What questions does the supplement answer and what types is divided

A supplement is a minor member of a sentence that has the general meaning of an object and refers either to an individual member of a sentence denoting an action or attribute, or to the entire basis of the sentence.

The appendix answers questions from all cases except nominative. These are the so-called indirect cases. Additions in most cases are expressed by nouns ( Grandma always asked (whom?) Nikita (what?) About school performance .), As well as pronouns ( He was very proud of him .), Infinitive ( suggest returning, asking to meet ), substantiated adjectives ( dine in the dining room, deal with lagging behind ), quantitative numbers ( add three ).

What questions does the add-on answer

Addition can be expressed by any part of speech that replaces the noun - subject and object infinitive, adverb, service parts of speech, interjection, syntactically indecomposable phrases, phraseological phrases. By examples, you can understand what question the supplement answers.

Vanka lies on the grass under a tree and snoozes under the bird’s “tweet-tweet” .

I am sending you big (what?) Greetings from Gorlenko .

They served (what?) Dinner.

Over the summer, I managed to read (what?) Several books .

He managed to find his (what?) Achilles heel .

What questions does the supplement answer and what types is divided

Distinguish between indirect and direct additions. Addition, which is expressed in the form of accusative case without an excuse and refers to that member of the sentence, which is expressed by a transitive verb, is called direct. It denotes the object on which the action is directly directed ( write an essay, give advice ).

The predicate may have direct additions in the form of a genitive case without an excuse:

a) if expressed by a transitive verb with a negation ( do not notice errors, do not understand the issue );

b) if the action, which is expressed by the transitive verb, has the meaning of a part of the whole ( drink water );

c) when used with words, categories of state ( sorry, sorry - sorry for life, sorry for time ).

The supplement, which is expressed by the form of the accusative case with prepositions, as well as the forms of the remaining (indirect) cases with prepositions and without prepositions, is called indirect ( talk (what?) About the Motherland, cluttered (with what?) With books, rattling (with what?) Spoons, spend the summer (with whom?) at the grandmother ).

What questions does the adjective verbal and verbal answer

Supplement answers questions

When classifying according to a subordinate word, the following are distinguished: a verbal supplement ( listen to music, edit the manuscript ) and a proper supplement, which depends on a noun ( care for parents, choice of profession ) or an adjective ( praiseworthy, ready to go ).

What questions does the addendum answer and how it is expressed

Additions for a noun answer questions of indirect cases and are expressed:

a) by the parent of the object: reading a book, protecting the homeland ;

b) a genitive relationship with the manufacturer: the author of the book, the director of the plant ;

c) genitive content: verification of performance, purpose of the study ;

d) dative addressee: assistance to those in need, reply to the correspondent ;

what question does the supplement answer

e) instructive content: a portfolio with books, a can of water, math classes ;

e) satisfactory compatibility: tea with sugar, magazine with applications .

Which questions are answered by an addition combining two meanings

Additions in which two values ​​are combined are of a special nature:

1) attributive and object: a dream about a trip (a dream what? A dream about what?), A message about the negotiations, rumors of a fire, a report on the financial situation, memories of the past, a dream about the future, the case of the fisherman . Such constructions are called definitive additions;

2) object and circumstantial: the fish breathes with gills (what ?, how?); Spend a summer with relatives (from whom ?, where?); The first leaves appeared on the trees (on what ?, where?). Such constructions are called circumstantial additions.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C11064/

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