What to do if the tablet does not load?

Very often, people complain that their tablet does not load. How to be in this situation? What actions will help to "revive" the device without much difficulty? Can I somehow turn on a gadget that refuses to work? Why doesn’t the tablet sometimes load at all? Understanding all this is not as difficult as it seems. And this despite the fact that there can be many reasons for this phenomenon. It is enough to carefully remember what preceded the breakdown. So what if the tablet does not work and does not want to boot?

Classification of causes

The first step is to find out what caused the phenomenon being studied. Why doesn’t the tablet load?

tablet does not load

It has already been said that many situations can be the source of a problem. There is a definite classification of them. She half helps to understand what happened and draw up a further plan of action.

Tablets and other devices may refuse to work and boot normally in the following cases:

  • due to hardware problems;
  • in case of failures in the installed software.

As a rule, in the first case it is impossible to say for sure whether it will be possible to bring the gadget back to life. But in the case of software, it is most often possible to easily resume the tablet’s performance without much difficulty.

No charge

Now a little about what specific problems users have and how to solve them. The tablet does not load? "Android" or any other is not so important. The first step is to make sure that the device has enough energy to start working. As a rule, if it is not there, then the gadget will refuse to work.

Sometimes the tablet boots up and shuts down right away. In some situations, the screen goes blank after the manufacturer’s logo. Similar situations indicate that the device has some energy, but it is not enough for normal operation with the system.

In such situations, it is proposed:

  1. Connect the tablet to the network, wait a bit and try to turn it on again. As soon as the charge appears, the problem will disappear.
  2. Replace device battery. Sometimes it is a bad or bad battery that causes the tablet to not load.

There are no more recommendations on the problem under study. Unless in the future, be more careful about tracking battery power.

the tablet does not load


The next common reason is the manufacturer. Does the tablet not load? You should not be surprised at this phenomenon when it comes to Chinese products. In particular, duplicates from well-known manufacturers.

If the citizen has a Chinese tablet, then the problems associated with turning on the device can be eliminated by the following methods:

  • rebooting the gadget (by constant attempts to turn it on);
  • repair in the service center;
  • buying a new device.

In practice, most often Chinese devices are reanimated by handing them in for repair, or they solve the problem by purchasing a new tablet. With original gadgets, malfunctions and malfunctions are extremely rare. But no one can be insured against them 100%.


Does the tablet turn on but not loading? In fact, this phenomenon is not so rare. In practice, many users have faced similar situations.

Problems with turning on the tablets are sometimes caused by viruses that have penetrated the gadget's operating system. Now there are a lot of diverse infections that bring them down the OS of phones and other mobile devices. To bring the gadget back to life will help its treatment.

It is carried out, as a rule, in service centers. On their own, users are not recommended to check and clean the tablets. Otherwise, you may encounter a complete crash of the OS.

the tablet turns on but does not load


What to do if the tablet does not load? Not to panic is the main thing. Most situations can be resolved without much difficulty. It is enough to know how to act in a particular case.

For example, sometimes the reason that the tablet does not load is due to the lost settings of the operating system. You can "reset" them. After such a step, the device starts to work normally.

Hard reset

Resetting mobile devices is called Hard Reset. It is carried out according to a certain algorithm. The help of specialists is not needed here - everyone is independently able to cope with the task.

Does the tablet not load? Before sorting out the possible causes of the problem, it is recommended to conduct a "Hard Reset". It is proposed to activate this function according to the following algorithm:

  1. Remove the SIM card and memory from the device. These are not required steps, but it is better to take them to work properly with the operating system.
  2. At the same time, press the power button of the device, as well as the volume controls.
  3. Hold the buttons down for a few seconds. The device should vibrate and turn on.
  4. On the screen, select "Settings" - "Format".
  5. It is required to select "Reboot", or Reset. The device will perform the aforementioned action. Settings will be reset during the process.

It is such an algorithm of actions that will help to reset to warehouse. If the problem lay precisely in this, then after the procedure the tablet will work with renewed vigor.

why the tablet does not load


Nevertheless, this is not all the reasons why the device under study refuses to work. As already mentioned, sometimes the problem lies in the software. Does the tablet not load beyond the logo or does it completely refuse to work normally? Then it is proposed to use one more trick. But it is better to use it after activating the Hard Reset option. What is it about?

About the firmware of the operating system. Problems with this component lead to the fact that the tablet does not load. It is recommended to restore the firmware to its initial state. How to do it?

For self-resetting, you can use the following procedure:

  1. Press the power button and the volume button simultaneously on the device.
  2. Wait for the tablet to vibrate. As soon as it appears, release the clamped buttons.
  3. In the menu, select "Settings" - "Firmware Recovery".
  4. Wait for the end of the process.

It should be noted that if it is impossible to enter the tablet firmware recovery mode, the source of the power-on problem is precisely the hardware damage. Most likely, you will have to carry the gadget for repair or just buy a new device.

Android tablet does not load


The tablet does not load? Another way to bring the device back to life is to reflash the gadget. This process alone is highly recommended. In inept hands, flashing leads to the final "death" of the device.

That is why it is best to take the gadget to a service center. There, for a fee, the device will be flashed. After that, the tablet will work like new. But an incorrectly performed flashing can cause a lot of problems to users.


Does the tablet turn on but not loading? Or doesn’t react at all to actions? It is likely that there is mechanical damage. It is very common among modern users. There are several ways to fix this phenomenon.

the tablet does not load beyond the logo

More precisely, then try the following tricks:

  • attempt to turn on the tablet several times;
  • take the gadget to a service center for diagnosis;
  • change device.

As a rule, mechanical damage can occur during any adverse effects on the tablet. For example, if the device fell out of hand. Or it was crushed by some objects. Quite often, girls and adolescents face a similar problem, simply carrying a tablet in bags with many things.

Unfortunately, such situations are most often resolved by direct replacement of devices. Flashing, as well as resetting the settings makes no sense. It is best to entrust all manipulations to professionals.


What should I do if the tablet does not load, and all the actions that could be taken have already been completed? In this case, there is only one thing left - contacting a service center. Specially trained people for a fee will conduct a complete diagnosis of the device, as well as help bring the tablet back to life. Of course, if this is possible.

Most often, this is the method that causes the least problems. The service center will be able to change the firmware, and some damaged components of the tablet. Only in some cases, even contacting such an organization is useless. This means that turning on the tablet will not work - you have to buy a new one.

what to do if the tablet does not load

In fact, you should not be afraid of a situation in which a tablet or phone does not turn on. If you do not want to understand the problem for a long time, it is better to take the device to repair immediately. This is the safest and best solution.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C10956/

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