The springs of history, or the meaning of the phraseology “sink into oblivion”

the meaning of phraseologism sink into oblivion
The Russian language is rich in figurative, vibrant, capacious expressions. Thanks to the widely developed lexical stratum, the presence of polysemantics, we are able to use not only individual words, but also use whole expressions in a figurative meaning. Russian phraseology is also based on the phenomena of polysemy. Its composition is enriched not only with primordial, but also with borrowed expressions.

Entry to the topic

Vocabulary as a section of linguistics is considered in conjunction with phraseology. She studies stable combinations of words that cannot be singled out or replaced by others without losing their general meaning. This leads to another distinguishing feature of these language units: their semantic content is determined entirely, without taking into account the individual meaning of each individual word. Therefore, they are called stable, as, for example, the meaning of phraseology “sink into oblivion” - i.e. disappear forever.

Origin and meaning

Origin of expression
Each idiom has its own story. Some of a native Russian origin, others appeared as a result of borrowings from other languages, came from literary sources, from history, even from science. So, the meaning of phraseology “sunk into oblivion” turns us to ancient Greek mythology. “Summer” is a toponym. That was the name of the Hellenic river flowing in the kingdom of Hades - the gloomy kingdom of the dead. Its waters are waters of oblivion. The Greeks believed that when the soul leaves the body, it rushes to the Styx, through which it enters its new abode. There she grieves and longs, tormented by the horrors of Hades. And only after drinking the water of oblivion, she finds some kind of ghostly peace. Why - explains the meaning of the phraseology "sink into oblivion." The soul forgets about that first earthly life. About the attachments inherent in her once. About joys and pleasures, about loved ones. Of course, it is bitter: to realize that not only will you never again see the white light and all those who made up the meaning of your being. It’s hard for both the dying and the one who sends him on his last journey. Therefore, in one word, the meaning of phraseology “sink into oblivion” can be expressed as follows: disappear forever, be forgotten and forget.

Phraseologism in the literature

sink into the meaning of phraseology
This expression is quite often found in literary texts - fiction and journalistic. Hesiod and Virgil belong to the primary sources - it was from their works that the expression became known. At first it was used in the literal sense, then it was revised. At present, the meaning of phraseology “sunk into oblivion” is associated not only with mythology, but also with works of fiction. Masterfully beats, for example, his Pushkin in Eugene Onegin. When Lensky prepares for a duel with a treacherous friend, he writes about himself in the third person: "And the memory of the young poet / Absorb the slow Summer." However, without knowledge of the ancient Greek culture and, in particular, mythology, not taking into account the origin of the expression “sink into oblivion,” the meaning of the modern native speaker is unlikely to be understood. Therefore, phraseologisms not only enrich our speech, make it more expressive, figurative, but also replenish our stock of education and broaden our horizons.

To the question of typology

sunk phraseology
But back to the classification phrase (linguistic term). They are divided into 3 groups depending on the degree of connectedness of words inside: fusion (idioms), unity, combination. The latter are a more free phenomenon, inside them the lexemes can be interchanged or even singled out - the meaning will not change. For example, if you say: “it was swallowed by Summer” instead of “sink into oblivion”, the meaning of phraseological units, in principle, will not change, it will remain clear and transparent. But if in the well-known expression “sit down”, one of the words is replaced, its meaning will lose its relevance, sharpness and figurative tone. From this it is clear that the phrase about galosh is more connected in lexical terms than about the river. Semantic cohesion is thus more characteristic of idioms and phraseological unity. In combinations, the variability of the components is possible.

Grammatical and syntactic aspects

According to the rules of grammar and punctuation, winged expressions are analyzed and disassembled as ordinary phrases. Their grammatical type depends on the main meaning of the word within the combination. “To sink into oblivion” is a verbal phraseology, since the main word in it is this part of speech. The thematic question is asked to the entire turnover as a whole, and not to each word individually. Those. sink into oblivion - what to do? In the same way, the entire phraseological unit, no matter how many units it consists of, is considered as one member of the sentence. For example: “The hour is not far off when all strife among nations, quarrels and bloodshed will sink into oblivion. A bright and good peace will reign on earth then. ” In the first sentence, phraseological unit plays the role of a predicate with the subject “quarrels, feuds, bloodshed”: quarrels (what will they do?) Will sink into oblivion. Therefore, emphasizing the terms of the sentence, the whole expression should be distinguished by two features. When indicating the part-word affiliation of the words above, the combination must be signed: “phraseologist.”

Here it is - Summer!


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