What to do to grow hair faster? We recall folk recipes with the most effective activators of hair growth.

What to do to grow hair faster? This question excites many women, because long and well-groomed hair is one of the most important components of beauty. Often, women's hair grows quickly to a certain length, and then noticeably slows its growth. In order to solve this problem, it is worth turning to the most proven method - folk recipes. So what makes hair grow faster? One of the best activators of hair growth is regular onion juice. Consider the masks in which it is contained.

  • Onion juice, certainly fresh, must be applied gently to the roots of the hair. On the whole head you need about 2-3 table. spoons. Wrap your head in a towel, after 40 minutes rinse your scalp and hair with shampoo (to completely eliminate the smell, perform the procedure for washing the hair 2 times). For the effectiveness of hair masks need regularity. The optimal repetition of medical procedures is 2 times a week, however if you make a mask 1 time per week, you will also quickly notice the effect you need. The mask, in addition to activating growth, prevents hair loss.
  • Grate the onion, then mix it well with honey. Onion gruel and honey are combined in a 4: 1 ratio. The mixture is applied to the roots of the hair, and washed off after an hour.
  • Take 2 tablespoons of freshly squeezed juice from onions and mix with 2 tables. tablespoons of castor oil. Wrap your head, wait 40 minutes, then rinse the mixture.

Many do not like it when the mask contains onion juice, because it has a fairly persistent smell. In order to avoid embarrassment, the mixture should be applied exclusively to the scalp, but in no case to the hair itself. This is most conveniently done with a medium-sized brush.

What do you need for hair to grow faster if you absolutely do not want to use onions? Another excellent growth activator is mustard powder. There are many variations of mustard hair masks, and here is one of the most effective:

  • 2 table. tablespoons of mustard powder mix with 2 tablespoons. tablespoons of hot water, add 1 egg yolk and 2 teaspoons of sugar to the mixture. Apply the mask to the hair roots, cover the head with cellophane or a hat, and then with a towel, rinse the mixture after an hour. For a quick effect, repeat the procedure 1-2 times a month. This recipe has several important nuances. Mustard must โ€œbakeโ€ the head, thereby enhancing blood circulation and activating the โ€œdormantโ€ hair roots. Not every producer mustard will cope with this task, it is also impossible to use an expired product, there is no sense in it. You may need to look for effective mustard powder on store shelves . The mask is applied only to the roots of the hair, as mustard dries the hair. No need to apply the mixture more than 2 times a month, otherwise instead of benefit, you can achieve the opposite effect.

You still haven't found for yourself what to do to make your hair grow faster? The third effective component that enhances hair growth is tincture of red pepper, which can be bought for mere pennies in any pharmacy. The mask is made simply:

  • 1 table. mix a spoonful of tincture of red pepper with 2 tablespoons. tablespoons of oil (olive or vegetable), warm the mixture to room temperature, apply to hair roots, and wait 20-25 minutes. Tincture of red pepper warms the scalp, causes increased blood circulation and nourishes the hair roots with useful vitamins. If during the procedure you do not feel a slight burning sensation, the next time you can experiment with the amount of olive oil in the direction of decrease.

And the last, but also effective and effective, component for hair growth is cognac. It is noble, leaves a pleasant smell, and is quite economical to use, because only a tablespoon of brandy is needed for the treatment mixture. Consider a simple, and very effective mask that enhances hair growth:

  • 1 table. a spoonful of brandy (you can use inexpensive) carefully mix with 1 egg yolk and 1 table. spoon of oil (you can use any vegetable, preferably olive). Leave the mixture for half an hour, then rinse. The mask, again, is applied only to the roots.

Addition. Most likely, in this article you finally found the answer to the question: "what to do to make hair grow faster?". For a good effect, without unpleasant consequences, I propose to read the following additions. If the mask contains the yolk of the egg, washing your hair should start with cool water, otherwise the egg will boil, and unpleasant lumps will remain on the hair. The application of each of the masks is recommended to be accompanied by a head massage. Massage should be done in circular motions of the fingertips. So you will improve blood circulation, and any mask will be much more effective. Itโ€™s better if you choose one activator component and make masks with it regularly, because regular hair care is the answer to the question โ€œwhat to do to make hair grow fasterโ€.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C11079/

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