Non-verbal and verbal communication

People constantly interact with each other. During communication, they transmit this or that information. The methods for transmitting it may be different. Mostly distinguish between verbal and non-verbal communication. What is their difference? Simply put, in the first case it is the words that are used, and in the second they are not used.

Verbal communication

Let's start in order. Verbal communication uses human speech in the form of a sign system. In fact, speech is the simplest means of transmitting information. This opinion can be confirmed by the fact that with its help information can be transmitted without loss of meaning, moreover, quickly and reliably. The styles of verbal communication are different. Speech, in turn, can be not only oral, but also written. Oral is divided into monological and dialogical.

Dialogue is the most common form of spoken language. We can say that this is a conversation that is supported by two interlocutors. During it, they both transmit and perceive any information. Verbal communication will be successful here only if both interlocutors really understand what they are talking about and adequately perceive what was said by their opponent. It is very important. Otherwise, verbal communication will be disrupted.
A monologue is another form of spoken language. Unlike dialogue, in a monologue only one person speaks. The number of perceivers of information can be unlimited. A monologue always has a complex structure, since any thought must be completed logically. All information should be presented sequentially.

Verbal communication is also written language. People mastered it much later than verbal. It arose for the reason that it became necessary for people to communicate (transmit information) from a distance. Also, its appearance is due to the need to transfer its knowledge to future generations. It began with a pictography. This term refers to drawings that ancient people left on the walls of caves.

Non-verbal communication

This type of communication is nothing more than a specific behavior of a person with the help of which he voluntarily or involuntarily tries to convey any information. Often a person can be told more than what he said. Non-verbal communication is a system that consists of signs, non-verbal characters, codes. A person can transmit information using gaze, gestures, voice (intonation, timbre), face (facial expressions) and the whole body.
With the help of non-verbal communication, a person can show his attitude to what is happening, express a desire to start or continue a conversation. Psychologists or people who are even a little familiar with psychology are well aware that many conclusions can be drawn based on how a person holds on during a conversation. For example, a closed pose means that a person does not feel sympathy for his opponent, and an open one means that he is passionate about the conversation and is ready to continue it.

Constant twitching may indicate that a person is lying. It is established that in a conversation with several opponents, at once the person (if he is sitting) turns his knees in the direction of the one to whom he is better or whose opinion he considers correct.

With voice and gaze, people usually express their attitude to what is happening. A person who uses verbal verbal means of communication (that is, speaks) can highlight some places in his speech in a special tone. It can even completely change the meaning of the utterance (for example, a person can thus say something ironic).
It is important to note that non-verbal means of communication are often used by us completely unconsciously. This means that sometimes you can trust them more than words.


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