Cold water quenching - a new quality of life

The word "hardening" is ambiguous. Most often, it is understood as a process that allows you to give something more hardness. And what is hardening of the human body?

Medicine under hardening refers to a system or series of sanitary and hygienic measures aimed at strengthening immunity. The hardened organism is able to successfully resist any adverse climatic influences. Proper strengthening increases the general tone of all systems, makes mental activity more productive, reduces fatigue, and speeds up metabolism.

With regular dousing, biochemical processes are significantly activated, carbohydrate metabolism is accelerated, endocrine glands begin to produce and release tonic hormones into the blood. As a result, reserve, unclaimed, opportunities are mobilized, and overall performance increases.

One of the easiest and most common ways to improve your health is cold water tempering. If this procedure is carried out systematically, then the stratum corneum of the skin becomes thinner, and the receptors located on it do not react so sharply to irritants. Because of this, skin temperature rises, blood vessels become more plastic, and the body's resistance rises.

In order for a useful procedure not to become a factor that can cause a cold, you need to know how to start hardening.

The most important thing is to create the right psychological attitude before starting a course of wellness procedures. A person must know exactly why he performs this or that action. Creating the right motivation is one of the leading conditions in the health promotion process.

When ideas from consciousness move to the subconscious level, the body will not just get used to regular water procedures - it will need them. In fact, swimming in cool ponds or dousing in the morning is quite natural, they come from nature itself. Just accustomed to urban conditions, the body forgot about it. But with the daily repetition of procedures, bathing in cold water or dousing will cease to cause negative feelings, it will not create stress.

When a person has realized how and why he will perform general strengthening procedures, it is possible to begin hardening with cold water.

The main thing in this process is gradualism and nonviolence. You can start with contrasting douches or foot baths. Baths are made like this: two basins with water are placed in the bath. The greater the temperature difference in these basins, the better. The legs in turn are immersed in cold or hot water for about one minute. It is recommended to finish with warm water. After the procedure, the feet are wiped dry, put on socks.

About the same contrasting douche is carried out. It is very important to select such a temperature of the water so that the body is comfortable.

Continuing quenching with cold water, you need to ensure that the pouring water is at a comfortable temperature. It is possible to lower it only when the body gets used to this temperature, and do it very gradually.

Once the daily douche becomes habitual, the method of hardening can be changed. You can swim in a cool pool or natural pond, wipe yourself with snow or take a bath with ice.

When carrying out the procedure, it is recommended to carefully monitor that the body quickly warms up after its completion. If this does not happen, then after pouring, you should dress warmly and drink hot tea.

So, the main principles of a wellness event are a positive attitude, awareness, systematicity, gradualness. If all these principles are observed , hardening with cold water will strengthen the immune system, increase the body's resistance, improve the state of the nervous system, and strengthen mental activity.
All together will bring a person to a new, healthier and happier standard of living.


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