How to make cottage cheese from sour milk: useful tips

how to make curd from sour milk
This recipe is not so much a dish as a way to prepare an ingredient for future use. Most often it is bought in stores, but there is a way to make cottage cheese from sour milk. Every housewife can make this, because the recipe is quite easy, and one might even say very banal. The most important thing is to have sour milk on hand, and it will be very easy to make a delicious product from it. Many housewives call such cottage cheese from sour milk more useful than purchased, because the cooking process is controlled by them themselves, and all the ingredients are of high quality and are present in the right amount. But very often, in order to make a homemade fermented milk product, there is no time or effort, so you have to buy ready-made one. One way or another, in the arsenal of any housewife there should be a recipe for how to make cottage cheese from sour milk, so that, on occasion, show off a culinary skill not only in preparing delicious dishes, but also such dairy products.

Our cooking method does not contain a lot of ingredients. For this you need only sour milk. It should be noted that if you are making cottage cheese for the first time, then you do not need to take more than a liter. Without a hand, you can remain dissatisfied with the result and only regret the product spent in large quantities. Therefore, for starters, you can prepare about 700 ml of milk "per sample", and if you like the result, then in the future already think about how to make curd from sour milk in large quantities.

Now we tell you the process of creating this culinary masterpiece

For cooking, you need to use only well-sour milk. To do this, you can leave it for several days without putting it in the refrigerator. About the second day you will get a thick mass like kefir. Most housewives call her "sour." It is with him that we will work, and talk about how to make cottage cheese from sour milk.

how to make cottage cheese from sour milk
So, pour the resulting "sour" into the pan, trying not to mix. We put on a slow fire and wait for the serum to separate. As soon as we feel that the mass has warmed up, turn off the gas and remove the pan. In no case can you bring to a boil, because then instead of cottage cheese you get a rubber mixture, which will be very problematic to use.

As soon as the "sour" is slightly cooled, put on a colander a piece of gauze, rolled up several times, and pour out the contents of the pan. After this, it is necessary to tie gauze, leaving the resulting cottage cheese in order to glass all the liquid. The process lasts for a couple of hours.

sour milk curd
Remove the finished cottage cheese from gauze and transfer to a container for storage. Serum can be used as an ingredient for pancakes, muffins or buns, or just a drink. To taste, it resembles liquid kefir and will also be very useful for the body due to the content of useful vitamins.

Now you know the recipe for how to make cottage cheese from sour milk. It turns out to be very satisfying, and most importantly - useful.


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