How to wash compression stockings? Handwash. Gentle detergents. Compression underwear: rules for care

Compression underwear solves many women's problems. It relieves leg fatigue, relaxes muscles, and alleviates pain in diseases of the joints and veins. Any underwear needs care, does not fall under the exception and compression. How to wash compression stockings? What care products to use?

compression underwear

Compression underwear

With the modern rhythm of life, it is not surprising that women and men suffer from unpleasant sensations in their legs. Exposure to stress, fatigue, constant upright position are factors that provoke problems associated with veins. Varicose veins now even occur in young people aged 18-20 years. That is why compression garments are designed. Stockings and tights allow the pressure to smoothly spread over the legs, circulate blood properly.

Compression stockings can be compared with elastic bandages, and their appearance does not differ from standard tights and stockings. Now this type of underwear is very popular among women.

For long-term operation it is important to know how to wash compression stockings for women and men correctly. It is important to follow some recommendations, because the fibers quickly deteriorate when exposed to dust and dirt particles.

The effect of orthopedic stockings against varicose veins

Compression underwear helps to establish the proper functioning of the venous system, as well as muscle fibers. Special elastic fibers relieve swelling. Due to external pressure, the vein diameter decreases, clogged or narrowed vessels open, which eliminates the risk of reverse current.

An important role in the process of wearing is played by the anatomical pressure exerted on the lower limbs. This only indicates that in the ankle area the density or fit should be maximum, and then gradually decrease towards silicone rubber. This helps the blood circulate correctly from the limbs to the heart and back.

It is impossible to completely get rid of varicose veins with the help of compression underwear, you can only improve their condition. The complex effect is the wearing of orthopedic stockings and tights, coupled with the main treatment. Doctors strongly recommend that women wear such special underwear, even if there is no varicose veins, that is, for preventive purposes.

Features of compression underwear

how to wash compression stockings

Most often, compression stockings mean stockings or tights. They have their own characteristics, which are as follows:

  • knitted material does not allow stagnation of blood, and also facilitates the functioning of blood vessels;
  • reduces puffiness, relieves leg fatigue due to pressure on different areas;
  • elastic anti-varicose bandages can be replaced with this underwear;
  • beautiful appearance, in which it is difficult to distinguish compression underwear from ordinary tights;
  • lack of an allergic reaction;
  • saturation of the skin with oxygen, the absence of seams.

Compression stockings are made of microfiber, nylon, cotton or lycra. The effectiveness of this underwear has been proven by both scientists and women who have tested its effect on themselves.

Washing machine or hand wash

You can wear such underwear for medical and preventive purposes. Both cases require prolonged wear. That is why it is necessary to know how to wash compression stockings so that they serve for a long time.

It is possible to carry out manual and automated washing. There are no specific conditions on this score. It is important to take into account the degree of extraction, because excessive exposure harms the fibers.

Washing rules

Do I need to wash compression stockings every day

Compression stockings can no doubt be washed a couple of times a week. There are certain rules that require strict adherence. The further effect of the stockings and the effect of wearing them depends on this.

  1. An ideal way to care for compression laundry is hand washing. Before carrying it out, it is better to remove the rings from the fingers to avoid puffs.
  2. Rinse should be done carefully, without sudden movements.
  3. In no case should you squeeze and twist stockings.
  4. For drying, choose a horizontal position, for example, an ironing board is well suited. Suspension of clothes with a compression effect cannot be suspended; this will lead to deformation.
  5. We exclude ironing. High temperature harms, the healing effect disappears, and the tissue deteriorates. Ironed stockings can simply be thrown into the bin.
  6. Bleaching and digestion are also prohibited.
  7. In the presence of a sewn-in silicone gum, it is necessary to wipe it weekly with a cotton pad with an alcohol solution.

The question may arise as to whether compression stockings should be washed every day. No. Frequent exposure to water will ruin the material, and the laundry will become unusable.


Hand wash does less damage to fabrics, removes stains better. Often, such products cannot be washed, even by hand. If it is time to refresh the stockings, then you should think about how to conduct the whole process.

To eliminate the risk of fading, distortion of appearance or shape, you need to carefully approach the issue of choice of detergents and washing regimen.

Manually laundered laundry is washed more thoroughly, while the effect of compression is preserved. We carry out a delicate gentle wash, even if the goal is to remove stains. You can use gentle detergents, for example, baby powder.

Rinse should be slow and smooth, and stain removal neat. Just wash the laundry and remove the dirty stains. But it is more difficult to maintain the properties and action of the silicone strip, which is located on the inside. As mentioned above, it is advisable to wipe this part of the laundry with an alcohol solution a couple of times a week and try to prevent contact with water during washing.

compression stockings for women

You should not turn to the help of washing at the slightest occasion, it is enough to refresh the compression linen when it is really necessary. Such products are not intended for daily walks, they are necessary for treatment or prevention. Therefore, you need the right thorough care.

For convenience, it is advisable to purchase another pair of compression stockings for replacement. While you are washing the first pair, you can safely use the second spare.

gentle detergents

Allowed Detergents

Only sparing household chemicals are allowed, which include powders for washing baby clothes. These products are ideal for compression garments.

Is it possible to wash compression stockings with soap? It is possible, but only if used will be baby. You can make a kind of powder from soap by grinding it on a fine grater. But remember that it is used in less quantity than powder.

Do not use fabric softener. Its active substances spoil the composition of the tissue, destroy it, adversely affect the effect of shrinkage.

Important tip

Is it possible to wash compression stockings with soap

If you are inclined towards automatic washing, then set the mode of delicate processing of the product. Some washing machines even have a hand wash mode. Water temperature should not exceed 40 degrees. Disable the spin function.

Also, compression stockings for women should not be washed with other things, in particular you can not mix underwear of different colors. Improper washing can lead to an unpleasant surprise in the form of a damaged set of compression underwear.


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