Lamination of eyelashes with gelatin at home: procedure, necessary ingredients, tips and tricks

Fluffy, long, thick eyelashes are every woman's dream. However, unfortunately, nature has not endowed every girl with such beauty, so many go to various sorts of tricks, achieving the desired result. Currently, beauty salons are able to offer new-fangled procedures involving lamination of eyelashes. However, this procedure requires considerable costs. Few know that lamination of eyelashes with gelatin can be quite successfully carried out at home. But how to do that? About this in detail in the article.

eyelash lamination result

Useful properties of the ingredient

Before you familiarize yourself with how to laminate eyelashes with gelatin at home, it is necessary to analyze the useful properties of this product. It is a protein substance, which in its composition contains collagen, which has a positive effect on the structure of eyelashes. It is this element that is included in many restoring and healing masks, since this substance is able to actively restore the structure of hairs, smoothly eliminate any defects.

In addition to collagen, gelatin contains other equally useful components. These include:

  1. A protein that fills small hairs with keratin, which is very important for the condition of eyelashes.

  2. Vitamin E, which rejuvenates and heals the structure of cilia.

  3. Vitamin B, which gives the eyelashes shine. In addition, this element is an excellent moisturizer for hairs.

  4. Calcium, which strengthens the hair follicles, which is very important for the healing of eyelashes.

  5. Iron that stimulates eyelash growth.

eyelash lamination mix

Home Lamination

In recent years, when salon lamination gained popularity, gelatin was also actively used as the main product for biolamination. It is carried out at home. At the same time, it does not harm the hairs, and also does not violate their structural integrity.

Lamination of eyelashes with gelatin at home is economical. To purchase the necessary ingredients, you need a small amount of money. Please note that lamination of eyelashes with gelatin at home will cost you 10 times cheaper than when choosing a salon procedure.

The only thing that you need to pay attention to is that the action of the procedure performed independently does not last long, which cannot be said about the salon. That is why reviews about laminating lashes at home with gelatin suggest that such a procedure is often necessary. However, the result is always excellent! Eyelashes become thicker, longer, and the look - alluring and expressive.

laminated eyelashes


Lamination of eyelashes with gelatin at home has some advantages, which are as follows:

  1. The hairs are lengthened, while acquiring a spectacular and elegant bend.

  2. Eyelashes become healthier, gain shine.

  3. The color scheme of hairs becomes the most saturated.

  4. The look becomes more expressive, acquires charm.

With gelatin lamination, you can even achieve a build-up effect. Such a procedure cannot completely replace a procedure using keratin, but it can compete with it.

The recipe for laminating lashes with gelatin at home

So, how to carry out the procedure yourself? What ingredients are needed for this? How is the whole process carried out?

eyelash lamination process

To lash your eyelashes with gelatin at home, you need 50 g of the main ingredient. In addition, make sure that you have a hair balm at home, which will require 50 ml. Gelatin should be poured with prepared water, then warm it over low heat for 5 minutes. During heating, the granules should completely dissolve. Then the resulting mixture is mixed with hair balm. So, we have reviewed the recipe for home lamination of eyelashes with gelatin. But what to do next when we have prepared this mass?

Application Instructions

In order for this recipe to please you with an excellent result, you should follow simple instructions.

First of all, it is necessary to remove all makeup residues from the eyelashes. It is additionally recommended to wash with some cleansing milk or gel.

thick eyelashes after lamination

Then a degreasing tonic is applied over the eyelashes and eyelids. You can buy such a cosmetic product in any specialized store. To date, the cosmetology industry produces special products that are used before the lamination procedure. Such compositions are characterized by degreasing properties. You can get them at any beauty salon or in a cosmetics store.

Next, a moisturizer is applied to the skin of the eyelids. It will be better if the composition of this tool will have a plant base. To conveniently apply the cream, you can use a cotton swab. In this case, pay attention to the fact that the area of ​​the hairs is not smeared with the composition.

Then you need to firmly fix the silicone disk on the upper eyelid. It can also be replaced with a cotton pad cut in half.

Using a thin soft brush, apply a pre-prepared gelatin mixture to the eyelashes. It is applied in a thin layer. And if surpluses are present, they must be removed carefully with a napkin or cotton swab.

The composition is held on eyelashes for about 20 minutes. Then the mixture is gently and thoroughly washed off with plain warm water.

Tips & Tricks

Despite the fact that lamination using gelatin may seem like an easy and simple procedure that can be done at home, many ladies do it wrong. Often they observe an unsatisfactory result after this event, when the eyelashes stick together, become too sticky. Therefore, to achieve a positive result, follow these simple rules.

gelatin for lamination

To whom to conduct, and to whom - not?

Gelatin lamination will delight those girls whose natural eyelashes are rare and lifeless. With such a simple procedure, these women will be able to get thick, bright and elongated hairs. But those girls who naturally have thick eyelashes should abandon the lamination procedure, since the protein compounds that make up the gelatin envelop each hair securely, only making it heavier. As a result, the eyelashes become too heavy, which is not good.

Selection of ingredients and preparation of the composition

Reviews about laminating lash with gelatin suggest that it is best to purchase a powdery ingredient. This is due to the fact that during dissolution the mixture becomes more saturated. What can not be said about sheet gelatin.

To dissolve, use moderately warm water. It must be remembered that the product does not dissolve in cold water. Also pay attention to the fact that boiling water destroys the protein component, as a result of which gelatin will be completely useless. Dissolve and heat the granules should be in a water bath or on low heat.

eyelash lamination

Rules for applying on eyelashes and flushing

The gelatin mixture is applied to the eyelashes, smearing each of them. It is best to move from the middle of the eyelashes to their tips. And it’s important to do this very carefully so as not to get into the eye!

The gelatinous mass is washed off with warm water. It is strictly forbidden to use cold water, because when interacting with our ingredient, it promotes absorption, after which it is rather difficult to wash off gelatin from eyelashes.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that too often, experts do not recommend using the lamination procedure. Once a week will be enough. In between lamination, you should carefully look after your eyelashes. You can use olive oil or burdock for this.


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