Player Samsung YP-K3: review, specifications, reviews

Samsung is one of the largest companies that produces equipment. The company covers a fairly large segment of the market, from smartphones to televisions. However, Samsung branded products boast high quality. In this article we will talk about the new player of this company. Want to know more about the new Samsung YP K3? Welcome to this review.

Samsung YP K3

Relatively recently, at the CES exhibition, which was held in Las Vegas, the Korean company Samsung introduced its new portable player marked YP K3. The new player should be Apple’s quick response with their recently released iPod Nano. But what is the YP K3?

MP3 player

The Samsung YP K3 Player is an ultra-thin device that is designed to play music. One of the interesting features of this gadget is touch control, due to which a more convenient interaction between the user and the player is provided. Also can not but rejoice multifunctionality of the device. In addition to listening to music, you can read books, view photos, etc. However, this is not all the features of this player. The guys from Samsung have a couple of trump cards in their sleeves that will leave iPod Nano far behind. Want to know what this player is for music? Read this article!


The first thing you should look at is the appearance of the device. The case of the player has a rectangular shape. It is made of black high-quality plastic, which looks pretty stylish. On the side panels you can see a chromed metal insert, which greatly increases the strength of the device. In general, the Samsung YP K3 player is a toughie. He is able to survive the fall from great heights. Numerous crash tests that roam the open spaces of the network will not let you lie. When compressed, the device does not creak or play. Therefore, the player can be safely carried in your jeans pocket.

The plastic on the front panel is polished. Thanks to this, the gadget looks quite catchy. However, for such beauty you have to pay. After all, the front panel collects fingerprints. Fortunately, the back of the player does not suffer from such an ailment (it is made of more opaque plastic). The assembly of the device is not satisfactory. There are no backlashes, no gaps. Moreover, they do not appear even after prolonged use. Another advantage of the Samsung YP K3 is its compactness. The device has a small size, so you can take it with you everywhere.

Player Samsung YP K3

In terms of design, the Samsung YP K3 player resembles the first generation iPod Nano. However, experts from Samsung did not make a pale analogue. They took the iPod as a model and improved it, making the YP K3 look prettier than Apple's product. The design of the K3 is quite restrained, with a touch of business style. The developers used the classic combination of black and silver. Thanks to this, the device in the hands of the owner looks good regardless of the style of clothing (casual or more official). In addition, the K3 goes well with headphones from various manufacturers. In general, we can say that the designers from Samsung managed a solid five.


As mentioned above, the gadget is controlled by a sensor. Directly on the front panel, below the main display, you can notice seven touch pads. Two of them are necessary in order to call the context menu or return to the previous menu level. The other five keys are needed for navigation, sound adjustment, confirmation during selection and other functions.

Charger for player Samsung YP K3

The sensitivity of the sensor is at a sufficient level. Here you can note a certain balance. The Samsung YP K3 player perceives finger pressure, but when it is in your pocket, there is no pressing. It is quite convenient and practical. In addition, such a system protects against erroneous clicks. The interface is fairly easy to learn and intuitive. Even a small child can figure it out.


The MP3 player uses a lithium-polymer battery as a power source. The battery capacity is about 500 mAh. With active use (listening to music, operating the menu, etc.), the device is able to work without connecting to the network for about 25 hours. Such autonomy of the gadget simply can not but rejoice. The charger for the Samsung YP K3 player comes as standard.

PC connection

This music player can exchange data with a personal computer via a USB cable. Samsung YP K3, unlike its predecessors, has a UMS-firmware. Thanks to this, the device is defined as removable media, which, in turn, provides copying of graphic and audio files in both directions. The lack of a program manager is the right decision on the part of Samsung. In our country, people do not really bother about copyright. And the possibility of free data transfer is the function that iPad Nano cannot provide (due to the MTP firmware). Perhaps it is precisely because of the UMS firmware that the brainchild of Samsung will dominate the Russian market.

Player reviews


The sound of the player is at a fairly high level. Samsung has never had a problem in this regard. With good plug-in headphones, the MP3 player can work out very clearly even the lowest frequencies. Also pleased with the presence of an amplifier, whose power is about 20 mW. It will provide loud sound even in low-quality headphones.

If we talk about a specific stylistic predisposition, then nothing could be found. Music of various styles, from classical to rock and roll, sounds just great. Among other things, pleases the ability to customize the sound. It is done by selecting a specific style preset (for example, Concert Hall, Vocal, etc.). Unfortunately, there is no manual configuration option.

Player price

Headphones are also included with the player. They are made of high quality black plastic with stylish silver stakes. On the speaker you can notice a metal mesh, which not only performs a decorative function, but also positively affects the sound. Headphones do a good job of reproducing low, mid and even high frequencies. No recoil was noticed.

New player: reviews

Music player

The new player from Samsung received extremely positive reviews. Users notice the stylish design of the device, excellent ergonomics, excellent sound, etc. In addition, many liked the duration of the battery life. Agree, not every player is able to live a day without recharging.


At the moment, nothing is known about the cost of the device. But you probably have to pay a tidy sum in order to get a player at your disposal. The price, most likely, will vary between 16-18 thousand rubles (almost like the cost of iPod Nano).


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