How to save the world? What is happening in the world? The world is at stake

Modern society is forced to live in constant fear, fearing what the near future may present to them. Millions of minds are overwhelmed by the thought of the imminent end of the world, the proximity of a global war, a new deadly disease and other terrible events. What problems humanity is facing and how to save the world, we will consider in the article below.

environmental problems

History tour

Perhaps people began to think about saving the world only in the 20th century. The primitive communal system was hardly worried about what was happening in the world. Ancient people even had no idea about such a thing as "peace." They mercilessly exterminated animals, destroyed relic plants, uprooted trees to create arable land.

In the Middle Ages, the situation did not change at all, inquisitorial activity was important to society, but not flora and fauna.

In the era of the New Time, with the development of scientific and technological progress, the production of products and goods began to rest on the creation of factories, factories and manufactories, whose work inflicted, perhaps, the most intense blow to the surrounding world. Heavy industry embarked on its historical path and began to actively suppress nature, which, however, continues to this day.

what threatens the earth

Natural disasters, cataclysms and other troubles

Human society has already faced hundreds of billions of times with various world problems that have spoiled its quiet existence. These include:

  1. Natural disasters (volcanoes - Pompeii, earthquakes - Armenia, India, China, hurricanes - USA and so on).
  2. Wars for territory and interests (both world wars, modern conflicts).
  3. Accidents (airplanes explosion, oil tankers ejecting oil into the ocean due to the breakdown of the latter, and so on).
  4. Human disorder and irresponsibility - discharges of chemical waste into rivers and lakes, unauthorized animal cemeteries and more.

What threatens the earth at the moment? Of course, human activity. It is man who is the main enemy of the world. He builds factories, steamboats, creates masterpieces of art, completely forgetting about the existence of wildlife. Nature itself also destroys itself, but it is very far from human action.

how to save the world

Nature is in danger

It is unlikely that any of the living people, except environmentalists, thinks that nature is threatened with extermination. The problems of the surrounding world concern only these same environmentalists, and several times a year they are mentioned in speeches of UN representatives.

Man relates to nature consumerly, taking all the best from her, and in return giving nothing to her. Humanity is so immersed in its own problems, putting in the first place not the purity of the air, but the making of money, the search for a better life, the secrets of longevity and eternal beauty along with youth. However, if there is no peace, then these problems will no longer be relevant.

The planet is in tremendous danger, since man imagines himself to be the master of nature, over which he is trying to dominate, forgetting that he himself is a particle of this nature.

Human life

What is happening in the world? In order to answer this question, you need to watch TV. The international situation seen on the screen, which comes down, first of all, to the human factor, will not please the viewer. People think only about today, and what can happen tomorrow is they don’t care. A polluted environment created by human efforts gives modern society a tough rebuff, which translates into:

  • shortened human life;
  • the emergence of new, more aggressive diseases;
  • demographic pits.

Humanity is slowly but surely disappearing from the face of the Earth, of course, this is affected not only by bad ecology, but also by many other factors, but this fact has already been proved by scientists.

how to save the world from garbage

Peace and human whims

How to save the world? This is the only worthwhile question that should excite people's minds. But, unfortunately, the theme of saving all living things is not as relevant as world domination. States compete with each other for the territorial division of the world, each of the rulers wants to seize a larger piece of land, forgetting that as a result of all conflicts, disputes, armed clashes, plants, animals die, mountain ranges are destroyed. These are all secondary elements of human life, under power and greed.

Mankind, desiring to achieve the highest material wealth, does not think about how to save the animal and plant world. In ancient times, although people mercilessly exterminated woolly rhinos and mammoths, at the same time, they trembled before Mother Nature, considering it almost the main shrine.

Human and nature

Today, for example, to go to the taiga and shoot the Red Book of the Ussuri tiger or to cross a peregrine falcon predator across the state border is a matter of several hours. By killing or condemning an animal to torment, man himself is likened to a beast.

When it comes to how to save the world, then it should be remembered that absolutely every person was born thanks to the processes laid down by nature. It is impossible to predict what will happen in 10 years. Thinking and thinking about this is not worth it, it is most advisable to begin to act.

A man destroys everything with his activity, and he can achieve complete harmony. It is worth recalling the great Buddha, who, having been born an ordinary person, was able to achieve perfect harmony with nature.

what is happening in the world

Garbage pollution problems

Despite the laws of many countries' governments on waste disposal (installation of bins for various rubbish, bans on rubbish in public places), people practically do not seek to follow the rules and maintain the natural balance.

How to save the world from garbage? To begin with, humanity must learn to clean up after itself, then teach it to their descendants. A striking example is school cleanups, when children are forced to clean garbage. If they themselves took the initiative in this event, then there would be more benefit.

To save the world, experts recommend:

  • dispose of waste only in installed containers;
  • refuse plastic (utensils, objects, bottles) as much as possible;
  • properly dispose of batteries, bulbs, mercury devices;
  • buy things made from natural materials.

Many enterprises are trying to introduce environmentally friendly technologies into production. Recycling firms have largely succeeded.

how to save the animal and plant world

How can people help?

The modern world is in danger of extinction. Experts predict that at such a rate of pollution, our planet and all living things remain several hundred years old.

A person can help nature by applying simple rules at home:

  • save water and energy;
  • to grow plants;
  • use natural cleaning products in everyday life;
  • use heat-saving technologies;
  • turn off the equipment when not in use;
  • lead a healthy lifestyle;
  • limit the use of cosmetics, deodorants and other sprays.

While few people on planet Earth are thinking about how to save the world, nature is struggling to survive. A sprout of greenery timidly breaks through the urban asphalt, cacti bloom in the deserts, trees grow lonely on the rocks, birds, animals, and insects breed in nature. The world is developing according to the theory of natural selection.

threatened world


Experts believe that the modern world is threatened and it is necessary to start acting immediately. Only a person can correct mistakes and learn from his own story.

The salvation of all living things should begin with each individual person and be passed on from generation to generation. It is very important to learn to live in harmony with nature, only in this case the society will develop.

Much depends on a person. People can change the future of the world, make it not only better and kinder, but at the same time cleaner and more beautiful.


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