Disabling updates in Windows 10: step-by-step instructions, description and recommendations

So, today we will try to find out how updates are disabled in Windows 10. This question is of interest to many users, because the operating system is becoming more widespread every day. And you need to be able to manage it. Yes, and updates too. Maybe you don’t want something unbeknownst to be downloaded and installed on your computer. This is a completely normal phenomenon, but coping with the task is not so simple. You have to try pretty hard, otherwise you will not solve the problem.

disabling updates in windows 10

Is it easy?

How does a Windows 10 update shutdown ? In Windows 7 and 8, everything is extremely simple and clear - do not want something to load? It’s enough to “play a little” over the “Update Center”, turn off a few parameters there (or change them, at your discretion), and then save the settings. And so you get the desired result.

But Windows 10 is a completely different conversation. The whole problem is that this operating system deprives users of the so-called freedom of choice. What are you talking about? Disabling automatic updating in Windows 10 is not such an easy task. Microsoft has taken away the ability to easily manage its product. And now you need to "prepare for battle" seriously, so that the update does not occur. Disabling it is not so easy. What happens to the operating system?

As happens

We have already found out with you - Windows 10 does not allow you to quickly and easily disable updates. What's happening? And is it even necessary to deal with the solution of our today's question?

The answer is yes. Engage in this process is at least in order to exclude the occurrence of new errors and malfunctions with the computer. This is far from the rarest occurrence. After "updates" they occur very often. And this is despite the fact that Windows 10 itself is not famous for stability.

How is the update process going? Secretly. The system does everything itself, the user may not suspect what is happening. That is, it is worth the update to exit - it is immediately downloaded and installed on the computer. No messages, no alerts, warnings or windows. The computer may just suddenly restart and that’s it. This is a signal that the "update" has been downloaded and installed. That's how hard it is. But in general, disabling updates in Windows 10 is possible. How to make it?

disabling windows 10 update in windows 7


Of course, since we are dealing with Windows, in which there is an Update Center, you need to take advantage of this. Yes, it’s not easy to realize our idea, but it’s worth trying. Want to manage updates on your own in Windows 10? Tired of the computer downloading new documents and putting them without your knowledge, and then there are crashes and malfunctions? Then it's time to work a little with the settings of the "Center".

Go to this application and find the tab we need. To do this, you will have to open the "Advanced Options". In the window that appears, you will need to set certain settings that will help to cope with our today's task.

Disabling automatic updates in Windows 10 takes place in several stages. To get started, set the option "Notify me of a computer restart." Now the system will automatically warn that it is ready to complete the installation of updates. Next, the setting "When updating the system to offer updates for other Microsoft products" is removed, the checkmark "Postpone updates" is checked. Ready? Next, click on the bottom line in the window - "How and when to receive." A switch will appear here. Pay attention to "From several places." You need to disable this function, and save the changes. That's all, we can move on.

program to disable windows 10 updates


The next question is how to disable driver updates in Windows 10. Often, this option also has to be removed. Fortunately, the new operating system allows for the time being to control the download and installation of drivers for computer components. It’s not so difficult to disable this option, it’s enough to know which add-in to contact.

To begin, press the key combination Win + R. We will see the command line. In it you need to type "rundll32 newdev.dll, DeviceInternetSettingUi", then press Enter (or "Run"). A window with settings appears on the screen. It sets the options "No, provide a choice", then "Never." Save the changes - you can close the found service.

In general, this is exactly what disables automatic updating in Windows 10. Now the computer will always search for drivers on the computer and install them, but refer to the "Center" only if there are none. And, of course, you will have the opportunity to manage downloads.


The process does not end there. If you leave everything as it is at the moment, you will not succeed. More precisely, it will be, but ineffective. To cope with the task as accurately as possible, you will need a special utility to disable Windows 10 updates.

disabling automatic updates in windows 10

It's about the official app. It is called Show or Hide updates. Download and install it on your computer. After that, start and scan the computer. The program to disable Windows 10 updates works like a scanner. She searches for possible files, and then suggests hiding them. Did the scan complete? Click Hide, and then in the next dialog box you need to select the necessary documents. You can hide everything, you can only partially. Save the changes. It's all. Now marked files will not appear in the "Center".

Limit connection

So far, everything was simple and easy. Further, disabling updates in Windows 10 Home (and not only) is somewhat reminiscent of dancing with tambourines. After all, the process is not over yet, there are only the most difficult steps that will have to be taken to solve the task set before us today. For example, you can establish a limit Internet connection. Then the "Center" will not be able to automatically search for files with their subsequent installation.

How to do it? To get started, go to "Settings" - "Network and Internet." Next, go to the "Wireless Network" and find there "Advanced". In principle, if you look closely at the window that opens, you can quickly find the answer to the task before us. You need to check the box next to "Set as limit." And that's all, you can save. After applying this trick, the “ten” will no longer be able to independently search for and install updates.

utility to disable windows 10 updates

Group Policy

The tricks that may come in handy in solving our task today are still not over. Now you should turn to setting up Group Policy on the computer. It can also help to disable updates in Windows 10. True, rarely does anyone use this option.

First you need to find the Group Policy Editor. We press Win + R, we execute the gpedit.msc command there. Next, open "Configuration" - "Administrative Templates". Here you need to go to the "Components", and then refer to the inscription "Update Center" already known to us.

Pay attention to the right side of the window. There you will see many lines, among which you will have to find "Configure automatic updates." Once you open this parameter, a window will pop up in front of you, in which we will continue to work. Check the box next to "Enabled". Next, look a little lower. There you will see "Options." The list should pay attention to two points. The very first "Download Notification." It will display messages about searching and downloading documents by the Update Center. But it’s better to refer to the last “Allow the local administrator to select options." After selection, you will see an additional dialog box in which you can select the "Disable updates" checkbox.

disabling driver updates in windows 10

Full program

Another trick that will help to cope with our today's task is to completely disable Windows 10 updates using the computer registry. Here, just a few clicks of the mouse are enough to fully realize the idea.

Open the command line with Win + R, then run the regedit command. Before you open the registry. Go there in the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE section. It is necessary to find the Policies folder in it (it is located in Software), then look at Microsoft and select Windows there.

In the folder, create a new partition called WindowsUpsate. Inside, take another step and name it simply AU. Now go to it. In the window (in its right part), click on the field and create there a DWORD file called NoAutoUpdate. What value should be assigned to it? We put in the corresponding field 1, save the parameter. That's all.


The last step that will help us to disconnect is to abandon the WindowsUpdate service. It is currently considered 100% effective. To implement the idea, the first thing you should do is open the command line and run a command there called services.msc, then go to "Services" in the window that appears.

disabling updates in windows 10 home

Now we are moving to the very end of the list. Find the "Update Center" there. Double click on the inscription - and we have the necessary settings. Pay attention to the "Startup Type" window. You need to set "Disabled" here. We save the changes and enjoy the result. True, now Windows Update will occasionally display an error message. This is a normal occurrence; you should not be afraid of it.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C11028/

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