Time-attendant: job responsibilities, necessary education, admission conditions and features of the work performed

For the first time, the profession began to be mentioned at the end of the XIIX century in connection with the formation of the largest enterprises and a large staff. There was a need for a specialist who will track the appearance of employees at work. The duties of the time-attendant included monitoring the stay of workers in the enterprise.

Briefly about the features of work

The list of duties of a time-attendant can include a daily report to the head of the organization on the appearance or reason for the absence of employees at the enterprise, sick leave or planned vacations. He also provides documentation for signature, agrees on the dates of staff vacations and the need for additional employees to leave, subject to production needs.

Job interview

The main list of work performed

The responsibilities of a time-attendant in accounting for working hours are far from all the functions that this specialist performs. Despite the seemingly simple profession, the amount of work is rather big:

  1. To organize work at the enterprise, based on the tasks set by the management.
  2. Monitor incoming documentation.
  3. Keep a journal of incoming documentation.
  4. Maintain personnel records of staff, timely add newly hired employees or remove retired employees to the report card.
    Girl timekeeper

The employee also performs the following functions:

  1. Directly involved in the transfer of an employee to another position.
  2. Provides timely executed documentation for employees transferred to another position or allowed to work independently.
  3. The official duties of the time-attendant include periodic (in accordance with the charter of the enterprise) submission of a report on the number of staff and the reasons for its change.
  4. Provides control of staff time worked, informs management of the reasons for their failure to appear with the obligatory provision of documentary evidence.
  5. Qualitatively, reliably, and on time compiles various kinds of reports on attendance and employee wages.
  6. It controls the timely provision by workers of disability certificates, summons, certificates and other documents confirming a good reason for not appearing.
  7. The responsibility of the time-attendant at the enterprise also includes the execution and transfer of sick leave, certificates, summons and other documents received from the employee to other departments for further processing.
  8. Conducts a periodic analysis of the incidence for the reporting period (month, half year, year).
  9. Annually provides lists of employees subject to routine medical examinations.
  10. Provides direction and control of employees on the list of passing the next medical examination.
  11. He takes part in the design of badges for newly hired employees and in case of loss of a document of existing staff.
  12. The official duties of the timekeeper include keeping records of bonuses for employees of the enterprise.
  13. Provides timely statements of employees for annual paid (or unpaid) leave, based on a pre-planned vacation schedule.
  14. Ensures the safety of property that he was trusted.
  15. It implements regulations on labor protection, fire safety, the rules of the internal charter, and also ensures the maintenance of relevant journals with signatures of employees on familiarization.
  16. He is obliged to know the rules for providing first aid to the victim before the ambulance arrives. Takes part in the investigation of industrial accidents.
  17. Keeps a journal of employee injuries and ensures their safety.
  18. Provides order and cleanliness in its workplace and in the dining room.

Who can work as a timekeeper?

Speaking at the meeting

In accordance with the job description of the timekeeper, a person who has complete secondary education may well work in the enterprise. In modern times, there are paid training courses. The cost of such training is small, but the duration is minimal, no more than 140 hours. At the end, an examination is carried out and, in the case of positive passing, a special certificate of a single sample is issued.

However, often an introduction to the profession can take place directly at the enterprise during the probationary period.


Opening hours and salary

Primarily, the candidate should schedule an interview with the management of the organization in which he wishes to work. After his positive decision, the appropriate medical commission passes, where the doctor makes a conclusion about the suitability of the potential employee for the pretending position.

The assignment of the time-attendant to the enterprise is carried out in the personnel department of the organization. Where they give out for familiarization and signature, as well as an employment contract in 2 copies. And, of course, the list of official duties of the timekeeper. One labor contract is intended for the employee, the second remains in the personnel department of the organization.

After that, you need to get to work.

Timer Career

Having acquired certain skills and experience over time, any employee can expect to be promoted. Being in the position of a time-attendant, you can apply for a personnel department manager or a payroll accountant.

Holding a meeting


In some companies, there are special surveys and tests aimed at identifying the potential reserve of these professionals or for the suitability of their position. But sitting and waiting for such movements is not recommended. Do not be shy to declare yourself. It is unlikely that management is not interested in promoting their employees on the career ladder.

Some tips

Timekeeper Workflow

If an employee has internally "matured" to increase, but the manager for some reason does not notice this, you need to start acting independently:

  1. Feel free to speak out. Due to the workload of superiors, the result of the work of subordinates is sometimes not noticed. It is possible and necessary to draw the attention of the leader to personal achievements. At meetings it will not be superfluous to publicly praise a colleague - this will draw attention to the fact that an employee can be a leader in a team.
  2. Seek help from a colleague. Observe the work of higher employees who can subsequently give a positive recommendation to the timekeeper.
  3. It is necessary to fully focus on the task. Do not waste time learning, secondary projects that take away all the energy.
  4. Be patient. It will be a mistake to believe that a promising employee will be noticed in a week or a month. Sometimes people dream for years and go to their desired position.

A time-attendant in an enterprise is an employee who exercises constant control. Based on daily planned and unscheduled reports, management can draw conclusions about labor productivity in the organization and make appropriate changes. Based on this, the work performed is well paid.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C11055/

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