10 most shocking facts about our world

There are many mysterious, mysterious, unexplained in the world. There are facts that make us think about our existence and once again make sure that the world around is multifaceted and unusual. The most shocking facts presented by scientists of the world for general discussion, not only surprise, but also defy logic.

The Eiffel Tower

The 324-meter building, considered the symbol of Paris, grows by 14-15 cm each year in the summer and decreases by the same 15 cm in winter. This phenomenon is associated with metal heating. Even at school, they tell us that metal expands when heated, and when cooled, it narrows. In the summer, the metal structure heats up, expands, grows. With the onset of cold weather, the tower decreases in size due to the narrowing of the metal.

The most shocking facts of the world

During the construction of the tower, these features of the material were taken into account: the tower was built with temperature compensators, allowing to reduce and increase the volume of the structure without destruction.

The appearance of species

The top ten most shocking facts were the mystery about the appearance of species from nowhere. Over the years, scientists have wondered how this is possible, because this phenomenon fundamentally changes the history of the origin of all life on Earth.

Numerous experiments have shown that there are animals and other living organisms on the planet that appeared just like that, without evolution. Representatives of these are amphibians. It is unclear how land animals appeared, moreover, immediately with well-developed limbs, a pronounced head. And immediately formed several dozen species, the appearance of which cannot be explained.

The same goes for mammals. The earliest representatives of the species were small and led a hidden lifestyle back in the era of dinosaurs. Then, after the alleged cataclysm, at about the same time several groups of mammals appeared at once. Scientists are guessing and can't figure out where they came from.

Neutron star weight

The most shocking fact is the weight of a neutron star. In general, neutron stars are the remnants of massive objects, which consist mainly of a core covered with a thin crust. It is represented by heavy atoms of nuclei and electrodes. Nuclei of stars that died during a supernova burst are compressed by gravity. As a result, neutron stars form.

Astrophysicists have calculated that the weight of this object is so great that it is often equated to the weight of the Sun, although the objects themselves are no more than 20 km in diameter, i.e. a teaspoon of a neutron star will weigh six billion tons.

"Floating" Hawaii

Among the most shocking facts is the Hawaiian ability to swim. As you know, the earth's crust consists of several large parts - plates. They constantly move together with the upper layer of the mantle. Hawaii is located in the middle of the Pacific Plate, which drifts to the northwest. Because of this, the islands are gradually approaching Alaska.

The most interesting and shocking facts

Each year, Hawaii is closer to Alaska by 7.5 cm. For information: tectonic plates move at the same speed with which a man’s nails grow.

Humanity in a sugar cube

99.9999% of the space is the void between the atoms. Many people remember from school lessons that an atom consists of a tiny dense nucleus, around which electrodes are located, which occupy a large space. They move in waves and can be anywhere. So if you remove all the empty space between the atoms, then all of humanity can be placed on a small area the size of a piece of sugar.

The earth is not round

Not so long ago, the most shocking fact of the world was that scientists discovered the truth to people by talking about the real shape of the planet. There was a time when people thought our Earth was flat. And only after millennia did they change their point of view, saying that the planet has the shape of a circle.

10 most shocking facts

After the first satellites were launched into space, astronomers rushed to see what our planet looks like from space. In fact, it is not round, but has the shape of a geoid or a compressed spheroid. The earth is flattened in the direction of the poles, and in the β€œwaist” zone it is 20 km more than it is customary to designate. By the way, because of this, the highest point on the planet is not Everest, but the Chimborazo volcano in Ecuador.


There are many shocking facts about the Eskimos. This northern people surprises scientists and makes you think. Many secrets and mysteries are connected with them, which still cannot explain.

It remains a mystery to scientists how Eskimos can eat mainly meat food throughout the year, while other peoples of the world eat quite a lot of vegetable food. And if representatives of another nation get sick from an excess of meat products, then the Eskimos feel fine, they have no problems with the digestive system due to excessive consumption of meat dishes. Among the Eskimos there are albinos, blondes.

Hydrochloric acid in the stomach

Among the most interesting and shocking facts, it is worth noting the ability of the human body to produce hydrochloric acid. The pH level is so high that it can dissolve a variety of elements that have entered the stomach, even metals. Acid has a negative effect on the walls of the stomach, but it can quickly recover: approximately every four days, an update occurs.

Interesting and shocking facts.

The hydrochloric acid produced by the body is so strong that it can dissolve even thin steel layers.

The death of mammoths

The 10 most shocking facts should include the sudden death of mammoths. Scientists cannot say for sure why the giants died. Undigested food in the stomachs of animals suggests that they died suddenly. And some representatives of the giants were discovered with greenery that was not chewed. Why did animals die, and even all at once? This remains a mystery.

Mammoths fact

Scientists cannot say for sure what exactly caused this mass death, although there are suggestions that they simply froze due to a sharp cold snap. However, this theory still needs to be proved.

Flea speed

When traveling, fleas bounce 8 cm per millisecond. Moreover, each jump gives an acceleration of 50 times the acceleration of the space shuttle. Judging by the speed of a flea, we humans have something to strive for.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C11060/

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