Labor activity and human factor

Human labor activity, among other characteristics, is unpredictable. In order to make the work of each individual person more reliable, the study of such a concept as the human factor was started. Often this concept is used in a negative sense, in the case when it is impossible to accurately identify the cause of the error in the activity, summarizing the various manifestations of human nature.

The human factor in the broadest sense can be defined as the psychological characteristics of the individual, affecting the result of his activity. In fact, these are all the characteristics that distinguish us from machines. They can have both negative and positive effects on work.

For example, fatigue, bad mood or well-being, leading to a decrease in attention - these are negative manifestations of the human factor. Flexibility of thinking, a creative approach to solving problems, the ability to act in non-standard conditions - these are its positive aspects.

In Soviet times, it was customary to minimize human influence on the production process. This approach is clearly manifested in aviation and other types of human-machine-type activities.

Nevertheless, today the percentage of accidents and catastrophes caused by the human factor is approaching eighty. These are due to the fact that the mechanisms are becoming more sophisticated, and for successful management of them, a person now needs, first of all, honed perception, steady attention, photographic memory and clear thinking. That is, the most labile and subject to the influence of external factors processes are involved in the activity to the maximum extent. That is why the study of the human factor is aimed at developing techniques with which people can learn how to arbitrarily control their mental processes even in a state of extreme fatigue.

The labor activity of the individual has always been and will be subject to errors. By studying the concept called the human factor, you can try to anticipate the risk of an error in a given situation, and prevent it.

The greatest attention was paid to the human factor in aviation, since there this concept is vital.

In the study of this discipline, the first block of topics is devoted to perception and its features. Of course, labor activity depends on whether the task was correctly received, whether signals from the outside are correctly received during the course of work. This mental process has a complex nature and depends on many factors, for example, from previous experience, from the opinions of people around us, from ideas and expectations. The task of psychological work at this stage is to identify obstacles to pure perception, draw people's attention to possible errors and understand the causes of their occurrence.

In this case, the principle applies: forewarned, then armed.

The next important area is work with attention, namely, with its stability and switching speed. These characteristics are vital for people engaged in transportation using various modes of transport, as well as for air traffic controllers and surgeons. Attention can be controlled if you spend some time training it. For this, meditation and concentration techniques , known since ancient times, are perfect.

The training course on the human factor includes the compulsory study of the concept of stress, which often affects both the human body and individual labor activity. A lot of time is also devoted to methods of dealing with fatigue.

A very important point is the study of interaction in work teams, because it is the atmosphere in the group that can optimize or, conversely, destroy the work. Training on uniting such groups, as well as classes for developing communication skills, is recommended.

An important factor is decision making in a complex, uncertain situation. For those people whose work is connected with the need to make responsible decisions in a matter of seconds, it is necessary to conduct special training that identifies negative factors, as well as developing the speed of reaction. For this purpose, pilots of civil and military aviation are constantly engaged in simulators simulating a real flight.

In conclusion, it should be noted that the human factor is an extensive concept. In order to organize the work of personnel in production that requires increased attention or emotional involvement, it is necessary to draw up a training program for the needs of a particular enterprise, taking into account all its features. Only in this case, the labor activity of all employees will become more effective.


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