Machine-building plant Avangard, Moscow: description, history, products

Moscow Avangard Engineering Plant (Moscow) is one of the main industries producing missiles for the country's air defense systems . Today, the company is the main supplier of missiles for the S-300 and S-400 complexes of various modifications.

Avangard plant Moscow


The Avangard plant (Moscow) was established in the most difficult time for the country. By the decision of the GKO of the USSR dated January 24, 1942, on the territory of the previously evacuated TsIAM enterprise, they assembled aircraft engines for U-2 aircraft. Many employees received important state awards for their dedicated work, and in 1945 the staff was awarded the Order of the Red Star.

After the end of hostilities, the production lines were reoriented to the production of peaceful products: motors and spare parts for agricultural machinery, consumer goods. However, with the growing tension between the USSR and the NATO bloc, the plant again returned to the production of military equipment. In particular, aviation cannons and machine guns, including for the TU-4 strategic bomber.

In 1954, the company mastered the production of D1 type anti-aircraft missiles designed by the factory design bureau for S-75 air defense systems. The 1956 launches showed their effectiveness and promise. In the 50-60s, the MZA produced a whole series of missiles 11D, 13D, 15D, 20D, 5V29, 5Y23. They passed the battle test in Vietnam.

In the 70s, the plant mastered a qualitatively new product - high-precision guided missiles of class B-500 for the S-300P complex. At the same time, anti-missile systems were launched A-135. Since 1986, the production of even more advanced 48N6P missiles for the modernized S-300PM systems, which are still in service, has begun.

In 2002, Avangard became part of the Almaz-Antey concern. The investments made it possible not only to maintain production, but to bring material and technical support to a new level.

Machine-building plant Avangard Moscow


The Avangard machine-building plant (Moscow) is famous for its reliable rockets with outstanding characteristics. Perhaps the most popular high-tech products for many years remain guided missiles for S-300 systems, including upgraded ones. Despite their considerable age, these air defense systems remain very effective against any flying objects: from combat drones to cruise missiles.


The most advanced products manufactured by the Avangard plant (Moscow) are missiles for the Triumph air defense system (S-400). The latter recently embarked on combat duty in the suburbs, adding to the Iron Dome integrated defense system. It is difficult to overcome it even with a massive attack of the alleged enemy. It is the products of the Moscow plant that are called upon to become a key element of air defense.

The complexes used new principles for the exchange of information between guidance systems and flight control of the combat module. The S-400 division has radars of all-high-altitude target detection - this is a full-fledged autonomous reconnaissance device, which is not in the S-300 of the previous generation.

Moscow Avangard plant


Missiles of the S-400 systems have the ability to deal with targets moving at speeds up to 4800 m / s. However, it is simply impossible to launch a rocket. A multi-level protection system is provided to prevent unintentional starts. The start is initiated directly from the command post.

The missile is located in a transport and launch container in which it can be in combat readiness without service for 10 years. She is able to start and hit the target within minutes. It does not need to be refueled with liquid fuel, a solid fuel filling is laid at the manufacturing stage. The smart combat module is able to navigate in which direction the target is in a second.

The missile was created to destroy a variety of flying objects of an aerospace attack:

  • high-speed reconnaissance aircraft;
  • strategic and tactical aircraft;
  • medium-range ballistic missiles;
  • hypersonic aircraft;
  • helicopters, drones and other air equipment.

The speed of DM-class missiles reaches 1300 m / s. To avoid aerodynamic overheating, the body is sheathed with fiberglass.


A further stage in the development of the plant is ultra-modern missiles for S-500 air defense systems. Their characteristics are classified, it is known that they are superior to the actively used S-300 systems. They are capable of hitting objects in near space: ballistic missiles in low Earth orbit, spy satellites, communication systems and more. Presumably, they can effectively hit the hypersonic aircraft and cruise missiles of the NATO countries that are still being developed.

According to the concept of state security, the S-500 will be on combat duty exclusively in Russia. They will not be exported in the coming years.

Avangard Moscow plant employee reviews


In Moscow, the Avangard plant occupies a leading position among defense enterprises. Given the profile of the organization, it is not possible to evaluate its true scale through secrecy. However, it is known that production volumes have tripled in recent years.

Most of the missiles launched by the Avangard plant (Moscow) are significantly improved. They have the ability to not only homing, but also have radio correction. That is, a shell is capable of pursuing a target until it is completely destroyed.

By the way, the enterprise deals not only with combat modules. It launches transport-launch cases in which products are stored and transported. They are tested for leaks in a special container filled with water.

According to the strategy of the state rearmament program until 2020, the plant is obliged to provide missiles with about 200 new air defense systems. Part of the military technical cooperation products is exported to China. In particular, 16 S-300 divisions will be equipped.

Address of the Avangard plant in Moscow


The production of anti-aircraft guided missiles (SAM) and other air defense systems, the Avangard plant (Moscow) was engaged in the 1950s. It's hard to believe, but back in the early 2000s he was a sad sight. The production was virtually inactive, the team was discouraged, highly skilled specialists lost their qualifications. Today, the plant is an example of an advanced enterprise, one of the world leaders in its class.

Old ones are being actively repaired and new buildings are being built. Demand for Avangard products is huge and exceeds the technological capabilities of the enterprise. Due to the increase in production, by 2019 the team will increase by 600 people.

Avant-garde factory moscow reviews

Avangard (plant, Moscow): feedback from operators

Domestic and foreign partners collaborating with Vanguard highly appreciate the combat capabilities of the missiles for the S family systems. Not surprisingly, this is the only enterprise in the world capable of producing these products.

Isolated cases of unsuccessful starts during exercises are known. However, it must be borne in mind that missiles with an expiring life are "shot off" at the ranges. In addition, the percentage of failed starts is lower than that of similar systems in other countries.

Moscow Engineering Plant Avangard Moscow

Avangard Plant (Moscow): employee reviews

The company has created close to ideal conditions for workers. Among the advantages, employees note:

  • bright, clean, refurbished workshops;
  • new or modernized equipment;
  • decent pay;
  • providing with overalls, means of protection and hygiene;
  • full social package;
  • respectful attitude of superiors to subordinates;
  • various programs in the field of sports, recreation, culture and entertainment.

The administration managed to attract talented young people to the production, while retaining the working skeleton of experienced workers. According to reviews, a salary of 50-60 thousand rubles for the plant is quite ordinary. Specialists working on CNC machines can earn 70-100 thousand rubles. Salaries at MZA are one of the highest among industrial enterprises in Moscow.


The company is located in Voykovsky urban area in the north-east of the capital. Transport support is excellent: the Leningradskoye Shosse passes nearby, a railway line has been brought to the enterprise. The address of the Avangard plant in Moscow is 125130, Klara Zetkin Street, 33.


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