How to develop interpersonal skills? What does an outgoing person mean? Sociability test

What is human sociability , perhaps today is known to everyone. But not everyone can skillfully dispose of it. Psychologists distinguish two types of character: introvert and extrovert. The first is immersed in the inner world and his own experiences, the second is inherently sociable. It is easier for him to establish friendly and business relations, he is open and oriented to the outside world.

Both types are quite flexible. And over time, for example, an introvert can develop the qualities of an extrovert. Everything will depend on personal aspirations, preparedness and circumstances. However, it is worth noting that sociable does not mean sociable. So, we will understand the concept and find out how to develop sociability. What are the advantages of this quality and how to determine its degree in yourself?

how to develop sociability

Outgoing person - who is it?

If for you the words “sociable” and “sociable” are synonyms, then we hasten to deal with these concepts. A sociable person is, as a rule, an open personality who easily makes contact and does not know how to hide his emotions inside. For such a person, it doesn’t matter with whom and when he speaks, he enjoys the process of communication.

And what does it mean outgoing? This is a person with an asterisk. A person with communication skills is quite flexible. He knows how to adapt in communication to different types and characters of people. But this is not at all connected with hypocrisy and flattery. It’s just that this type of character knows to whom and with what spices to serve an information dish.

When an unusual situation occurs, outgoing people will be able to find the right words. Successful influence is reinforced by the fact that they are charming, self-confident and able to quickly adapt to new conditions. Often, such qualities contribute to the acquisition of high authority and leadership in the team.

what is human sociability

Sociability Benefits

Of course, in this flexibility of communication, you can find many advantages:

  • Firstly, a person can realize himself in almost any area of ​​social activity. An outgoing person is willingly taken to vacant positions because he is able to quickly and confidently conduct business negotiations, negotiate with demanding and unyielding people.
  • Naturally, achieving success is undeniable not only in career, but also in creativity and personal life.
  • A nice bonus can be finding harmony of the soul with the outside world, getting rid of complexes, fears and isolation.
  • Easy resolution or even conflict prevention. Establishing strong business and friendships.

Understanding what range of privileges and pleasures can be obtained from such a quality in oneself, a quite reasonable question arises: is it possible to learn sociability? The answer is definitely positive!

Today, there are many books open from competent authors of the category "How to communicate with people?" Psychology has long formulated universal advice that will help reveal itself to almost every person. All you have to do is want it. But before you get down to business, you need to check yourself. To do this, there is a special test for sociability. Let's see how we are sociable.

sociability test

Sociability test

To conduct this small study, the following situations need to be presented:

  • You have been instructed to deliver a detailed report at the meeting or a report at the conference. You're upset?
  • There was a conflict between your colleagues. The boss asks you to figure it out. Are you afraid to ruin your relationship with your colleagues?
  • There is a discussion of some problem or subject. Someone expresses their opinion, but it is incorrect. Will you argue with your previous speaker proving the truth?
  • A responsible business meeting is coming. Are you nervous
  • A stranger on the street asks you where the nearest bakery is. Does it annoy you?

On this sociability test is considered passed. We pass to the results. Counting them is very simple. If you answered most of the questions positively, you should seriously think about how to develop sociability. And if the answer is “yes” is present in all points, then this is not even a property, but a problem of your nature. Teamwork is simply unbearable for you. Relations with colleagues are not easy.

A negative answer to these questions is an indicator of sociability. The more of them, the higher its level. In any society, such a person is comfortable and almost any life situation is easily solved.

what is sociable

There is a solution

In the presence of communicative qualities, a person simply needs to maintain and improve them. In case of absence, the situation should be properly assessed. There are stories when the acquisition of such skills is not required. A person is comfortable walking on his own path, without delving into the intricacies of successful communication. However, for those who are determined to change themselves, there is a solution. We offer to get acquainted with the key tips of psychologists on how to develop sociability.

It all starts from childhood

It is known that childhood is the most significant period in a person’s life. This is a serene time, devoid of serious responsibility, when the formation of the main character traits is influenced not by internal beliefs, but by external factors. Sociability of children is determined by how quickly they find friends, how easily and naturally they join a new team (at school, creative circles, etc.). The task of parents in this case is attentive attitude to the child, support, good advice. Therefore, wondering how to develop sociability in a child, you just need to create harmonious conditions in the house and focus on comprehensive education.

sociability of children

We do not leave communication

As for adults with a formed inner world and views, the strategy for the development of sociability is defined more subtly and step by step. You should start with simple, easy communication. And not just with a specific person, but with several friends. To do this, you can use virtual communication, which is becoming increasingly popular today. But better than real, living.

It happens that the day turned out to be tense, the mood is gloomy, and on the street you meet a good friend. Do not ignore him, smile, keep up the conversation. You can share your experiences. Just do not turn the conversation into an endless monologue with complaints. It should be a mutual dialogue with a positive ending.

Need to be first

Another question is how to develop interpersonal skills, if you have no friends, and there is nothing to talk about with neighbors and colleagues. Yes, it happens. It's time to make new friends and look for common interests. Do not be afraid to go first, start a conversation. A conversation can be opened with the question of how to find a house or a street or become interested in some object belonging to the interlocutor. Do not despair if the first attempts are unsuccessful. In this case, practice is the main thing.

If friends and acquaintances are in abundance, and you have not mastered the skill of communication, take the initiative. Suppose you saw a familiar person in a large department store. Do not hide and do not run away from him to another department. Circumstances pushed you for a reason. Take this opportunity. Go boldly towards. At the same time, show maximum friendliness and charm. With classic questions, "how are you?" and "how is your mood?" You can go to the search for the right product or discussion of service.

how to communicate with people psychology

Have fun

Who is an outgoing person? As already mentioned, this is a master of communication. He not only knows how to find contact with any people, but also enjoys this process. That is, openly and naturally, he can engage the participants in an interesting topic, learn the opposite point of view, adequately evaluate it, and at the same time give the impression of a wise and competent interlocutor. This method should be noted. After all, there are often situations when a person obviously knows what kind of conversation awaits him and is already setting himself up in a negative way. For example, a friend or girlfriend promises to come to visit, pass the evening. And their favorite topics are football or shopping. Do not despair that the evening is lost. Try to seize the right to lead the conversation. From the first notes, literally set your motive, engage the interlocutor in a topic that interests you and combine the pleasant with the useful.

A pinch of artistry

Psychologists distinguish two types of sociability: verbal and non-verbal. In addition to well-written words and phrases, a good sense of humor, you must own your facial expressions and gestures. This gives the communication richness, taste. When telling a story, it is very important not only to conduct a dry narration, but also to decorate it with a transformation into a certain image, a change in facial expression and voice. After this, you can be sure that soon everyone will recognize: "This person is the soul of the company."

Allow yourself to be a little artist Free your inner impulses. Just feel the measure in emotions. Replay is not worth it! To better understand how to develop sociability and in which direction to move, you can see a few humorous monologues. And then try to reproduce them and show them in front of the mirror. This practice will have a positive effect not only on the quality of communication, but also on your mood.


We are on the positive wave

What does “sociable” mean? Perhaps the constant synonym for this word may be "optimistic." Sociable people rarely lose heart. Even if they face serious difficulties in life, they can find positive moments in them and make a little joke. Smile and go forward - the main rule of sociable people. After all, a friendly face attracts more people than a sad expression.

If you think as a pessimist, then it's time to readjust to a positive wave. Of course, it is impossible to constantly be a strong and unbending optimist. But it is necessary to learn to see in the negative heap of problems something encouraging and promising. You say that this is a rare gift, and it is not subject to everyone? No matter how! The main thing is to observe yourself and work every day, removing obstacles in the way. And you will not notice how people will reach you, and the quality of communication will become more productive and more enjoyable.


So, we found out what sociability of a person is and how it is useful in life. This is the art of communication, which, if desired, and the correct guidelines, everyone can master. Do not forget that sociability is affected by experience and the level of intellectual training. But all this comes with time. In the meantime, it's time to take the first steps towards success.


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