Montessori framework: features, specifications

Maria Montessori is an Italian teacher and doctor who suggested using many sensory games for the development of sensory organs for raising children. Didactic classes according to her methodology were held in specially organized rooms for preschool children. Groups were recruited of different ages so that older children could help the kids complete tasks. The main bet was on the independence of the child in finding the right solution.

Children had to find answers and work with the material through trial and error, without the prompts of an adult. The guidance is allowed indirectly, you can discuss the problem with the kids together. Games were not imposed on children, but were located on the shelves in the room, and the children independently chose those that they liked.

The main principle of Maria Montessori’s methodology was reduced to the complete freedom of the child and autodidactism, that is, the baby taught himself, development went his own way, without coercion and imposing his opinion on adults and teachers. The acquisition of knowledge was not a priority, the main ones were the development of motor skills of the hands and fingers, the activity of the child, the ability to concentrate and the desire to help comrades.

Starting from the first half of the 20th century, this methodology had both many admirers and opponents who completely rejected the teaching theory of the Italian teacher. However, interesting and vibrant games have taken root around the world and still delight children, although in many countries they are used under the guidance of adults.

In the article we will consider the material that Maria Montessori invented - frames, inserts, didactic games aimed at sensory education of preschool children. Let us explain their educational significance for children, how to play with such toys. We will tell you how to independently make this material at home.

Box with figures

Consider one of the popular Montessori frames made in the shape of a box. The kit contains several geometric shapes of different colors, and in the lid of the box for their storage there are holes that correspond to the shape and size of the parts. The child must correctly select the figure to the hole so that it freely passes and falls into the container. If the kid did not understand the task and will put the part into the wrong hole, then he will not succeed. According to reviews, the child will cope with the task independently by trial and error.

Montessori frame geometry

Such frames Montessori put on sale with various figures, and not necessarily with a box. It can be flat plywood, in which recesses are made with a jigsaw. Such a game can be completely done independently from thick cardboard by cutting the pieces with a clerical knife. For brightness, each detail is painted in different colors. During work, the child will not only remember the name of the geometric shapes, but also learn the colors. This game can be used in drawing, because the dense details are great templates.

Game "Dress the pieces on the rods"

Montessori geometry is quite common. Consider another didactic game that kids love. The set consists of triangles, squares, rectangles and circles of 4 different colors. In these details there are holes, and in each figure a different amount. The child must correctly put the figures on the rod, counting the rods or the number of holes.

inlay frames - game for children

You can diversify the game by coming up with different tasks. For example, lay out all the yellow details first, then the red ones, then the green ones, and the blue ones at the end. According to teachers, often children use the material of the game for construction, laying out different pictures on the table. In such a game, not only the baby’s mental abilities are developed, but also creative inclinations.

Game "Put in order"

The next Montessori frame also consists of different geometric shapes, however they are laid out in decreasing order of magnitude. All figures are painted in the same color, as the main attention of the child should be given to the recognition of the size of the part. To understand the correctness of the assignment, the baby must lay them in front of him and compare in pairs.

figures in increasing order

For convenience in the game, small "pens" are made on each part, so that the baby calmly takes out and inserts the figure into the hole. It is also convenient to use such forms as templates during drawing or application.

Additional tasks

According to parents, it is interesting to come up with tasks using the material of the game. For instance:

  • put on a table in a row a large square, a small triangle, a medium-sized circle, etc .;
  • put the pieces in heaps - first all the big ones, then the smaller ones, etc., to the smallest;
  • complete the task: in the center put the smallest circle, on the right - a large square, on the left - the smallest triangle, on top - the medium-sized circle, and below - the smallest square, etc.

Montessori In-Box Game

The next type of framework in the methodology of the Italian teacher does not just consist of geometric shapes. Each form is divided into thin strips and is made up of separate frames, which are laid out in the holes in ascending order. The child does not just need to insert the figure into a specific hole, but first put it on a table of several elements. The task is complicated, so this game can be given to children who are already coping well with previous tasks.

frame of parts

As in other games, every detail can be used as templates for drawing. It is interesting to design with elements from Montessori insert frames by collecting pictures on the surface of the table.

Surprise game

I really like kids, according to their parents, an educational game with a surprise. The wooden frame made a recess, consisting of two compartments. Above, halves of eggs of various sizes are inserted, behind which the chickens are hiding. To make it easier for the child to determine the chick, his outlines are printed at the bottom of the hole.

surprise frame

This is an interesting game that develops an eye, teaches you to make a whole of parts, compare objects in size, develop logical thinking, memory, and mindfulness.

Montessori Frames

The next game is fundamentally different from all of the above, as it is made of fabric and consists of two halves assembled on clasps.

clasp frames

There are 12 frames in total, each of which has its own fasteners. This “zipper” and lacing, large and small buttons and buttons, safety pins and Velcro, hooks and straps, ties on the bows and fastikes. It is difficult for young children to master independent fastening of clothes, often dressing ends with tears. This game develops the skills necessary in everyday life. Fine motor skills of hands and fingers, agility of movements are developing. It’s convenient for the child to do the work, he sees the mistakes well and can independently correct them.

The fabric that is used for the frames is selected in different colors, so the child during the game still repeats the colors and their shades. The kid calmly, without coercion, remembers the sequence of actions and movements acquire automatism.

Do-it-yourself games

It’s not difficult to do all the didactic games and Montessori frameworks with your own hands, just select the material and have basic tools for the job. Frames can be made of plywood, fiberboard, wood or thick cardboard. To work with wood, a hand or electric jigsaw is useful, and you can cut holes out of paper with a stationery knife.

Frames with various fasteners are sewn from fabric on a sewing machine or manually. It is not necessary to do all 12 frames, just select the most common fasteners in children's clothing - buttons and Velcro, “snake” and buttons. For lacing, you can prepare the shape of the foot, cut out of fiberboard or plywood with holes for the rope.

Knowing the principle of sensory education in the games of an Italian teacher, you can easily make all manuals at home to develop the skills of your child.


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