Expectation and reality (online shopping): how to avoid mistakes

Everyone who practices online shopping, probably at least once faced with a situation where the received goods did not live up to expectations. In reality, the thing looks simpler, and the quality is poor. In moments of such disappointment, we all understand what kind of different things they are - expectation and reality. Shopping on the Internet is a good opportunity to save time and money, but do not forget about the pitfalls generously scattered along the difficult path of a modern shopaholic.

the expectation and reality of online shopping

How to avoid mistakes, save nerves and money and always have a good result? It is worth remembering a few simple rules to minimize risks. Of course, they will not give 100% guarantees, but they will significantly increase the chances of a favorable outcome.

Mindfulness is the key to success

First of all, be attentive to the materials of the site. This is especially true of multi-brand department stores in which you intend to shop online. Expectation and reality can not only not correspond to each other, but literally shock. Read descriptions, use dictionaries and text translation programs, understand the meaning. Otherwise, it may turn out that the seller honestly reported low quality or marriage, but you missed this point because of your own inattention.

online shopping anticipation and reality

The following should alert:

  • small fuzzy photos;
  • the words imitation or fake in the description;
  • disproportionately low price;
  • lack of sales and reviews.

In most cases, a product with this description is fake. For example, instead of a tablet, you will get a calculator, or the eyeshadow palette will turn out to be toy.

Seller Rating

It is not for nothing that among online shoppers there are a huge number of stories, memes and whole albums with photos, which are called โ€œExpectation and Realityโ€. Online shopping is sometimes just disappointing.

online shopping anticipation and reality photos

Pay attention to the seller rating. It is formed on the basis of customer ratings, it is difficult to fake it. Negative marks should alert.

Can you believe the reviews?

In our century, freelance is a serious income for millions of people. It will not be difficult for the seller to simply buy reviews. If you see the same type of enthusiastic comments written in a good literary language - be skeptical. Perhaps they were left by a professional copywriter who was not a client of the seller, or maybe never made a purchase on the Internet at all.

Expectation and reality (photo of real goods) is a much more informative source. Feedback with photos can be trusted.

online shopping anticipation and reality

Preliminary communication with the seller

How to avoid cheating? How to make expectation and reality coincide? Online shopping does not need to be done blindly. Write to the seller, ask questions, ask for real photos. The vast majority of bona fide businessmen make contact.


Experienced online shoppers are happy to share information on whether they liked their purchases on the Internet. Expectation and reality is a favorite topic of those who are passionate about foreign product sites. Read real stories, feel free to seek advice.

What if the result did not live up to expectations?

But what if all measures have been taken, but disappointment still befell you? Remember the action algorithm.

  • Check your packages immediately upon receipt in the mail.
  • If a marriage is found, ask the postal worker to draw up a letter of rejection.
  • Take photos at least on the phone.
  • As soon as possible, open a dispute on the store website.
  • Write a review, post a photo marked "Waiting and reality."

Purchases on the Internet are insured by the site, your money is blocked and will not reach the seller until the shipment reaches you. If the dispute is open, and the information provided indicates that the product does not match the description, the site will return them to your account as soon as the complaint is examined.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C11057/

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