To help the student: what is a comparative turnover

In oral and written speech , different types of language constructions are used for more accurate and vivid transmission of information. Their main task is to convey the semantic side of the statement without distortion, to make it as clear as possible, to emphasize the emotional shades. One of the main roles in this is given to comparative turnover.

what is a comparative turnover

Topic entry and definitions

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude: a means of expressing the language - that is what a comparative turn is. It arises on the basis of associations, when the speaker for the sake of convincingness seeks the similarity of the subject or phenomenon in question with other, more well-known participants in the moment of speech. The same principle is used to construct paths - figurative figures of poetic speech. One of the most striking examples of what a comparative turn is, we can find in the lines of Bunin’s famous poem about the golden autumn: “The forest, just like a painted tower ...” Thus, the basis of this language phenomenon is the convergence of any concepts, most often not related, so that through one could describe and explain the other.

comparative turnover examples

Comparative turnover characteristic

If we analyze what a comparative turn is from a syntactical point of view, then the answer may be this: it is part of a simple sentence as part of a complex one. It consists, as a rule, of the nominal part of speech or another in the meaning of a nominal and explanatory word or combination of words. For example, such a construction: noun. in the form of I. p. + explanation. In the verbal shell it looks like this: "The clouds, like proud white-breasted sails, slowly and majestically sailed through the sunset sky." It is clearly shown what a comparative turn is even if it is expressed by a noun in one of the indirect cases or in another part of speech in the form of one of the secondary members: “The whole forest moaned, sighed and groaned under the gusts of wind, like a wounded man or like insanely frightened living creature. "

comparative examples
Comparison of objects or phenomena is carried out with the help of unions, which, on the one hand, connect parts of the proposal, and on the other, perform the above function. These include: “for sure”, “as if”, “as if”, “how”, “as if”, “as if”, etc. “All troubles dissipate like foggy morning” - a comparative revolution. Examples show that on the letter it is highlighted with a comma. Being an expressive figure of speech, this design is an integral part of the art style. The language of poetry, the language of fiction is as saturated as possible with metaphors and comparisons, explicit and hidden, veiled. The ability to correctly compose and use comparative turns to the place, examples of which we see in the languages ​​of Turgenev, Lermontov, Sholokhov, Bulgakov and other masters of the word, helps to express in a concise and concise way without compromising the emotional and semantic richness of the statement. “The richness of the language while saving money” - this is the basic principle of using comparisons.

In the study of this topic, attention should be paid to the difference between these structures from the adjacent subordinate parts of complex sentences with the value of circumstance / comparison.


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