What is a “threshold”? The meaning and features of the use of the word

Everyone knows the expression "on the verge of a new life." It implies that the time has come for change, and is associated with a joyful and unknown future. What is a “threshold” in the direct meaning of a word, in what other contexts can it be used, and what are the rules for its declination? More on this later in detail.

what is a threshold


Linguists identify up to four basic meanings of the word “threshold”. Two of them are direct, and two more are portable. The word is quite common in everyday speech, as it denotes an element of the domestic interior.

1. A transverse rectangular beam located at the bottom of the doorway. In this context, the expressions “step on / cross the threshold” are known. The meaning of the word is direct and most common in everyday speech.


  • Before she could step over the threshold, the children came crashing around, asking about gifts.
  • There is a popular sign that it is impossible to transmit anything over the threshold.

2. A rocky or rocky section of the river with a drop in water level and fast flow. Most often, a shallow area.


  • The boat got stuck in a narrow riverbed with shallow and sharp rapids.
  • Thresholds can be formed by the exit of rocks to the surface, and reach a height of several meters.

3. The beginning, border or threshold of something. In this case, it is used in a figurative sense.


  • He approached the border of a new age threshold and related changes in perception.
  • On the threshold of change, it is difficult to restrain strong emotions.

4. The smallest value, which is the boundary of the manifestation of something.


  • The minimum sound pressure level is called the hearing threshold.
  • The threshold of consciousness is that which separates the conscious and the unconscious in the mental activity of a person.

threshold word meaning

Morphological and syntactic features

The word "threshold", the meaning of which was considered above, is a noun, inanimate, masculine and type 2 of declension.

Root: -threshold-. According to the classification of A.A. Zalizniak is a type of declination 3a.


D.in front of
Tvthe threshold
Etc.the threshold




The synonyms of the word “threshold” include the following words: limit, step, border, beginning, fault, bar, magnitude, vestibule, elevation. Each of them can be correlated with the main meaning in different contexts. What is the threshold, you can more fully understand if you analyze all the synonyms given and sort them into groups.


On the eve of (on the threshold) of the new year, everyone is building ambitious plans, dreaming of new achievements.

threshold value

Phraseologisms and stable combinations

An analysis of the meaning and variants of synonyms make it possible to understand what a threshold is. And what are the stable expressions and phraseological units with this word that increase the figurativeness of speech?

  • "Upholstering the rapids." Has a disapproving connotation, means to go somewhere constantly in order to solve certain problems, complete business or express requests.
  • "Here is God, and here is the threshold." Also has a disapproving value in colloquial speech. Expresses a proposal to get out, leave, leave the speaker alone.

The threshold can be: low / high, acceptable / low / age /, church / door / metal / stone / pain / seething, etc.

Actions related to the "threshold": rush, stand up / appear, appear, rush, stumble, etc.

By scope, the word is most often used in engineering and medicine, followed by the fields of construction, aviation and general (household) vocabulary. What is the threshold in each of the directions will tell the context, as well as associations with the main options for meaning. In difficult cases, it is worth looking at the explanatory dictionary of concepts and terms.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C10932/

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