Taxi business plan: example with calculations

Transport services have always been and are likely to be in demand. This is due to the need to move both within the settlement and beyond. When thinking about your own business, do not overlook the option of a taxi company. Of course, starting your own business from scratch requires considerable expenses, and it depends only on you whether you will pay back the investments or not. First you need to conduct a marketing research to find out the feasibility of establishing a taxi company. If you still decide, you should carefully study the nuances in order to make the minimum number of mistakes. This article will help novice entrepreneurs to open their own company specializing in the transport of passengers.

How does it all work?

To start your own business in any area, you need to understand it perfectly. Climbing into an unfamiliar forest is not recommended. The taxi system operates as follows: the client submits an application, talking with the dispatcher, and the latter already directly contacts the driver. It would seem that could be easier. However, there are many pitfalls and nuances that you need to know well.

taxi business plan

There are several types of such business:

  • work on personal transport after receiving all the necessary documents;
  • the work of organizing communication between the client and the driver;
  • full-fledged business from scratch, with your own fleet, etc.

The taxi business plan in the third option, of course, will be different from the rest. But far from everyone will be able to pull its implementation. Most people choose the second option, since it does not require large investments, and it is easy to organize. But the competition in this segment is incredible. Therefore, the business plan of a taxi service should be chosen personally by the entrepreneur, based on their capabilities.

Official registration

Currently, the state is carefully monitoring compliance with all necessary formalities. To open your business by taxi, you need to get a number of permits. One of the main is a license in the Ministry of Transport. The exact cost varies depending on the place of work, but on average it is from five thousand rubles. This amount should be included in the calculation of the taxi business plan.

taxi business plan example

Of course, in addition to this, it is necessary to register as an individual entrepreneur (IP). If possible, choose a simplified tax system. Also, to open such a business you will need: a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, TIN, a registration certificate for a car and permission to drive it by third parties. The bureaucracy is firmly established in our lives, so without paperwork this project is simply impossible to implement.


Many novice entrepreneurs do not pay enough attention to the building and specifically the room where the control room will be located. And this, by the way, is one of the main mechanisms of taxi operation. For your company to be popular, you need to make some efforts. Earnings depend on the number of customers who should feel comfortable talking to a specialist and during a trip. The costs of the premises should be included in the business plan of the taxi dispatch.

Immediately buying a room is not a good move, since you will spend a lot of money, which does not guarantee you a one hundred percent result. It is more logical to rent an office for the first time. Thus, without spending huge sums, you can arrange the work of the company. At the same time, the location of the office does not matter.

The working process

Many novice entrepreneurs want to see an example of a taxi business plan, so that later they will be guided by themselves, based on the proposed material. Business professionals advise paying special attention to the control room. First you need to decide on the connection that you will use. If you are operating in a small village, it is best to stay at the CB frequency. In megacities, it is more advisable to choose the VHF band. Prices between them vary significantly, but the effectiveness is different.

taxi business plan

In addition to this, there are still a lot of costs, among which are especially distinguished:

  • table and chairs - about 30 thousand;
  • software - 90 thousand;
  • Phones - 50 thousand;
  • machine equipment - 100 thousand.

If you want to open a company with your own fleet, you must purchase at least 5 cars. In this case, expenses will increase by 7 million rubles. If you do everything modestly, making a competent taxi business plan with calculations, then you can create a profitable business from scratch with minimal investment.


Everyone knows that people are the fundamental link in any company. Taxi in this case is no exception. It is necessary to select such personnel who are well aware of their work. Of course, this is not easy to do, but it is absolutely necessary to take this issue seriously.

taxi hire business plan

So, the basic requirements for employees:

  1. Drivers The minimum length of service should be 3 years, preferably without traffic accidents. Experience is welcome, pleasant appearance and sociability.
  2. Dispatchers. Competent communication, experience in similar positions. In this work, the ability to work with a computer is necessary; having a pleasant voice will be only an advantage.
  3. Accountant. If the budget allows, then do not skimp on the design of such an employee. It is recommended to contact an outsourcing service. A knowledgeable person will also help to draw up a business plan for renting a taxi car, which is quite profitable.

Work with drivers

In most cases, there are two types of work with drivers: if you have your own fleet and attract people with your car. There are advantages and disadvantages in both cases. In the first, costs and risks will increase, but there will be more profits. You yourself determine the percentage or fixed rate as a salary.

The second option is characterized by the fact that you are an intermediary between the client and the driver. You charge them a certain percentage for each order, but of course the income will also be less. You can organize a business plan for renting a taxi, and at the same time take drivers with their cars. The mixed type of cooperation is quite effective, and is able to bring good profit.

Machine requirements

It is worth noting that there are special cars that are great for taxis. At present, it is not recommended to purchase domestic cars, to start at least with the Lada Granta model. The most optimal option remains Renault Logan. Of course, you can work on any machine, but here, first of all, you need to think about the convenience of customers. Indeed, once driving a loose car, the second time a person will not call a taxi from your company.

taxi business plan with calculations

Consider the basic requirements for cars:

  • the car is in good working order, a checkup should be done every six months, which confirms the suitability of the “iron horse”;
  • checkers should be on the sides of the car - one of the rules of such a business;
  • an identification lamp should be placed on the roof;
  • each car must be designed in such a way that it has a permit for road transport.


How to open a taxi from scratch? A business plan should be in the first place. Its compilation should be taken very seriously, all expenses, goals, tasks, etc. should be noted. We should outline the work scheme, approximate starting capital, and also come up with a future plan for expanding the organization.

In order for orders to be received clearly and quickly, you need to properly organize the work of the control room. To do this, you must:

  • Rent or buy a room. You should consider all kinds of ads, try to find an office that the owner rents, so as not to pay the agency extra money.
  • Decide on the provider and telephony.
  • Spend money on the necessary equipment, while it’s better not to skimp.
  • Organize the acquisition of software to automate the process.
  • To select staff, having previously conducted an interview with all.

How to find drivers?

Now most people regard working in a taxi as a part-time job, and nothing more. It is very convenient to act through the mobile application. Many taxi companies now have this system at the highest level, so without its implementation just can not do.

Sample taxi business plan

So that drivers want to work for you, create favorable conditions for them, post vacancies on specialized sites. Personally conduct an interview with each of the candidates, tell us in detail about the working conditions. In fact, many people want to have extra income, and a taxi is just created for this. For some, a side job subsequently develops into a full-fledged job, which brings good money.

The taxi business plan should be carefully designed. Indeed, the success of a business depends on the correctness of its compilation.

Sample taxi business plan

It is worth noting that there is no universal business plan. For each specific situation, it is different. We can only give approximate cost items, and find out the approximate cost of launching such a project. So, among the costs distinguish:

  • software worth over five thousand rubles;
  • number and radio station - about 30 thousand rubles;
  • advertising and promotion costs - 50 thousand.

No wonder they say that advertising is the engine of trade. This small list of expenses is far from complete, it will be constantly updated. It’s quite difficult to compose a taxi business plan with your own calculations. Therefore, we advise you to turn to professionals for help.

Instead of a conclusion

A novice entrepreneur, depending on the opportunity and desire, can follow several development paths. If you have a good start-up capital, then you can organize a business with a personal fleet. If things are bad, it is enough just to be intermediaries between the client and the driver, to fulfill the duties of a dispatcher.

taxi dispatch business plan

A business taxi plan, which is correctly drawn up, can give a strong impetus to the beginning of the action. Choosing a niche for starting your own business, you should analyze the situation on the market. Taxi is a profitable business, but is it really in demand? You need to find out at the level of your region of residence. And in the case of a positive answer, take action and make money.

The cost of starting a business will be about 100 thousand rubles, if with a personal fleet, then the costs will increase several times. You can recoup the investment in about six months, sometimes a year. In any case, opening a business, you need to go only forward and to the very end.


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