How to cope with laziness? Psychologist's advice

How to cope with laziness? Today, there are many effective ways. Some people use motivational training, others tend to solve problems alone. But before you start working on yourself and your laziness, you need to find out the causes of its occurrence. Only by understanding his fears can a person begin work. This article will talk about the most common factors of laziness and its types. After all, the enemy needs to know in person. Knowing the original causes of the feeling of laziness, a person will be able to find a way to cope with this ailment. Only at first glance does it seem that getting yourself to work is an impossible task. In fact, everything is much simpler.

how to deal with laziness

The occurrence of laziness

Often, when a person is about to do something, he begins to have bouts of inexplicable apathy. He feels his will as if paralyzed. In this case, often there is a feeling of lack of moral or physical strength. At this moment, a person is born the idea that he is lazy. As a rule, the individual tries to collect the remnants of the will into a fist and force himself to work. But this does not help for long. After a certain period of time, laziness returns again. At the same time, it becomes even stronger.

Types of laziness

There are two kinds of laziness. The first is physical laziness. A person may simply be unable to raise his hands in order to accomplish any physical task. But his brain is able to solve any problems and works perfectly. This type of laziness is especially susceptible to those people whose muscles have atrophied. A person with a trained body loves to move and does not experience discomfort or apathy during physical exertion.

Psychological laziness is the result of insufficient brain activity. But the brain also needs to be trained. With this type of laziness, the individual feels great and could quite accomplish several feats, but in his head the breaker responsible for working capacity “broke”.

how to deal with laziness and apathy

Why does laziness appear?

To get rid of laziness once and for all, you need to understand the primary reasons for its occurrence. For this, a person needs to understand himself. Then he will be able to control his actions and enjoy the work. The most common causes of laziness are as follows:

  • fatigue;
  • fear of criticism or condemnation from others;
  • fear associated with previous failures;
  • low self-esteem and disbelief in one's own strengths;
  • far-fetched complexity of the upcoming work, which prevents us from starting it;
  • the conviction that in life it is no longer possible to change anything;
  • loss of energy due to a constant feeling of guilt for any actions;
  • a sense of obligation to do the work, which can cause an internal protest against any “necessary”, developing in childhood.

The above causes of laziness accumulate in a person’s mind over time. They can occur when exposed to the personality of external stimuli. It may be other people, new information or situations reminiscent of previous failures. An individual can successfully overcome laziness if he gets rid of the cause of its occurrence.

reasons for laziness

Signs of laziness

Recognizing laziness is not a difficult task. A prolonged rest for several days, an imaginary general malaise are sure signs of laziness. If a person does not want to work, then others consider him a weak-willed lazy person who is not able to pull himself together. The same individual tells everyone that he simply can’t overcome his weakness. Another sign is irritation. A person can flare up with or without. In addition, he constantly has a feeling that he wants something and is missing something.

Where to begin? What do psychologists advise?

How to cope with laziness? Many psychologists say that you should start by processing episodes of the past. Such work will help to remove emotionally negative charges, allow a person to avoid unpleasant sensations, cleanse the mind, which will well affect the subconscious. This processing must be carried out using information about each moment from the past, remembering all the details of various negative situations. Rethinking past troubles, their analysis will help a person understand the root cause of his laziness, its origins. Then it will be much easier to do something, without experiencing apathy or loss of strength.

psychological laziness

Successful fight against laziness. Five important recommendations

If the cause of laziness is established, you should immediately act. The first thing to do is to remove all restrictions. That is, a person must get rid of fears and insecurity, he must stop making an elephant out of a fly. It is also necessary to forget the unnecessary attitudes of parents, to heal depression and so on. Next, you can begin to set small goals. For example, learn ten new foreign words or do a spring cleaning.

On the way to cope with laziness, the next step should be the right attitude to work. That is, you need to get rid of what can interfere with the task: close social networks, turn off the phone, warn colleagues not to be distracted, and the like.

Now you need to get to work. And here there is no place for any “I do not want”. We must begin to act. Slowly but surely. Ninety-five percent of people claim that they are gradually getting involved in work. The last step is motivation. If a person feels that he wants to give up everything, he needs to think about what he will receive by completing the task.

man does not want to work

Order, discipline, reward!

When asked how to deal with laziness, psychologists recall the importance of self-discipline. The first thing to do is clean up the workplace. Nothing should distract a person. It is necessary to remove all unnecessary items. Next, you need to properly organize your work and plan your day. It will help you make a schedule that is better to write down and clearly follow it. Of course, you need to devote some time to rest, so that the body regains its strength for new achievements.

Experts say that complex tasks are best done in the morning. It is at this time that a person’s performance increases. It is important to start with hard work, otherwise it may remain unfulfilled. The ability to switch from one task to another is an excellent ability. If any business does not require an urgent solution, it can be postponed for some time, and do something else. The main thing is not to mess around. It is equally important to reward yourself for a job well done. For example, you can allow yourself to sit on social networks for half an hour or have a cup of tea with delicious candy.

Laziness in poetry. Most famous poem

“Do not let your soul be lazy” is a poem by the poet Nikolai Zabolotsky in which he urges a person not to follow his laziness. Zabolotsky urges to force himself to work, to discipline his will, to control thoughts. The poet says that if you give indulgence to laziness, then it will take away everything from a person. You need to constantly be in good shape, do something. Then it will become a habit, and there will be no more bouts of laziness.

“Don't let your soul be lazy” is a great motivating verse. He tells the person what consequences laziness can cause. Nikolai Zabolotsky recalls that it is necessary to train not only your body, but also the soul. That is, you need to alternate physical and mental stress. Then human performance increases significantly.

fatigue or laziness

Just tired?

Often you can hear from a person that he is tired and can not perform any task. But what is it really - fatigue or laziness? Of course, you need to devote a little time to rest every day. Working tirelessly is also not an option. If a person is really tired after hard work, then he just needs to relax. In another case, the individual may confuse fatigue with laziness. For example, a person did nothing, but feels exhausted. He constantly wants to lie down or watch TV. And this is a clear sign of laziness. In this case, you need to force yourself to work. As soon as a person gets down to business, imaginary fatigue passes, and the body's efficiency increases.

physical laziness


So, to decide how to deal with laziness and apathy, you first need to find out the cause of laziness. Having understood the past and present, you can begin to plan a working day. It is important not to rush to solve difficult tasks at once. Better to start with small goals. Having done one thing, you can take on another, more complex. If the work is successful, you need to reward yourself with something. This will help the person to tune in to other tasks. It’s not worth starting several cases at once. In this case, the person runs the risk of not completing any of the tasks started.

To overcome passivity, you need to tell yourself that it is quite possible to do a certain job. Typically, the first step starts a chain reaction. It will help to start a new life and make dreams come true. It is important for a person to constantly act, if not physically, then intellectually, in order to overcome inertia. If you follow all the above tips, the question of how to deal with laziness and apathy will cease to be an insoluble task.


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