Enthusiasm is moving forward

enthusiasm is
How to name a person who is truly passionate about his job? What gives him such a “charge" that allows him to do exactly what he has chosen and to follow exactly the path that he has chosen? How does he manage to be true to himself, even if various obstacles are encountered? .. Beggar Paul Gauguin, “idle walker” Mozart, frenzied revolutionary Jean Paul Marat ... You can call them fanatics and madmen, or you can admire their genius who just did not let them live a calm, ordinary life. In general, initially these people were driven by nothing more than enthusiasm.

Like on wings

In the world of philosophy and literature there is more than one meaning of the word enthusiasm. It does not make sense to dwell on each of them in detail, but from a domestic point of view, looking at this concept and understanding "what it is eaten with" does not interfere.

enthusiasm is
No wonder a person who constantly thinks about what haunts him is called obsessed. Of course, this is not the obsession with which holy water, prayer and the cross help, but a completely different one. A person, especially talented, is caught in an idea, and it seems to him that when he brings it to life, something will happen that they will talk about for years, or even centuries ... In other words, enthusiasm is inspiration. It happens that a person takes up the matter as if reluctantly, as they say, without much enthusiasm, but then, as the appetite comes with eating, there is also confidence that the chosen path is the only right one. After the business is completed (and it can be completed only with success), the enthusiast feels like a winner. As a matter of fact, he is the winner, because he has overcome his own "I can not", "I do not want" and "I do not know."

Enthusiasm and motivation

Learn another foreign language? Master a new discipline? Conquer the top of the mountain, go on a solo journey, or just learn how to plant seedlings correctly? Each task is a kind of challenge to oneself. And enthusiasm is a motor that allows a person to be constantly in action.

Most interestingly, enthusiasm is often contagious. Although, everything here depends both on charisma and the ability to convince the most "obsessed", and on how much the second person gives in to influence. Along with the concept of enthusiasm, the term motivation is often present. In short, motivation is more conscious and deliberate enthusiasm. That is, enthusiasm is if, for example, a person paints a picture simply because he wants to paint it. But when he draws, because he knows why he needs this picture, this is motivation.

enthusiasm synonyms


In a word, if there is inspiration and energy to do what you’ve conceived immediately, you should pull yourself together, stop and think: why, in fact, is it necessary? There are many examples in history and literature when indefatigable enthusiasm broke the life not only of the hero himself, but also of his surroundings.

Each of us has a wonderful state of mind when we want not only to “embrace the immense”, but to throw out our energy somewhere, to do at least something that would bring significant benefit - if not to the whole world, then at least to family members. The most important thing here is to throw all of yourself into the most complicated business, which takes a lot of time.

meaning of the word enthusiasm

Right enthusiasm

Enthusiasm is energy and motivation. It happens, of course, that I don’t want to do any work at all, and the usual “need” is not enough. In this case, the classic way of stimulating motivation helps. In a word, you just need to connect your imagination and imagine what will happen if, for example, you finish writing this program, and then a few more ... You can make good money, and save some of this money for a trip or some nice purchase . Simply put, it’s better and more correct to work with motivation than with such a controversial concept as enthusiasm. The synonyms of this concept make you think: excitement, ardor, frenzy, frenzy ... It is much easier to achieve the goal if you act calmly and deliberately.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C11037/

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