially the bottom of the trapezium;
  • chest due to narrow arms during exercise;
  • biceps flexor and forearm;
  • the broadest and rhomboid spinal muscles.

Professionals often use this particular exercise in the intermediate days between workouts to create a dynamic load on the auxiliary muscles throughout the body.

Girl swinging a kettlebell

Advantages of weight-lifting deadlift

The described exercise among experts is considered basic and working out almost all joints of a person. The flexor muscles of the palm due to the displacement of the center of gravity strengthen much faster than with other similar exercises in which the grip is used. The muscles of the forearm are worked out no less qualitatively, and the whole body is prepared for jerking exercises.

Using draft weights as a projectile perfectly pumps the middle of the back, which is sometimes difficult to achieve with other exercises. In addition, these exercises work well on the latissimus dorsi muscles, which look very impressive when pumping.

The option of deadlift on one leg fits perfectly into training programs, making the load more diverse, due to which untrained muscles begin to increase more confidently in volume.

24 kg kettlebell

Harm and contraindications

In general, this type of load can not cause any particular harm, however, the use of exercises with weight and a displaced center of gravity has a number of contraindications for health reasons:

  • the presence of pressure problems;
  • gastrointestinal ulcer;
  • postoperative abdominal injuries;
  • problems with the lower back and intervertebral discs.

If the muscular corset of the back is developed unevenly due to other exercises, then it is not recommended to perform deadlift. In addition, you should not do this exercise immediately after pulling up, because the vertebral discs are stretched and relaxed. A sharp load on the spinal discs can provoke a very painful pinching.

Particular attention should be paid to problems with pressure, because of which sometimes hypertensive patients have difficulty breathing during execution. Another potential harm from an exercise is similar to all deadlift exercises. Violation of the technique leads to the occurrence of vertebral hernias or micro-dislocations in the lumbar region.

Girl with Kettlebells

Deadlift with Kettlebell for Girls

The female version of the exercise basically involves working with fairly modest projectile weights. To perform, you should crouch with a kettlebell, which is captured with both hands. Keeping the back straight, you should slowly rise until the body is fully straightened. The tension of the muscles of the core and buttocks perfectly pumps them. Hands during execution keep a straight position. For girls, it is recommended to do 12 to 15 repetitions in one approach. Of course, for this you do not need to take a weight of 32 kg, since it is unlikely that the correct technique will be preserved.

Deadlift is an excellent alternative and an option for adding variety to the training facilities of many athletes. The undoubted advantage of the exercise is the possibility of visually noticeable progress even with relatively low weight.


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