Nourishing hair masks at home

Every woman dreams of luxurious, well-groomed hair, lush and shiny. And the main secret of such hair is in constant care. This is especially important in a modern city, when a lot of negative factors affect the entire woman’s body, including her hair, such as air saturated with many substances harmful to her beauty and health, the rapid rhythm of urban life, temperature changes, and poor nutrition. The latter especially affects the entire state of the body, acting on it from the inside.

If a woman does not eat properly, it is difficult to expect her hair to be beautiful and healthy and no external care can compensate for the effects from the inside. But a healthy diet, unfortunately, is not a panacea. It is also necessary to correctly choose cosmetics for care. It is important to choose the right shampoo for your hair: it must be appropriate for the type of woman’s hair , otherwise it will only harm. And if the hair urgently needs to be put in order, for example, after winter or after a long illness, you can use nourishing masks.

It is very important that all hair cosmetics be of high quality. This can be achieved, unfortunately, very difficult. It should be either high-quality professional cosmetics, which is expensive, and you can get it far from everywhere. Or it should be natural, natural cosmetics made by yourself. In this case, you can be one hundred percent confident in the composition of cosmetics.

That is why homemade masks are of such importance. Again, do not forget that each type of hair needs to choose its own mask.

Nourishing hair masks at home: for normal hair

Mix one tablespoon of glycerin, apricot kernel oil and vinegar in a bowl, add a teaspoon of tea leaves, preferably very strong, to this mixture. For women with dark hair, brown hair and brunettes, it is better to take black tea, and let blondes choose green tea. The finished mask is first applied to the skin and hair roots, rubbed with massaging movements, and then the composition is distributed through the hair. They put a plastic cap on their hair and leave it on their hair for 30 minutes, rinse their hair and wash it with baby shampoo.

You can mix the egg yolk with a spoonful of castor oil. This mask is applied to the hair for three hours, and then rinse the hair thoroughly.

Nourishing hair masks at home: for oily hair

On a grater, rub one medium onion, add a teaspoon of low-fat sour cream and lemon juice to it, crumble the crumb from one piece of rye bread, drip a few drops of rosemary essential oil. The mask is applied to the hair, wrapped with a film and a towel, for a warming effect, and washed off after 20 minutes. The advantage of this mask is that it not only nourishes the hair, but also regulates the secretion of sebum, making the hair less oily.

A night mask is made of 2 yolks and 2 tablespoons of honey. It is thoroughly mixed, mass is rubbed into the hair roots and go to bed, wash off the mask in the morning, rinsing the hair under warm water.

Nourishing hair masks at home: for dry hair

Mix castor oil and peach seed oil, a tablespoon, add the same amount of unsweetened honey, pour in a teaspoon of brandy and egg yolk. Once the mask is ready, it is applied to the hair for 25 minutes, and then the hair is rinsed with cool water and then washed with shampoo.

Egg, teaspoon of glycerin, the same amount of vinegar, castor oil 2 tablespoons. Stirred and applied to the hair. After application, the hair is wrapped with a towel. After half an hour, wash off the mask.

Clay hair masks are ideal for brittle hair. For example, this: a teaspoon of white clay, the same amount of honey, butter, lemon juice and mustard, 1 yolk. The clay is ground with oil and mixed with the rest of the components. First, the hair roots are lubricated, and then along the entire length, then wrapped with a towel for heat and walk for about 2 hours, then rinse off the mask. It is possible that a large amount of hair will be washed off with the mask - this is already dead hair, which in any case must be disposed of.

As a peeling and an excellent tool that promotes hair growth, you can use salt hair masks. They are not suitable for dry hair. Here is one of the recipes for salt masks: mix half a glass of salt with honey and cognac. The resulting mixture is put in a dark place in a sealed container for 2 weeks. The finished mask is applied to the scalp, and then to the hair. Keep such a mask for no more than an hour.

It is important to remember that for preventive purposes it makes sense to use masks once a month. And if the hair needs to be restored, then you need to use it 2 times a week. Then apply them no more than once a week. In addition, it is important to apply nutritious hair masks at home immediately, as they quickly lose their healing properties.


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