Which is the lowest calorie alcohol on the market for alcoholic beverages?

For people who follow their figure, want to keep it beautiful and slim, it is important to eat as little calorie food as possible. It is also worth remembering that in this case, you should also control the drunk alcoholic drinks, therefore it is recommended to know which alcohol is the lowest calorie.

Calorie alcohol

Everyone knows that alcohol stimulates appetite. That is, a meal in combination with drinks containing degrees will in all cases be large in terms of the amount eaten and less useful for the figure. Moreover, alcohol carries empty calories to the body, that is, useless ones. And as a result of the inhibitory effect on the brain of these drinks, a person loses control over the amount of food that he ate. It should be remembered that when alcohol is in the body, all other food is processed into fatty deposits. Some types of alcoholic beverages are very high-calorie in themselves, and their consumption is better to lose weight or lose them completely.

So, what is still the lowest calorie alcohol? What do nutritionists say on this subject? It would seem that everything is elementary - where there are less degrees, there are at least calories. But it turns out that the opinions of specialists here do not quite coincide. Now let's figure it out.


Some nutritionists indicate that the lowest-calorie alcoholic drink is dry wine. Of dry wines, white wine has a slightly lower energy value (60-70 kcal per 100 g) than red wine (65-75 kcal per 100 g). Next in increasing calorific value are semi-dry wines. And of course, semisweet, sweet, fortified and dessert wines have the highest energy value.

The lowest calorie alcohol

Sparkling, including champagne, wines also differ in calorie content depending on their sugar content. That is, the lowest calorie type of champagne is brut. Immediately followed by dry champagne, then semi-dry and finally semi-sweet and sweet.

It turns out that during the diet, the lowest-calorie alcohol from the wine category is dry wine or brut champagne. At the same time , dry red wines are more beneficial for the body, as they contain antioxidants that prevent aging. At the same time, one should not exaggerate the beneficial properties of wine and alcohol in general.


In the case of beer, there are conflicting recommendations. Some experts argue that beer is the most high-calorie alcohol, and therefore it is completely contraindicated for people who are losing weight and watching the figure. Other nutritionists, on the contrary, believe that beer is only slightly more caloric than dry wine and that everyone can drink it in reasonable quantities. And the third ones even claim that beer is the lowest-calorie alcohol and the calories in a 350 g beer mug contain the same amount as 150 g dry wine.

In fact, the calorie content of both wine and beer depends on its type, variety and alcohol content. So, light beers contain fewer calories, and darker, respectively, more.

Which alcohol is the lowest calorie

You need to know that alcohol does not just increase appetite, it enhances the desire to eat something spicy and fat. And beer is especially significant in this regard. Beer snacks seem insignificant, but in terms of their effect on the body they are the most harmful. As a result, a double, or even a triple rate of daily calories is eaten under beer or wine , plus a blow is struck on the stomach, liver and kidneys. This, in turn, disrupts the digestive system, which leads to weight gain. In addition, lovers of a foamy drink are rarely limited to one mug.

In addition, beer flushes out minerals and macronutrients necessary for the normal functioning of the human hormonal system. As a result, hormonal balance is disturbed, and this also affects weight not for the better. So it turns out that, despite the low calorie content of beer, they should not get carried away by those who want to keep their figure.

Strong alcohol

Many people think that vodka and cognac contain a minimum of calories. This is not true. All experts unequivocally confirm that strong drinks contain the greatest number of calories. Nutritionists recommend that people who monitor their weight generally abandon vodka, cognac, whiskey, gin and rum, as well as all liquors. So, in addition to alcohol, fruit liqueurs contain sugar, and milk liqueurs also contain fat. One of the most high-calorie alcoholic drinks - Baileys liquor - contains about 300-350 kcal per 100 g. It turns out that 100 g of liquor is approximately equal to a serving of cake.

The lowest calorie alcoholic beverage

A glass of vodka (50 g) seems to contain a small amount of calories, only 130 kcal, but who during a feast or banquet is limited to one glass of alcohol. And to a few glasses or glasses is added a myriad of snacks, that is, food. As a result, even the lowest calorie alcohol will add extra pounds to the waist, stomach and hips.

Alcoholic cocktails

Particular attention should be paid to alcoholic cocktails, which are considered low-alcohol drinks, but they are often high-calorie ones. Mixed drinks have more calories than beer or wine.

Multicomponent cocktails are very popular, which in their calorie content will successfully replace dessert. Bartenders are constantly coming up with new and original mixes such as chocolate martinis or hot rum cocktails to surprise sophisticated regulars. Such drinks with chocolate, syrup, sugar and other confectionery ingredients contain a lot of calories.

So in 100 g โ€œMojitoโ€ is already 95-100 kcal, in โ€œPina Coladaโ€ even more - 230 kcal. The Long Island Ice cocktail reaches an energy value of liquor - 345-350 kcal per 100 g. The Bloody Mary cocktail (vodka with tomato juice) contains 80 kcal per 100 g. With this indicator, this drink along with โ€œ Mimosa โ€andโ€œ Screwdriver โ€, which generally have only 65 kcal per 100 g, can be safely called one of the lowest-calorie alcoholic cocktails. You can also include wine with soda - 70 kcal per 100 g. But all the records for low energy value are beaten by a rum cocktail with diet Coca-Cola - 45 kcal per 100 g of drink.

The lowest calorie alcohol cocktail

The lowest-calorie alcohol cocktail can be made even less high-calorie if you ask the bartender to add ice there or dilute the drink with water. You can also alternate alcohol and soft drinks.

Now that the indicators of alcoholic calories have become clear, the winners in the nomination of the lowest-calorie alcoholic beverages have been determined, it will become easy to plan how much and what kind of alcohol to drink at celebrations and parties.

For those who monitor the weight and harmony of the figure, it will be useful to use the knowledge about which alcohol is the lowest calorie, to remain beautiful and elegant throughout life, to feel light in the body and positive in the mood.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C10947/

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