Ochakov ponds: description, history and modernity

Moscow is replete with a large number of picturesque reservoirs. The famous Chistye Prudy, the mystical Patriarchal Ponds, small ponds in young sleeping areas. Ochakov Ponds represent a cascade of several bodies of water in the floodplain of the Ochakovka River . They are located at the intersection of Michurinsky Prospekt and Nikulinskaya Street, for which local residents sometimes call them Nikulinsky. At present, these are the four largest reservoirs separated by earthen dams.

Ochakov ponds

How to get there

Ponds are located in the south-west of the capital, in the Ochakovo-Matveevskoye area. You can get there without problems either by public transport or by car:

  • from art. metro "Yugo-Zapadnaya" - bus number 329, number 630, to the stop "Nikulinskaya street";
  • from art. metro station "Vernadsky Prospekt" - bus number 497 to the stop "Olympic Village" ;
  • from art. metro station "Oktyabrskaya" - trolleybus number M4 to the stop "Nikulinskaya street";
  • from art. Kievskaya metro station - trolleybus number 17 to the stop "Olympic Village".

Nearby is the Ochakovo railway station and the Matveevskoye platform.

large ochakovsky pond

From the depths of history

Ponds carry their name from the Ochakovka River, which, in turn, is named after an ancient settlement. The history of the village of Ochakovo dates back to the 17th century. Then there were about 10 peasant households, by the end of the 19th century the figure reached 97. Active population growth began with the advent of Soviet power, when the construction of the first industrial enterprises began.

The river flowing through the area was relatively shallow and no more than two meters wide. Local residents drove livestock there for grazing. In the mid-50s, the authorities decided to build the Ochakovo-Nikulino road. Caught up with a lot of equipment and workers, the construction of the dam began.

According to old-timers, one long pond was originally formed. Much later, the construction of Michurinsky Prospekt began, and a second dam formed. So there were Ochakov ponds.

Ochakov pond description

General characteristic

The Ochakovka River flows into it only from the north side, or rather its part. The rest of the river bed runs parallel to the underground reservoir. Today, water bodies are located in the urban area.

There are four main reservoirs:

  • Big Ochakov pond;
  • Upper Nikulinsky Pond;
  • Middle Nikulinsky pond;
  • Lower Nikulinsky Pond.

They are connected by a picturesque dam, which has become an adornment of the park - a favorite vacation spot of local residents.

Ochakov ponds

Big Ochakov pond: description

This most famous pond has the shape of an elongated sock. The length between its extreme points is about 700 meters. The area of ​​the reservoir is about 5 hectares. The distance between the shores is marked 60-70 meters in a narrow place and up to 130 meters in a wide part. One of the shores is reinforced with concrete slabs, which negatively affects the life of ducks.

An asphalt path runs along the coast, the pond is surrounded by greenery. In the spring, local residents come to admire the blooming water lilies, an abundance of which has been noted in recent years. The cascade on the other side of the avenue consists of three relatively small dams.

Ochakov pond reconstruction

Ochakov Ponds: a living oasis for residents of the microdistrict

None of the ponds are deemed suitable for swimming. On the shores there are no changing cabins, toilets, fungi. Rescue service is not on duty. But despite this, they remain a favorite vacation spot for residents of the area. In hot weather, you can often meet those who want to swim.

The lower ponds are adjacent to the recreation area - Park Schoolchildren. Despite the name, it is intended for recreation of all age categories. The construction was conceived back in 2007, but some difficulties arose and work was resumed only in 2014. Ponds occupy a significant part of the park.

On the territory there is everything necessary for recreation: benches, playgrounds, bike paths.

Big Ochakov pond, the reconstruction of which was planned for the first half of the year, was transformed beyond recognition. Ponds and coastal areas were cleaned , new benches, lanterns, and ballot boxes were installed. Young seedlings of trees are planted along the banks. In the spring and summer, residents will be able to admire the hedge of juniper and barberry. Updated footpaths and bridges across the ponds.

Ochakov ponds


Ochakovo-Matveevo is a relatively young and actively developing region. In this regard, a number of problems arise, mainly due to the development of the territory adjacent to the ponds. Activists regularly fight officials who promised not to deprive residents of the recreation area.

One of the reasons for the conflict was the construction of the next church almost on the banks of the Bolshoi Ochakov pond. The inhabitants do not know why another church was needed if there is an Iversky temple a kilometer from it.

Not so long ago, a conflict took place over the construction of a hotel for migrants from Central Asia. Residents defended their point of view and breathed a sigh of relief. As it turned out, they rejoiced early. The hostel will be built in the area of ​​the planned passage.

It is hoped that the authorities will heed the opinions of ordinary people. Indeed, for the elderly and mothers with young children, Ochakov Ponds and the adjacent park area are the only closest place for walking.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C11003/

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