How to learn to walk on hands

Walking on hands in conjunction with other movements is often used in parkour or breakdance. On the Web you can see a lot of video materials on this topic. But in these video clips, as a rule, the already excellent trick performance is shown, without indicating any technical nuances.

General Description and Cautions

There is no single universal method that talks about how to learn how to walk on hands. Here the greatest role is played by the degree of physical fitness of a person. Depending on it, a certain training technique is selected. It is important to consider that for an unprepared student, the process can drag on for several long weeks, or even months. While a person who already has a certain level of physical skills, regularly engages in a particular sport, can understand how to learn how to walk on his hands in just a couple of days. But in both cases, of course, you will need patience and efforts to achieve the goal.

In addition to the efforts that will have to be made, there are other important points. People eager to learn how to learn how to walk on their hands need to remember the health hazards that lie ahead. This is especially true for the hands themselves. With such a stance, they, in particular the hands and wrists, experience the greatest load. The latter is due to the fact that the weight of our body is almost completely held on hands in this position. Therefore, with too diligent or incorrect training, the occurrence of sprains, dislocations and fractures of the upper limbs.

Do not forget that a considerable load is experienced by the back, lower back, shoulder and elbow joints. If you experience pain during training, and also have chronic diseases or other problems with these parts of the body, then you need to think about it. Perhaps it would be wiser to abandon such a dangerous undertaking as learning how to walk on hands, in favor of something less traumatic. Blood rushing to the head can be no less a problem. If you overdo it, then harmless "stars" and darkening in the eyes can easily be replaced by a swoon. However, small headaches and dizziness are acceptable at first.

How to learn to walk on hands: practical tips

There are several general recommendations for those who intend to start training. Firstly, before starting, it is necessary to do a warm-up, warm up the muscles. This rule applies to all serious exercises, and will protect you from the unnecessary risk of injury. It’s enough to spend about ten minutes to warm up, during which you can stretch, stretch your neck and shoulders.

The second thing to keep in mind is safety precautions. At the very beginning of classes, most people have some problems with balance. So for training it is better to find a place where it will not be so painful to fall, or pre-lay something soft there. Even better, when there is a person nearby who is ready to hedge: for example, hold his legs at first. You will also need a wall for support.

Regarding the falls, which inevitably await the beginner, there are also several recommendations. They are quite simple, but can mitigate the landing. If you fall on your back, then try to immediately bend your legs back more strongly. This is necessary in order to stand on the bridge instead of falling: it will be possible to calmly rise from it. And when you risk unsuccessfully landing on your stomach, bend your back and pick up your legs to yourself. From this position it is easy to roll back.

Training Description

So, we will consider that there is a suitable wall, and a wide mat for security is laid next to it. Where to start? We approach the wall and squat down, then try to stand on our hands. They should be about 30 centimeters from the wall. Now you can throw your legs back and rest against them. We stand in this position for a while, then we go back down. The main thing is that the body feels the correct position, and you yourself stop feeling dizzy. This will succeed only with time. You can also try push-ups in this position, which will help to train your hands.

Remember that palms should be shoulder width apart and fingers should be facing forward. At first, if training is difficult, spread your arms a little wider for greater stability. You can also bend your knees to lower the center of gravity. When the first stage of the exercise will be performed by you without difficulty, it is time to move on to teaching walking itself. Particularly important is the participation of the second person, since at first it is scary to break away from the wall. If you have an assistant, then let him hold his legs during these first steps. You can perform the exercise yourself, briefly breaking away from the wall and trying to find a point of balance, then returning back.

Walking is much easier for many people than static balance. Therefore, it is permissible to start practicing it before learning to stay at one point for a long time. This will be especially useful if the latter is not given in any way. Well, if you managed to train this sense of balance, then there will be no problems with walking. Perhaps the main thing in this technique is not to be afraid of falls and constantly try.


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