Collegial bodies are ... What is a collegial executive body

If the decision on the organization of work and the implementation of tasks is made by the partnership (group of officials or authorized persons) at the general meeting (meeting), then such management is called collegial. That is, collegial bodies are those bodies in which fundamental decisions are made on the basis of a majority vote of its members after preliminary discussion, taking into account all the comments made. With such management, control is exercised not by one person, but by a part of the partnership, each member of which has equal rights and bears personal responsibility.

collegial bodies are

The principle of collegiality is used in the work of all branches of government: legislative, executive and judicial. Political parties, commercial and non-profit organizations are guided by the same principle.

Causes of occurrence

Collegial bodies are authorities that were created in connection with the need to exclude various errors in the decision-making process. In addition , the need for collegiality is associated with other points:

  • with the vital need for the formation of legislative bodies and the judiciary;
  • that the interests of all parties be fully taken into account;
  • so that the executive bodies were not tempted to exercise arbitrariness and lawlessness.

That is, collegiality acted as a counterweight to unity of command and was a protective mechanism against the human factor.

collegially executive body


Legislative collegial bodies: Parliament, Senate or National Assembly; judicial: Council of Judges (Supreme Judicial Council), Higher Qualification Collegium of Judges; executive bodies: Cabinet of Ministers, Council of Ministers, Council of the Ministry, Municipal Council (executive body of local self-government); international collegial bodies: Council of Foreign Ministers of the CIS, North Atlantic Council.

The exception is the Armed Forces (in almost any country), the principle of activity of which is one-man management. Collegiality can take place (for example, in the form of meetings) , but is purely advisory in nature. In the Russian Armed Forces, the collegial body is only the Court of Officer Honor, which stands for the protection of the honor and dignity of officers. Members of this body work out certain decisions within their competence. The formation commander cannot influence the adoption of these decisions. He has only the opportunity to appeal them.

members of the collegial executive body

There are areas in which collegiality may not necessarily be expressed by the presence of a collective executive body. Solutions to problems are made at workshops organized as necessary. Such a system exists, for example, in education, healthcare, business, sports, as well as in religious management.

How the work is organized and what is the authority

How to build the activities of collegial bodies (CO)? What is included in the spectrum of their authority?

Duties of the collegial body:

  • to facilitate the interaction of the heads of various departments;
  • to inform the participants of the meeting about decisions taken in this situation;
  • clarify and improve methods for implementing decisions;
  • contribute to improving the personal relationships of members of the collegial executive body.

The functions of a collegial deliberative body (for example, an expert council, committee), which does not replace the work of expert experts, but supplements it:

  • study in depth any issue and present a conclusion on its essence;
  • coordinate actions to combine the knowledge of several specialists on a specific problem.

members of the collegial body

The activities of the collegial body, whose authority includes the adoption of final decisions, is relevant if there is no linear guide to perform this function or if he needs help in making particularly responsible decisions.

The work of the collegial authority that controls the decision-making process is aimed at different types of organizations:

  • strategy and policy (in general terms);
  • management and administrative activities;
  • the activities of performers who are involved in the implementation of approved decisions.

How is a final decision made?

A common decision is worked out through lengthy discussions, during which everyone comes to a common opinion (that is, the final decision is made by a simple majority of votes). The strategy of the majority is good in that it is quite simple and obvious. A minus is the fact that the minority remains unheard.

The documented general decision consists of two parts:

  • The first part is a statement of the fact of the existence of a particular issue, as well as an analysis of the situation that has arisen in connection with this.
  • The second part includes a list of measures that must be implemented to resolve the existing problems, with the obligatory indication of the responsible and the timing of their implementation.

The draft final decision can be written in advance, adjusted during the discussion, and then adopted at the meeting as a whole. The decision taken is reflected in the regulatory document (for example, in an order or order).

Inn of the collegial authority [1], collegial authority


The main advantages of the work of a collegial body:

  • the fact that a group of people works together (after all, collegial bodies are partnerships);
  • there is a clear coordination of all services;
  • various points of view on the same problem are discussed, as a result new ideas are born;
  • such work helps to create conditions for the training of young, novice leaders;
  • ensures the stability of the organization due to the fact that in the process of collaboration, managers are aware of the problems of services with which they have to contact.

collegial authority

Factors affecting the effective work of collegial bodies

To significantly increase the efficiency of the KO, you need to pay attention to some points:

  • The duration of the meeting should not be more than 45 minutes (1 academic hour). Do not go on about those who like to waste time.
  • It is necessary to prepare in advance a list of issues that will be submitted for discussion.
  • The productivity of the work largely depends on the number of participants: the size of the collegial group should not exceed 10 people (and be at least 5 people).
  • It is necessary to correctly prepare for the meeting: organize the distribution of regulatory documents, notify all interested parties about the date and time of the event.
  • Set the schedule of the meeting.

Executive Collegial Body

Fundamental aspects of the activities of the executive collegial body (KIO):

  • At the head of the KIO is the chairman.
  • Only an individual (non-legal) can be a member of the collegially executive body. Moreover, if he is not a member of the company, then he can take part in the meeting, having the right only to an advisory vote.
  • Decision making and organization of work are at the discretion of members of the collegial body.
  • All decisions are made by a majority vote, and if they are equal, the deciding vote belongs to the chairman.

collegial bodies are

  • Each member has the right to one vote.
  • If necessary, committees can be formed from among the members of the collegial executive body to deal with specific problems.
  • On the Board of Directors, KIO members should not constitute a majority in number.
  • The determination of the number of members of the collegial executive body depends on the total number of company employees: for example, with a staff of 30-40 people, the collegial body has up to 5 people.
  • The TIN of the collegial body includes the TIN of all founding members. This means that only after each of the founders has received its individual TIN, it is possible to compile a full TIN of the organization.
  • The duration of the existence of such an organ is 1-5 years. After this period, the powers may be extended either at a meeting of the board of directors or at a general meeting. At the same time, the approval procedure for the new composition may also pass.


So, collegial bodies are bodies whose work is to make objective and informed decisions regarding the activities of the organization. Collegiality, as well as the involvement of competent persons in the work, allows us to reduce errors to almost zero and bring the quality of decisions to a high level. In order to avoid abuse of authority, the functions and competence of each such body should be regulated by the Charter of the organization.


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