Gall man is ... Definition of a concept, personality traits

Who is this gall man? What is he like? Let's try to figure it out. To begin with, bile is an integral component of any living organism, necessary for the health and full functioning of the body. However, its excess or accumulation, stagnation lead to the development of diseases.

In relation to gall, as a property of a human person, a trait of character, the same principle applies. If this quality is not particularly pronounced, then it gives some bitchiness. Often he is perceived as a sign of wit, the talent of a satirist, his manner of expression with sarcasm. But when bile overflows, overshadowing the rest of the character traits, it is perceived by other people extremely negatively. Often condemned.

How did this concept come about?

Gall man is a popular, everyday and colloquial definition. However, it as briefly and accurately as possible characterizes a certain type of behavior, which corresponds to the manifestation of a specific set of personal qualities. For this reason, it is actively used not only in everyday conversations, but also when giving psychological characteristics.

This concept arose in direct correlation with the development of medicine, gaining knowledge about the structure and features of the functioning of the human body. In earlier times, people were absolutely convinced that diseases affect behavior and character.

Meeting a person with an earthy complexion, bags under the eyes, and other outwardly visible manifestations of the development of diseases, people certainly noticed this. In the case when specific behavior was added to the external signs of lack of health, which made communication with a person very unpleasant, an analogy was fixed in the mind, the relationship was noted and remembered. Since bile is a caustic, bitter liquid and, on the whole, extremely unpleasant in appearance and smell, similar manifestations of the manifestation of emotions are also called.

This word itself has Greek roots and was in use in ancient times. Doctors of antiquity believed that there was an inextricable link between bodily health and behavior. Due to the coincidence of the signs of diseases associated with an increased volume of this fluid in the body with a specific and unpleasant behavior, a stable phrase “bile man” arose. Description of the characteristic features of physiological fluid and personality traits are generally similar.

What is it? Definition

The definition of this quality of personality directly follows from the description of both the liquid itself and the manner of behavior of people who possess such a character property.

A man sitting by the wall

A gall man is one who has the habit of perceiving what is happening around through the prism of his own hostile attitude. That is, it is a specific quality of a person that does not allow a person to be benevolent in relation to what is happening around and in communication with others.

What is typical for such people? Description of personality traits

Gall man, what is he? The same as the rest of the people. It is not necessary to have a painful appearance. Often these people are very attractive. But only until the moment when their specific personal qualities are manifested.

A gall man is one who experiences skepticism around him, assuming grotesque forms. The peculiarity of human behavior is manifested as causticity, mockery, pettiness and picky, excessive irritability, boring. These are people who are able to spoil others any, even the most joyful and brightest moment of life.

Woman listening to man

The biliary person often disguises his qualities, hides them behind a mask of cynicism and skepticism. But, although these properties are characteristic to some extent for the manifestations of this quality, they are not completely similar concepts. The emotional foundation for behavior that allows us to conclude that the personality is bile is anger, envy, distrust, irritability, coupled with pettiness, a habit of criticism and finding flaws in everything around.

How do such people behave?

A biliary person manifests his character in different ways. However, regardless of what emotional signs prevail in communication, it invariably leaves a negative residue.

As a rule, in conversations, people with this trait show excessive causticity. They are able to question and even vulgarize absolutely any phenomenon, event, desire or deed. Even the thoughts expressed in conversations with such people they "turn inside out."

lonely man

But in addition to such a manifestation of personal qualities, a bile person is one who, in principle, does not allow the presence of anything good in the world. Such people are comfortable only when everyone around is painful and bad. These people are dissatisfied with absolutely everything, it is simply impossible to please them, to please with a gift. The first thing such a person sees is flaws or hidden implication, the background.

What do people look like?

As a rule, the fundamental properties of character are reflected in the facial expressions of the individual, determine his facial expression. Of course, a bile person is not someone with earthy-green skin, exuding pus and surrounded by stench. Of course, if this quality of personality is not caused by health problems.

Woman unhappy with man

The imprint of character in appearance is especially clearly visible when people enter the middle age period. Of course, we are talking about facial wrinkles and as they say “familiar” facial expression that they form. However, all these features and grooves appear for a reason, they are laid from a young age due to the fact that people constantly make the same movements with their facial muscles. And these movements arise from the characteristics of the tested emotions, that is, directly follow from the character of a person.

Biliary people constantly look like they have a source of bad smell under their nose. A person, gestures, accepted postures - everything expresses discontent, disgust, disgust.

What is bile for man himself?

If such a character trait is extremely unpleasant for people around a person, then what does he feel? As a rule, a person with a biliary character does not feel any inconvenience. Features of the perception of the world and people through the prism of bitterness for such a person are completely natural. Moreover, often biliary individuals sincerely do not understand how others may not see what is obvious to them.

Man talking on the phone

As a character trait, bile inevitably grows and becomes central, overwhelming all other qualities. Such people see the negative in everything. For example, if luck smiles at them and they win a car as a prize in the lottery, then bile personalities do not experience joy. On the contrary, they begin to complain to others about how many problems fell on their shoulders - inspection, road tax, the need to obtain rights. Having inherited an apartment, these people also see continuous troubles in such a gift of fate - the costs of maintenance and repair, the payment of utility bills and other similar trifles come to mind immediately.

Thus, bile for the personality itself is a kind of poisonous substance that does not allow to rejoice and experience positive emotions.

Is this character trait related to health?

In ancient times, it was believed that diseases of the liver, bladder, duct, for example, stones in the gall, and the nature of a person, his appearance is inextricably linked. Is it so?

Woman asks a man

It was previously believed: if an excess of light bile forms in the body, then a person begins to show extreme imbalance. He easily “explodes” over trifles, takes offense, can cry or laugh, with practically no reason to do so. In other words, human behavior becomes choleric, while taking an extreme form.

With an excess of dark bile, other personality traits prevail. People become too suspicious, suspicious. They seem to have all the ill intent, impending troubles, hidden motives. They do not believe in the good and disinterested intentions of others, sincerely believing that, by doing things, people pursue their own goals and seek profit for themselves.

What is bile - a symptom of illness or mental quality?

This question was of interest to many philosophers and doctors from ancient times. On the one hand, bile, as a personality trait, often accompanies certain diseases. But on the other hand, there is no clarity in the moment of its origin. Is this quality the result of an ailment or does deterioration in health only contribute to the manifestation of traits that are already inherent in man, but not constantly demonstrated to them? Neither psychologists nor philosophers have clear answers to these questions.

Hugh Laurie as Dr. House

But each person probably had to face manifestations of bile in life or to experience them himself, while not having any health difficulties. Accordingly, this character trait may be present as an independent personal quality, and may manifest itself for a short time under the influence of life circumstances or progressive diseases.


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