Window decoration

“And what to make out of it, a window?” I hung the curtain - and designed it. ” Alas, some homeowners reason this way. And they are categorically wrong.
Imagine an apartment or a house without windows. Hard to seem, right? It even somehow becomes uncomfortable: how is it, housing - and without windows? This is some kind of cellar, basement. Or, worse, a dungeon ...
So, it turns out what significance the windows have: determining in the atmosphere and mood of the whole house or apartment. And the window is a certain exit to the outside world, or rather, the possibility of this exit. And such an important detail of the home, of course, should be properly designed, since a bare window causes a feeling of uninhabited space and some kind of instability and temporality of the home, depriving it of completeness and comfort.
How to make a window
There are plenty of options. Consider the most popular ...

1. Classic window decoration - draped curtains and curtains. Traditional curtains made of textiles and a hundred years ago were popular, and now are in sufficient demand. Of course, draped curtains and curtains come in different materials, colors and design. Having tied the curtains on both sides, for example, with straps, we will give them solemnity and splendor. The cornice can be draped with frills; high grabs can cause folds, like the sleeves of a ball gown. In a word, there are plenty of options, and one of them is sure to suit any style in the design of the entire interior ...

2. Curtains with lambrequins. For interiors in the Baroque and neoclassical style, as well as the merchant style, such curtains are just a godsend. And horizontal curtains, which are called lambrequins, most often close the cornice and have various shapes, forming a patterned and original folds.

3. Fans of the interior in a minimalist style for the design of windows are quite suitable Chinese curtains. These are flat fabric cloths, fitted along the width of the window and rising and lowering with the help of side ribbons. And simple, and angry.

4. They will arrange minimalists, as well as adherents of pop art, high-tech and fusion styles, window blinds. They can be: horizontal; vertical pleated; roll; with electric drive. And also: aluminum; cloth; bamboo; multifactorial; with a picture, a photographic image, etc. This is a very popular and modern version of window decoration.

5. Roman curtains. This type of window decoration is similar to pleated blinds, only when they are lifted, they do not stretch and fold in the form of bellows, but form fold sections that regulate the height of the curtains. Roman curtains are suitable for any style of room decoration, but are most appropriate for Provencal and Mediterranean styles and country style.

6. For the children's room, kitchen and country style, the so-called London curtains made of fabric in a cage or strip are suitable. These curtains are flat, they are gathered below the folds, which are fixed with braid.

7. An important factor in the design of windows are cornices. They can be: round barbells; profile; rail; · Strings. And also: wooden; metal; forged; plastic.

8. You should also pay attention to the hooks for the curtains, which can be laced, belt, tape, with beads, tassels, etc.

In a word, there is plenty to choose from, right? But if you cannot make such a choice yourself, you can contact the professionals who provide services in the field of window decoration, for example, here .


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