Soil stabilization: milestones

In the construction of any coating, an initial calculation of its wear resistance and bearing capacity is necessary. Some methods are used for pedestrian areas, and a completely different approach is practiced in creating automotive coatings. A special base helps to counteract the stress that affects the pavement under traffic flows. For its formation, soil stabilization is applied, which involves the use of organic and inorganic materials.

soil stabilization

General information about soil stabilization

The main purpose of this event is to create a solid foundation under the road or platform, which will not deform and creep during operation. The entire workflow can be divided into four stages. First of all, the technology of soil stabilization provides for the preparation of the material from which a kind of sealing cover pillow will be created. Next, from substances with the desired characteristics, an active mixture is created. Already at the place of use with the help of special equipment they put the mass on the working area. The final stage involves the distribution and a kind of mixing of the substance with the base soil.

It is important to understand that this process in itself is only an intermediate stage in the implementation of the general project for the construction of roads and sites. When soil stabilization is completed, directly insulating or technical layers of the future coating are laid on the prepared base.

Material preparation

soil stabilization methods

Most often, cement and lime bases are used. Sand and gravel can also be used as diluents - their concentration depends on the requirements for future coverage. In the construction and construction of pavement, local soil should also be used. For example, if soil is stabilized with lime, then it will be appropriate to include stone materials, which will create the necessary shock-absorbing strength. Another thing is that such additions must first be crushed with special milling cutters. Directly at the filling site, the stabilization mass will be approximately 10-20% of the local soil, which will act as the basis for the road surface.

Making a mixture

A specific recipe for the manufacture of the mixture is determined by the characteristics that must be obtained after completion of work. For example, methods of stabilization of soils with a monolithic base require the achievement of such coating qualities as shear stability and increased elasticity. In the composition of such mixtures, the mentioned cement-lime combination is usually used, which is also diluted with active ash and local soil. However, its main difference is the complete exclusion of gravel. As a result, other important coating properties are achieved, among which are capillary-interrupting functions and an increase in heat-insulating indicators.

Technically, the mixing operation is performed by special metering machines. Modern technology allows you to perform mixing based on indicators entered through the electronic control panel. The initial parameters, according to which the soil stabilization of the road is carried out, are previously documented in the laboratory. Further, the obtained information becomes the basis for the development of a recipe and the preparation of a strengthening mixture.

Surface material distribution

road stabilization

Before performing this stage, special dispenser containers are prepared in which the mixture is loaded. At the same stage, various modifiers can be added, through which the basic qualities of the mass are improved. At the work site, the equipment evenly distributes metered cement and lime based binders . Again, depending on the design requirements, soil stabilization can be performed with loosening elements, which in the future will provide a higher degree of compaction of the mass. In addition, the auxiliary steps of preparing the mixture for distribution may be included before serving. This can be the operation of grinding, grinding and mixing the components of the mass. The feasibility of implementing these technological steps depends on the functions of a particular special equipment. Usually, multifunctional machines are used, provided with cam clutch mechanisms with protective valves that disconnect during overloads.

Introducing stabilization mass into the ground

soil stabilization technology

The procedure can be performed by special equipment or manually. The possibility of carrying out an operation near a housing estate, parking, airfield site or in bad weather conditions depends on the choice of technology. Most often, for the final introduction of the material, tractors with a three-point linkage at the rear are used. Milling cutters interact directly with the active mixture - the action resembles loosening with subsequent compaction. Depending on the design decision on which soil stabilization is implemented, the construction of roads at this stage may include additional operations. For example, the operator can also carry out the distribution of a water-emulsion binder component, which will also be incorporated into the soil as a separate active substance.


lime stabilization

Technologies for the arrangement of pavings impose special requirements on the formation of protective layers. The presence of high-quality insulation and drainage spills can protect the future road from many negative factors. In turn, soil stabilization forms in some way a foundation on which physical pressure subsequently rests. This seal should not only withstand stress, but also ensure the integrity of the overall structure of the coating. For this purpose, viscous components are added to the stabilizing mixtures. In a single complex with lime and cement, they create a durable, frost-resistant and waterproof platform for the future road or site.


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