Garlic against cancer: reviews

"You have cancer." How hard and bitter to hear this phrase from the mouth of a doctor. The hopeless patients seek to find a way to treat and often resort to traditional medicine. In this article, we will detail the relevant topic: β€œGarlic against cancer.”

garlic against cancer

Basic concepts

Before we talk about how garlic helps against cancer, it is worth saying a few words about these concepts.

Oncology, oncological disease, or, as people say, cancer, is the main branch of medicine, based on the study of benign and malignant neoplasms in the human body.

garlic anti cancer reviews

Garlic is a vegetable with a pungent odor and unusual taste. In most cases, it is used as a seasoning - added to a dish in order to give it spice.

What unites these two seemingly unrelated concepts? The fact is that vegetable culture has an excellent property - to kill bacteria, increase immunity and cure serious diseases. Even a long time before the advent of drugs, it was this bulbous plant that allowed the human body to be free from cholera, plague, acute poisoning, hypertension and atherosclerosis. A lot of research is underway: can garlic against cancer be used or not? This is the main question that scientists are trying to find out.

Garlic and Oncology: A Scientific Explanation

Employees of the American Institute of Medicine for a long time searched for answers to the most important questions related to the topic of the interaction of vegetable culture and one of the most serious diseases, which does not always lead to a positive outcome. They were able to find out a few facts that deserve due attention:

lemon garlic against cancer

  • Vegetable causes tumor tissue to starve. This means that there is a complete blockage of the spread of the malignant process.
  • For a long time, research work was carried out. Experimental experiments affected the effect of garlic against colon and stomach cancer. It turned out that 28 out of 37 patients managed to achieve a positive effect due to the treatment by the alternative method.
  • Diallyldisulfide is the main constituent of garlic. In the laboratory, this element was able to kill leukemia cells. This suggests that a person who regularly consumes this vegetable provides himself with excellent cancer prevention.
  • It contains enough selenium, which reduces the risk of cancer by 20 percent.

It was also revealed that the bulbous plant is an excellent prophylactic against many diseases, especially viruses and infections.

How much is needed?

So, we found out all the features of the effects of garlic against cancer. It is a mistake to think that the more people consume this vegetable, the healthier it will be. There are objective norms for taking this medicinal product for preventive and therapeutic purposes.

lemon garlic against cancer

One and a half heads per day. Remember this value. Studies by scientists in the laboratory and in practice have proved that it is enough to use just such an amount per day in order to reduce the risk of occurrence and growth of benign and malignant neoplasms.

In what form to use?

It is recommended to use this product in its pure form, so it will be much more useful. But not everyone can decide on such a feat. In order to somehow soften the feeling of hostility, you can use it with bread or drink plenty of water.

research against cancer

You can make a pleasant healing product that retains all its beneficial properties. This requires:

  1. Take garlic in an amount of from 0.4 to 1.2 grams and grate it carefully on a grater. If desired, you can separately buy garlic powder.
  2. Next, you need to mix it with garlic oil in a volume of 2 to 5 mg.
  3. This vitamin mixture is required to be consumed every morning on an empty stomach, washed down with plenty of water.

garlic against breast cancer

It is much more convenient to use this vegetable in the form of seasoning for ready meals. But it is worth considering that during heat treatment its benefits are markedly reduced. This is how it is worth consuming garlic against colorectal cancer.

The combination of garlic and honey

In Russia and in some other countries of the world, a recipe from garlic against skin cancer with the addition of honey is actively used. Such a natural mixture allows you to remove bacteria, infection and block the development of cancer cells. It is prepared as follows:

  1. Melt on a very low fire or in a water bath half a kilogram of honey. To a liquid consistency, you need to add 200 grams of garlic juice.
  2. You should continue to warm up the folk remedy for 40 minutes. The result should be a viscous homogeneous mass.
  3. If white foam appears after the thermal process, then it must be carefully removed with a tablespoon.

garlic against breast cancer

Such a miracle cure is enough for many months. It is recommended to store it in a dark and cool place. There should be one tablespoon three times a day.

Garlic and alcohol

Among women susceptible to this disease, another method of using garlic against breast cancer is known. It is required to create an alternative medicine as follows:

  1. The basis of tincture is 60 percent alcohol. It will take half a liter of this chemical fluid.
  2. Rub the garlic into the pulp, so that the volume is 2 tablespoons.
  3. Mix the two ingredients above.
  4. It is recommended to add 1 tsp of St. John's wort, calendula, hawthorn and yarrow to the tincture.

garlic against prostate cancer

The term for insisting this healing tincture is 2 weeks. After this period, it must be carefully filtered. Every morning you need to pour 2 tablespoons into one glass of water and drink this aromatic liquid.

Garlic with Olive Oil

There is another legendary garlic recipe for cancer of the prostate, lung and oral cavity. If there are or were people in the family who have suffered this disease, then it is recommended to use this folk remedy as a preventive measure. To make it, you need:

  1. Grind 1 kg of garlic on a fine grater. Do not rush to take it out. Garlic must be infused for several hours.
  2. Now you need to take a pound of slurry, located at the bottom of the tank, and mix it with one liter of olive oil.

garlic against colorectal cancer

After a week of infusion in a dark place, you can proceed to the process of preparing the tincture. To do this, drain all the liquid from the slurry. The resulting oil must be absorbed in the oral cavity for 10-15 minutes every day. After this procedure, the aftertaste may remain for a long time. Drinking plenty of fluids is recommended. Important : do not swallow this product.

Garlic and lemon

An absolutely universal method is garlic and lemon against cancer. In addition to effectiveness, the main advantage of this natural remedy is that it has a very pleasant taste. To make it you need:

  1. Mix the following products in equal proportions: carrots, lemon, garlic, radish, beets. If desired, you can add a small amount of honey and cahors.
  2. All these components must be mixed thoroughly and put the container with them in the refrigerator for infusion.
  3. Next, you need to carefully squeeze the juice from this incredibly useful slurry.

garlic against skin cancer

So, it turned out a universal tincture that allows you to cure many diseases, including cancer. It must be taken three times a day, one teaspoon after a meal.

It's important to know!

The topic β€œGarlic Against Cancer” is being actively explored around the world. It is worth remembering that this tool is not as harmless as it would seem.

There are units of people with intolerance to this product. For them, this type of treatment is unacceptable. Cancer can move to other organs and tissues.

During treatment, a side effect may occur: vomiting or nausea.

What do people say?

This prescription caused great popularity and wide discussion not only among medical specialists, but also among completely ordinary people. There are reviews of garlic against cancer of the following nature:

  • Many people claim that this folk remedy is an excellent analogue of expensive medicines. At the same time, they talk about the damaging effect.
  • Some patients claim that this natural remedy really helped to cure cancer at an early stage of its development.

There was a flurry of negative comments. For example, many of them are associated with the disgusting taste of garlic. It is easier for patients to drink an expensive medicine than to consume a small amount of this remedy. Many people claim that after taking it, there was severe heartburn, and in some cases even nausea and vomiting.

The largest number of negative reviews are left by employees of medical organizations. By the way, they are strong haters of traditional medicine. They claim that garlic is an excellent prophylactic that strengthens the immune system, but they cannot cope with such a serious disease.

What is garlic? This is not just a vegetable that grows in the garden of every summer resident. This is a product from which you can create a highly effective folk remedy that allows you to cure a fairly complex disease.


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