Football player Ksenia Kovalenko: biography, sports career, personal life

Future football player Ksenia Kovalenko was born on May 25, 1995 in the small Kazakh city of Aksu. From childhood, she was different from other girls in that she simply loved to drive the ball with the boys in the yard.

Despite the fact that football is considered primarily a male sport, little Ksenia Kovalenko absolutely was not lost during the game against the background of other guys.

Sports career

When Ksenia was 8 years old, she literally met on the street with her first coach - Svetlana Shalamova. That day can be called the beginning of the sports career of a famous football player.

In 2010, at the age of 15, Ksenia Kovalenko first entered the field as a player in the junior team. It was a friendly match against peers from Estonia, which ended with the score 3-1 in favor of Russia.

Two years later, Ksenia Kovalenko tried on the T-shirt of the youth team, playing against Turkey, and in 2016 she made her debut for the national team of Russia.

Another achievement of the young soccer player is interesting: she set the record for performance in the First Division, scoring 8 goals for her match in her Izmailovo club in one match.

Ksenia Kovalenko soccer player

Such a great game accelerated the career of a girl. Since the spring of 2016, Ksenia Kovalenko has been a football player playing for the most famous club in the country with the Russian woman, which she was able to break into the playoffs of the Women's Champions League.

Football experts speak well of the game of the 21-year-old soccer player. Among the positive qualities distinguish its mobility, mobility, as well as large volumes of running work. Most coaches agree that a brilliant football career awaits this talented girl in the future.

Extra-football life

In addition to sports, Ksenia Kovalenko leads a very active lifestyle. So, she spends a lot of time on social networks, where she uploads a lot of photos from training and everyday life, and also communicates with her friends and fans.

Ksenia Kovalenko

The girl is becoming increasingly popular: the number of her followers on Instagram and VKontakte is growing very rapidly.

Personal life

Ksenia Kovalenko, according to most fans, is one of the most beautiful players in the Russian team. She is often asked about her personal life, but the girl tries not to bring this topic to the general public. Only this year, Ksenia admitted that she has a boyfriend.

Among the achievements of the young beauty is getting into the rating of “Top 100 Sexiest Girls of the World”, published in 2014 by the men's magazine FHM.


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