Redds beer (Redd's): types, manufacturer, reviews

Redds beer belongs to the category of goods that definitely will not leave indifferent the average consumer. Someone considers the alcohol under this brand to be exclusively female, due to the ease of taste, others do not at all approve of changes in the recipe. Despite some negative feedback from consumers, the brand remains recognizable and cost-effective. In this article we will consider for whom such a drink as Redds beer is nevertheless intended and what are its advantages over competitors in the price segment. So let's get started.

Beer or low alcohol drink?

women redds beer

Women's beer is a very conventional category of goods, mainly including various kinds of drinks with a fruity taste or the addition of a blend of other products. It is impossible to call such a product directly foamy in the traditional sense of the word, since the recipe has significant differences. In fact, the technology by which women's beer is prepared may, for example, not include the process of fermentation and fermentation. For this category of product, it is acceptable to use a distillate based on ethyl alcohol or a solution of a small strength. Therefore, it is impossible to demand that Redds beer fully comply with products characteristic of the term "foamy".

Brief statements regarding the brand

female beer

Products under the Redds trademark belong to the national “player” in the segment, according to the company, one of the 4 largest. More precisely, we are talking about Efes Rus, which, in turn, acts as a branch of Anadolu Efes, which distributes goods in other CIS countries. The counterparty was founded in 1969, the first field of activity was in Turkey, after which the company also developed other markets for its products. To date, this "player" in terms of its activity can really claim a place in the top three. In addition to the mentioned Redds trademark, the counterparty also produces about 20 varieties of foam for both Russian and Ukrainian, Belarusian consumers.

Manufacturer geolocation

why beer is good for women

According to the official website of the company, Russian beer is produced at 6 factories: in Kaluga, Ufa, Kazan, Novosibirsk, Ulyanovsk, Vladivostok. In addition, the brand also owns a malt complex, which allows Efes to independently process raw materials and fill production complexes with materials. All this allows the company to take second place in the context of the national market in terms of gross turnover of funds, which is stated in the Efes mission. On the whole, Russian Redds beer is delivered as a reliable corridor, which has a beneficial effect on pricing policy and the position of products in the segment.

Key product features and market position

Reviews about Redds beer are different. Some consumers claim the characteristic taste of the drink, while others complain about the number of varieties. In any case, the current position of the brand and its products divided consumers into those who like this brand and everyone else. Moreover, the pricing policy of the company in relation to the current position of the products on the market cannot be called loyal to customers, since the cost of one bottle is quite high. So, for example, the difference can be up to 25-30%. The product is delivered mainly in glass, but an option is also available in the form of a tin can with a volume of 0.33 liters. The basis of any kind of Redds women’s beer is light filtered.

Available varieties

redd s mademoiselle

The Redds trademark flaunts on three varieties of the original drink:

  • Premium Light, filtered fruit beer. The strength is 4.3% with fermentation of wort at 14%. The composition includes: maltose syrup, barley malt, apple juice, purified water and citric acid. In fact, the drink is not beer, since the recipe does not provide for the fermentation of hops, as well as the presence of this ingredient in the finished composition. The color of the drink is golden yellow, the aroma is bright, resembles apple cider, the palette of taste is mostly fruity with sourness.
  • Mademoiselle. Redd's Drink differs from analogues under the same trademark in higher strength, namely 6.7 degrees. Also, it cannot claim the title of beer, since hops were not found in the recipe. Despite the indicated belonging to the “foamy” category, it resembles a very strong cider with a rich apple aftertaste, somewhat cloying.
  • Dry In this case, it is already appropriate to use the epithet "Russian beer", since there is still hop in the recipe. However, the taste of the drink, expressed in fruity notes, is primarily due to the flavor and essence, and not apple juice, for example. All this suggests that the key differences between beer varieties, as well as their premium status, are just a marketing ploy.

Assessing the taste of Redds beer is quite problematic, since this criterion cannot be called objective. However, given the fact that the drink is still supplied in rather large volumes, the demand for it remains at a high level.

Russian beer

Can Redds be called a female beer?

It is rather hasty to use the evaluation criterion “feminine” in relation to products of the unisex class. Yes, the majority of consumers of this drink are really women. However, the Redds drink does not have significant differences from other low-alcohol counterparts. If we evaluate a more social point of view on this issue, then brand alcohol can be called suitable for girls. Since the strength of the drink plays a significant role in the question of how beer is good for women, Redds is an acceptable option.

efes rus

As for the peculiarities of the position of the brand itself, Redds is often condemned for unlawfully overpricing products. The recipe and production cycle do not include something extraordinary. Therefore, its cost should be reduced. On the other hand, it is an independent drink with an invigorating taste, a small strength and a conditionally harmless composition. What is the benefit of beer for women in this case? An alternative to fruit wines, for example. Perhaps that is why the products are still supplied by the brand.

Positive ratings

The lion's share of positive feedback regarding Redds beer indicates an invigorating taste with a bright and natural fruity hue. Since far from everyone can give preference to more expensive wines with a similar palette, such a drink really takes place on the market. Compared to other available options, there are more refreshing and lighter notes, which make it quite difficult to get drunk. In addition, the drink does not have a clear negative effect on consumer health. Someone compares Redds products with special “under the degree” soda, which also “seduces” customers. In the end, the cost of 80-100 rubles for such a drink is not so much, if not compared with the usual foam.

Negative customer feedback

It is fair to say that there are more supporters of the drink than those who condemn the position of the product. Negative feedback is “tied up” around the product’s advertising company. Many consumers are confused by the "slogan", namely "women's beer", which flaunts on promotional products. In fact, two of the three varieties have nothing in common with foam. And the price tag for an ordinary cider is rather high. There are those who do not like the taste palette of this alcohol. Someone assures that he is overly sour, others point to the "chemistry" in the composition in the form of flavor enhancers and flavorings.

beer redds reviews

The bottom line, after analyzing the brand’s position in the market, as well as the features of this product, we can say that Redds beer, of course, has the right to be among alcoholic beverages. In addition, the brand has its admirers who prefer the taste palette of this manufacturer above all. Reprimanding them is at least unjustified. On the other hand, there is a usual marketing ploy, as a result of which the price tag for a generally tasty, but by no means drunk drink soared to the skies. All together, this leaves an ambiguous impression about the product itself. To buy or not, this, as always, is decided directly by the consumer.


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